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sasikiran ji please help me

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i was born on 9-9-1977 6 AM in hyderbad and my husband on 14-11-1975 7 PM in hyderbad, we were married in april 18 2008. After my marriage i came to know that he is already having a girl friend and married me only because of his parents force. i love him somuch, but he wants to divorce me. Wil we reunite?i dont want to go for second marriage and i and 3 months pregnant now.please help me

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Oom gurubhyo namah




dear smt.karuna_chintha,


pray sridurga daily after lighting a lamp.

fast on tuesdays from sunrise to sunset. donate a food packet

to a needy person. since you are pregnant, you may take liquids

during fasting. both of you are running bad periods and hence



may mother bless all




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Dear Mrs.Chintha,

If he had a girl-friend why the hell did he marry you if he wants to divorce u now? I dont think anyone who marries just for parent's wishes divorce their wife to marry their girl-friend when he could have done this thing before as well and convinced his parents to accept his girlfriend as his wife. Something seems to be wrong somewhere. You can suit a case of cheating against him and ask for a fat compensation as a punishment for playing with your life. Let him also prove his stand in the court. For some reason some women as well as men, try to pull on with a empty relationship for social reasons. Its like playing roles in a movie before the society when the inside story is something else.

Best wishes.


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  • 2 weeks later...

om gurubhyo namah




dear smt.karuna chintha


since you said your husband is moving away from you, simple

parihara based on upapada lagna was suggested.


you have asked " will we reunite ? ". does this mean that both of

you are not living together under the same roof now ?


for you part, move with him kindly . mercury , the dasa lord and

moon the antar lord are not placed well in your chart.


may mother bless all





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