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Need advice to overcome mental fatique

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1) I am 37 year male and suffering from severe mental fatique for a long time.When I wake up in the morning , I feel lethargic,low in energy and whatever I do is slow.During the day I am slow in executing the tasks/activities at hand.Some simple tasks take longer time.Some

even week/month as I keep postponing/procrastinating it.Is this mental fatique,slow mental quickness is caused due to stomach problems like indigestion/improper digestion,low appetite,heaviness of stomach after food,constipation as I am suffering from them for a

long time.

What is the good medicine to improve/better digestion and appetite and overcome constipation ? I heard triphala is good , is it so ? Is there a better medicine than triphala for digestion/appetite/constipation ?

2) Also I am suffering from attention deficit(ADD/ADHD) as I am not able to

concentrate/focus on a particular task for a long time ( I can hardly concentrate for 5-10 minutes at a time, then I just walk around or start doing trivial things or indulge myself in listening music,net browsing etc just to escape from doing important things which is not helpful for me to complete my important tasks at hand).I become listless,waste time though

I know there are importants tasks at hand that needs to be completed on high priority.

Is this listlessness and attention deficit is caused due to improper/unhealthy

digestion/appetite,constipation problems?

Is shankpushpi is the good medicine for attention deficit and listlessness ? or any better medicine to overcome attention deficit and listlessness and improve focus and concentration ?

Also I have low memory , this makes my work much more difficult as I am not able to recollect/grasps the things quickly.Any medicine to improve memory and intellect ?

3) I am anxious type of person.when I start working on any important tasks, I feel nervous and feels that the outcome will be negative and this adds more to my anxiety.Also any confrontation/arguments with people/colleaques makes me anxious.Is there any good body

massage oil(or head massage oil ) to calm the nerves and bring peace to my mind ? is ksheerabala tailam is good to overcome anxiety or overactive nerves ?

4) Is there any particular chakra meditations and/or medical hypnosis for overcoming digestive problems,attention deficit,listlessness,anxiety or any yoigic asanas for above mentioned problems?



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De-tox is the Watch word!



You have listed so many ailments.

How can there be enough hours in the day to be so ill?


24 Hr per day = 8 hours of sleep and 16 hours awake.


Please list your daily diet you have routinely eaten during the 16 waken hours --for the past 7 years.


An adult consumes approx 2,000 Calories each day.


2,000 Calories each day is equal to approx 1 pound [approx 1/2 Kilogram] in weight.


A person can fit a day's worth of food into a large bowl. Not that voluminous is it?


I need this daily diet list [for the past 7 years] to help you 'De-tox'.


Your condition is an easy problem to clear-up --if you are a victim of really bad diet.


The totality of all your daily food intake must be "BENEFICIAL FOODSTUFF":


High volume of Proscessed Wheats, white Rice, Breads, Macaroni, Sweet Carbonated Drinks, Cakes & Pies, heated cooking Oil, Sugars, Animal Meats --MUST all be eliminated and be replaced with:


Raw Vegetables and Raw Vegetables juices & Soups.

Water must be filtered and purified, Ideally--nonetheless, Water consumption must be increased to a cup every hour of the day.


Your body is in an acidic state where only 'Ama' [putrification] is being cultured within the blood stream and tissues.


Massage of the limbs with a brush [massage in direction toward the heart].


Sweat must be induced to eliminate acid build-up.


Colon cleansing must be done Immediately! All 'ama' must be expelled. "Ama" is undigested food lodged in the intestine, leaking toxins into the three mains systems: Excretory, Digestive/metabolic, and, muscular/skeletal nervous systems.


Purificatory organs which are part and parcel of metabolic functions [ie: Liver, kidney, pancreas, Lymph glands] are over burdened and thus they have certainly lost all their stores of minerals needed to preform there functions [thus, digestive goals are not met]--therefore, inorder to re-stock-up the required stores of zinc, magnesium, potassium, b-Vitamins, etc., Alfalfa sprouts, wheatgrass juice or powder, Leafy green Veggies, Green-algae (ie: spiralina) --must all be consumed in large quantities over a long time.


A lack of appetite is your body automatically (sub-consciously by dint of its survival instinct) is warding off food intake because your lack of enzymes [derived from vitamin & Minerals via real raw-like veggy sources] to digest the food--so you must De-tox & infuse your body with the lost vitamin & Minerals --all while stopping all bad habits.


PS: You may be directly or in-directly drinking poisoned water(s) and or bad air --if you live near an industrial area.

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Dear freind JOsh

I had heared your problems and they are not seems to be very big.. there many medicines and herbs in Ayurveda to over come your problem..

as you mentioned about triphala,, yes its nice virechan ( disgestion) churna but now a day as pollutions.. is increasing the quality and effect of herbs are decreasing ,, what mentioned in charak about churna and Ayurveda drugs are golden words but do u think the quality of ancient times drugs is same as today.. so by only taking triphala tablets can be cure for your problems..

thre is slok mentioned in charak..

nishantay cha piwait dugdham'

bhojnantay cha pawait paya..

diwantay cha pwait jalam..

vaidyayasaya kim prayojnam..

the meaning is..

after dinner before sleeping need to drink luke warm water.. and after lunch butter milk and as early morning when u woke up and drink normal water 500ml-1ltr daily,, u wont need to advice for doctor any vaidyas. u will be fit and fine..

as per as ur problem number 1--

you can findout out.


shodhit haritki churna 30%

Yavchar 10%

swat parpati10%

Hingwastakchurna 30%

Madhur char 10%


mix all those churna together to form one compound and take 8gm twice a day after taking lunch dinner..


also when u feel constipation just before sleeping add 2-3 tea spoon cow gheek in luke warm milk mix it and drink it.. it will help u alot..


2- i will advice before taking any Ayurveda medicine and therapy..

just take 4-5 tea spoon castor oil add in cup of sweet luke warm milk drink it and after that cup of milk drink one more cup or 500ml of sweet warm milk.. next day early in morning you will have 2-3 times motion that makes ur stomach, ur digestion system and every thing cleansance and u wont be effective by constipation atleast one months..

after that castor oil u can take those Ayurveda compounds

but Ayurveda therapy works for system not for symtpoms so please be puntual about ur diet and ur daily routine to get completly rid of this problem..

also regarding to your problem number 2-3 both are inter related,, and again for perticularly only brahmi thre wont be any effect in ur mental level.

the best for your increasing mental lever ,, or stress and anexity every thing will be completly cured by taking this..


brahimi vati, churna 15%

shankhpushpi 15%

jatamansi 15%

aswagandha churna 25%

sharaswat churna. 25%

bringraj churna 15%


take 8gm twice a day with normal drinking water morning and evening u will got 100% guranteed releif..


also you can do one things..

just find out Brahmi rasayan any near by Ayurveda store ..of good company ( just avoid dabur) take 1 -tea spoon with cup of milk twice a day.. that will very much indeeded for u .. in that Brahmi rasayan it consists.. brahmi, aswagandha, jatamansi, amwala (that will good for digestion) ..

i belives in my own compounds and my own preparaton for drugs so i didnt mentioned u any pateint medicine,,

so every answer of your problem in this email and if u have still any doubt u can mail me any time..


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