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INAUSPICIOUS TIME OF OATH BY THE NEXT <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1:place>US</st1:place></st1:country-region> PRESIDENT

– a debate

The next US President shall take oath on <st1:date Year="2009" Day="20" Month="1">20<SUP>th</SUP> January, 2009</st1:date> – which is observed as inauspicious time as per Vedic / Indian system of electional (Muhurt) astrology. Discussion herein is based on Indian system (Nirayana - Sidereal system) of astrology.

The oath is generally taken around mid-day on 20<SUP>th</SUP> January when according to Indian system of astrology Aries 21º shall be rising, with Moon in 8<SUP>th</SUP> house (6º 15´ - Scorpio, Anuradha asterism); While the Jupiter (9º 33´ – combust), Mercury ( 6º 38 – is combust & retrograde) and Rahu are with the Sun ( 6º 49´) are in the 10<SUP>th</SUP> house. Mars lord of ascendant and 8<SUP>th</SUP> is in 9<SUP>th</SUP> house. There is exchange of 5<SUP>th</SUP> lord Sun and 10<SUP>th</SUP> lord Saturn. Venus is in 11<SUP>th</SUP> house. Exact time of oath taking and the astro details of the oath taker are not known, therefore divisional charts and beneficence of the for the individual are not discussed. However it is essential that the election time is universally auspicious with co-occurrence of Muhurt Yogas and Panchaga Shuddhi; in addition to beneficial time in respect of transits of planets & Dasha, to the individual taking oath.

The day is Tuesday – considered malefic for taking oath / coronation; and certainly before mid-day.10<SUP>th</SUP> Tithi is beneficial being Poorna, but the Moon is waning, and thus weak. Anuradha asterism is held as beneficial for oath ceremony but its Tara Bala (strength) & favourable transit for the individual is to be examined with respect to the person taking oath. Vishti Karan (Bhadra) is universally held as the most inauspicious for such ceremonies; and it gets further ferocious with concurrence of Tuesday. Presence of inauspicious Shula Yoga further adds to inauspiciousness. Thus four out the five elements of Hindu Panchanga four are not in favour.

There is no beneficial Yoga present on <st1:date Year="2009" Day="20" Month="1">20<SUP>th</SUP> January, 2009</st1:date> for auguring the said time as universally auspicious. Combination of 10<SUP>th</SUP> Tithi and Tuesday makes “Karkacha Yoga – an adverse Yoga. Concurrence of Tuesday and Anuradha asterism makes “Kuyoga” held as malefic. The Moon shall be in 24<SUP>th</SUP> asterism from that of the transiting Sun, causing “Upgraha Dosha” – adverse for especially for marriage, travel and house related elections. Thus there is no assistance from any special Muhurt Yogas, considered essential for a beneficial election.

In the election chart, the Moon is in 8<SUP>th</SUP> house – held as highly prohibited for initiating any beneficial activity. Thought its debilitation effects in 8<SUP>th</SUP> house gets cancelled, but shall have adverse effects on homes / houses, transport system and public in general of the country, with regards to their damage / destruction / losses. Retrograde & combust Mercury may cause severe adverse effects on communication systems, army, Government employees and servants. As per old Western school of thought in astrology, the Mercury being Cazimi, shall have beneficial effects. But Most of the modern followers do not agree with this old thought. Difference in their longitude is 0º 11´ 38˝, but some savior is that their declination is different. Retrograde planet especially Mercury is held by Western astrologers as certainly unfavourable in important elections. Lord of luck (9<SUP>th</SUP> house lord) Jupiter is combust and in the same Navamsha with the Sun; being functional malefic for Aries ascendant, may cause instability & disrepute to the ruler. Retrograde Saturn may breed some new unusual and unpleasant steps in diplomacy & governance; some of which shall be withdrawn at latter stages. Income, trade, wealth of the country shall certainly expand and flourish. Thus election chart does not augurs towards beneficence.

The detailed analysis can only be made after knowing the exact time of taking oath; but the above effects can be mitigated to some extent. From 12 hrs 0 min to 12 hrs 38 min, Abhijin / Abhijit Muhurt prevails, which has immense power to reduce / annihilate adverse effects – as per Vedic astrology. Further Mars as lord of the ascendant in 9<SUP>th</SUP> house is another beneficial aspect in the election chart. But in general the said time is not observed as auspicious for taking oath by the head of state of the most powerful country.

The purpose of this article is to trigger a discussion among the Muhurt astrologers (both from east & west) to examine the suitability of the oath time and possibility of recommending another suitable time, after thorough debate, getting benefits Vedic electional astrology which has withstood test of time for the last 5 millenniums. Muhurt (electional) astrology was originated in Vedic era, and is considered as the most useful branch of Hindu astrology. Of late westren astrologers have also started following it. But need of the hour is that remedial advice should be given in advance.


--- V K Shridhar



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<FONT face="Times New Roman"><B>INAUSPICIOUS TIME OF OATH BY THE NEXT ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comP><P><FONT face=– a debate

The next US President shall take oath on <st1:date Month="1" Day="20" Year="2009">20<SUP>th</SUP> January, 2009</st1:date> – which is observed as inauspicious time as per Vedic / Indian system of electional (Muhurt) astrology. Discussion herein is based on Indian system (Nirayana - Sidereal system) of astrology.

The oath is generally taken around mid-day on 20<SUP>th</SUP> January when according to Indian system of astrology Aries 21º shall be rising, with Moon in 8<SUP>th</SUP> house (6º 15´ - Scorpio, Anuradha asterism); While the Jupiter (9º 33´ – combust), Mercury ( 6º 38 – is combust & retrograde) and Rahu are with the Sun ( 6º 49´) are in the 10<SUP>th</SUP> house. Mars lord of ascendant and 8<SUP>th</SUP> is in 9<SUP>th</SUP> house. There is exchange of 5<SUP>th</SUP> lord Sun and 10<SUP>th</SUP> lord Saturn. Venus is in 11<SUP>th</SUP> house. Exact time of oath taking and the astro details of the oath taker are not known, therefore divisional charts and beneficence of the for the individual are not discussed. However it is essential that the election time is universally auspicious with co-occurrence of Muhurt Yogas and Panchaga Shuddhi; in addition to beneficial time in respect of transits of planets & Dasha, to the individual taking oath.

The day is Tuesday – considered malefic for taking oath / coronation; and certainly before mid-day.10<SUP>th</SUP> Tithi is beneficial being Poorna, but the Moon is waning, and thus weak. Anuradha asterism is held as beneficial for oath ceremony but its Tara Bala (strength) & favourable transit for the individual is to be examined with respect to the person taking oath. Vishti Karan (Bhadra) is universally held as the most inauspicious for such ceremonies; and it gets further ferocious with concurrence of Tuesday. Presence of inauspicious Shula Yoga further adds to inauspiciousness. Thus four out the five elements of Hindu Panchanga four are not in favour.

There is no beneficial Yoga present on <st1:date Month="1" Day="20" Year="2009">20<SUP>th</SUP> January, 2009</st1:date> for auguring the said time as universally auspicious. Combination of 10<SUP>th</SUP> Tithi and Tuesday makes “Karkacha Yoga – an adverse Yoga. Concurrence of Tuesday and Anuradha asterism makes “Kuyoga” held as malefic. The Moon shall be in 24<SUP>th</SUP> asterism from that of the transiting Sun, causing “Upgraha Dosha” – adverse for especially for marriage, travel and house related elections. Thus there is no assistance from any special Muhurt Yogas, considered essential for a beneficial election.

In the election chart, the Moon is in 8<SUP>th</SUP> house – held as highly prohibited for initiating any beneficial activity. Thought its debilitation effects in 8<SUP>th</SUP> house gets cancelled, but shall have adverse effects on homes / houses, transport system and public in general of the country, with regards to their damage / destruction / losses. Retrograde & combust Mercury may cause severe adverse effects on communication systems, army, Government employees and servants. As per old Western school of thought in astrology, the Mercury being Cazimi, shall have beneficial effects. But Most of the modern followers do not agree with this old thought. Difference in their longitude is 0º 11´ 38˝, but some savior is that their declination is different. Retrograde planet especially Mercury is held by Western astrologers as certainly unfavourable in important elections. Lord of luck (9<SUP>th</SUP> house lord) Jupiter is combust and in the same Navamsha with the Sun; being functional malefic for Aries ascendant, may cause instability & disrepute to the ruler. Retrograde Saturn may breed some new unusual and unpleasant steps in diplomacy & governance; some of which shall be withdrawn at latter stages. Income, trade, wealth of the country shall certainly expand and flourish. Thus election chart does not augurs towards beneficence.

The detailed analysis can only be made after knowing the exact time of taking oath; but the above effects can be mitigated to some extent. From 12 hrs 0 min to 12 hrs 38 min, Abhijin / Abhijit Muhurt prevails, which has immense power to reduce / annihilate adverse effects – as per Vedic astrology. Further Mars as lord of the ascendant in 9<SUP>th</SUP> house is another beneficial aspect in the election chart. But in general the said time is not observed as auspicious for taking oath by the head of state of the most powerful country.

The purpose of this article is to trigger a discussion among the Muhurt astrologers (both from east & west) to examine the suitability of the oath time and possibility of recommending another suitable time, after thorough debate, getting benefits Vedic electional astrology which has withstood test of time for the last 5 millenniums. Muhurt (electional) astrology was originated in Vedic era, and is considered as the most useful branch of Hindu astrology. Of late westren astrologers have also started following it. But need of the hour is that remedial advice should be given in advance.


--- V K Shridhar




I'm not sure I entirely agree with this. Yes moon debilitated in 8th house is terrible and will bring emotional pain and suffering.


But the most important houses in the chart are occupied (9,10,11). There is a mutual exchange between 5th and 10th lords, very auspicious, Lord of the Asc mars is in 9th house very auspicious, lord of 2nd is in 11th good for wealth, auspicious and the 10th house has 4 planets!


Now it's true that Jupiter is combust and debilitated not good at all as auspicious 9th lord.


So it's a mixed chart, Moon and Jupiter are not well placed the rest of the planets are more less well placed.


- Pablo

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