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iam in a lot of confusion...............

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i got married before 4 years.till we dont have baby.i have tubal block.so doctor advices me to go for test tube.but the chances r very less and advised me to adopt.but i dont have any idea to adopt.do i have a baby ?

my dob is 5.11.1979 and my birth time is 11.30a.m at dharmapuri

my husbands dob is3.11.1979 and the time is 1.45.a.m.at dharmapuri.

im in alot of confusion........please help me to decide whether to go for test tube baby or to keep silence having faith in god.

im new to this forum............

please help somebody..........

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks a lot Hindusthani sir for your reply.I will definitely do the parihar what you told.But it would be really really great if someone looks into our chart and let us know when can i expect our baby?we have been waiting for nearly four years patiently.The second medical report shows a bright ray of hope.I still believe its a miracle.Anyone of the great souls who are doing service here, please analyse our chart.

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First of all let me make thing clear that I am NOT an astrologer but here I give you some old tips which our elders used to follow.

You please take 10 nos of black grapes in the night,these graps you should sock in water around 6 pm and after 4-5 hours eat them,in the morning when you getup take 2 pieces of Elaichi on empty stomach and wait for 15 minutes before you take any food(even tea or coffee).


Stop trying for a child atleast for 1 month(hope you get me),observe strict decipline-you and your partner both.


After 1 month start the mission and hopefully you will have a good news,

I wish you both all the best.

PS:-Once you get the good news you should not stop taking black grapes and elaichi,carry on till the 3rd month of pregnancy.



Thanks a lot Hindusthani sir for your reply.I will definitely do the parihar what you told.But it would be really really great if someone looks into our chart and let us know when can i expect our baby?we have been waiting for nearly four years patiently.The second medical report shows a bright ray of hope.I still believe its a miracle.Anyone of the great souls who are doing service here, please analyse our chart.
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Thanks a lot hindusataniji.I am much grateful to you.I know that you are not an astrologer.I have been visiting this forum for some recent days.But it would be great if someone looks into our chart and let me know when can i conceive?It will console me.As per my first medical report i have lost my confidence and thats why i started the topic as such.But in my second medical report they gave me a different answer and i am much surprised by hearing to that.I want to hear the astrological fact of my conceiveing possibilities which would give me a great relief.So Please someone let me know when will i have my kid by analysing our charts.

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Dear Hindustaniji,i am much much obliged to you.I am touched by your request for the sake of me.thanks a lot.Deepaji,This Dharmapuri is located in Tamilnadu.Here's the detail- 12º 33’North latitude and 78º 40’ East longitude.If you want to send any private messages please find my personal email address meena-kamu@hotmail.com

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No need to thank me or anyone,we are just puppets and if I help you that means you must have helped me in purva janam,its a cycle and we got to ride on it,simple.Don't worry everything will be in place,trust God and leave all worries on side.Good luck again.


Dear Hindustaniji,i am much much obliged to you.I am touched by your request for the sake of me.thanks a lot.Deepaji,This Dharmapuri is located in Tamilnadu.Here's the detail- 12º 33’North latitude and 78º 40’ East longitude.If you want to send any private messages please find my personal email address meena-kamu@hotmail.com
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Dear Meenakshi,


How sure are you of your EXACT birth time? Your horoscope changes with a difference of 7.5 minutes!


In your husband's chart Saturn and Rahu in lagna are causing a situation which does not give progeny. Since you seek jyotish help, I would like you to get 1,27,000 mantra japa of Shani Mantra done by some local shani mandir pundits, preferably at home and in the presence of your husband. Its even better if he can get a navgaraha homam done as some planets are causing problems to his reputation and financial status as well - especially in the year 2009-2010.


Alongside, sanatana gopala homam is a very blessed puja performed for aiding in conceiving.


There is no such thing as - leaving it to God. You have to sensibly and intelligently make all efforts possible.


Best Wishes


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Dear Madam,

I will recommend something more suitable for Tamil people and can be done very easily in any place in Tamilnadu.

Do not over worry about vedic astrological jargon, curse, the technicalities of planetary configuration or justification of child bearing problem.

Let us move on:


Buy 2 small idol of 5 head snakes.

Buy 2 smal glasses (for water)

Buy a small plate to place the 2 idol and 2 small glasses

Buy 2 japa mala (108 beads or 54 beads) .It can be even thulasi malas not necessary Rudraksha malas.

Commencing next Tuesday for another 48 days, pray to Lord Rahu and Lord Ketu by placing the 2 idol plus 2 glasses of water in that small plate. Change water everyday. After the usual prayer, start chanting "Om Rahuve Namaha" & "Om Ketuve Namaha" 108 times each by using japa malas by both husband and wife. Before start chanting pray with your heart your wishes about getting child. This thing should be done by husband and wife together. During this 48 days, either you or both of you will have snake vision in your dream or even able to see snakes around you. This is a good omen, take it positively. On 49th day, give that 2 idols to Nageswary temple and throw the plate, glasses and 2 japa malas into running water ( river).

2nd thing is, both of you must visit Nageswary Goddess temple every Tuesday and offer eggs to goddess. As usual pray for wishes before offering. This both of you do till you get success.


3rd thing is every "Poornima", both of you visit Goddess Nageswary and offer milk by carrying around. As usual pray for wishes before circumambulating Goddess.

Many people have done these and got their wishes. You and your husband must believe and put in some effort and time before can get result.


Another thing, I cannot send mail to the address given by you ( rejected by system).


Best of luck,

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I am sufferening with spastic colon from more than 10 years before to this I had suffered with severe and acute amibiosis for

three years later on I got this problem. It is threatining my life with the fllowing complications

1)stagnating gas and fecal matter near sigmoid colon area

2)colon is getting expand especially while going to stools and when sever gas accumulation is there.

3)Alway uneasy ness with bloating,dull pain,heavy ness and some times with inexplicable pains some how I am alway suffering

in that area(desending clon(near sigmoid and rectum)) I tried with all the treatments like

Allopathi,homeo,naturopahy,accupuncture and I am taking ayurveda from 8 years continuosly but still it did not get cure and

I am suffering

Please advise me permnent curable medicines

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I am sufferening with spastic colon from more than 10 years before to this I had suffered with severe and acute amibiosis for

three years later on I got this problem. It is threatining my life with the fllowing complications

1)stagnating gas and fecal matter near sigmoid colon area

2)colon is getting expand especially while going to stools and when sever gas accumulation is there.

3)Alway uneasy ness with bloating,dull pain,heavy ness and some times with inexplicable pains some how I am alway suffering

in that area(desending clon(near sigmoid and rectum)) I tried with all the treatments like

Allopathi,homeo,naturopahy,accupuncture and I am taking ayurveda from 8 years continuosly but still it did not get cure and

I am suffering

Please advise me permnent curable medicines

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Dear Madam,


If you folllow, what has been recommended by me( not actually by me but remedy which has been followed by many with high success rate).


Here we are talking about full summision to almighty. So do not worry about the change of lagna and so on.


The proof is in the pudding.


Best of luck.

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dear meenakshi,


it seems your husband was born on the day saturn moved from leo to virgo. Good for him! Jupiter in lagna is a great great placement! For Rahu, he must do appropriate remedies. The problems of money do not show in this corrected chart - there are good dhana yogas here. yet, he is advised to read aditya hrudyam stotra and get a Rahu Shanti done. Since lagna is in Magha, Ketu will not harm your married life. He has no denial of children in his chart :)


Best Wishes


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