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Herbs For More Effective Meditation

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Herbs For More Effective Meditation

Need a mental tune up before you meditate? You can invite nature’s subtle intelligence in your Meditation practice with some of Your Ayurveda’s mind enhancing herbs. You may find that using these herbs will help you overcome anxiety lethargy and chatter that can surface in the mind during meditation. As you consider the short list below, choose the herbs that offer you the benefits with the strongest appeal and experiment with taking it daily. Later u can try combination herbal formula as herbs often have a synergistic effect when taken in concert. Yogies use herbs to help prepare their mind for meditation for ages. Now you can too..

BRAHMI : The brain tonic

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The Sanskrit name is loosely translated in the yoga of herbs as that which gives knowledge of Brahimin or supreme reality,” this herbs promote mental calm and claerity while improving memory and concentration. According to Frawley and lad, Brahmi helps awaken the crown charka and balance the right and left Hemisphere of the brain. Add ½ tea spoon of Brahmi powder to a cup of hot water and then add honey to taste and drink just before your meditation Practice.

SHANKHA PUSHPI :The Mind Rejuventor

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According to Frawley and Lad, Shankha pushpi enhances overall intelligence and creativity by increasing ancient treatise on Ayurveda the Charak Samhita reports that the herb promotes learning memory and recall , making it a favorable meditation aid. Prepare an infusion by mixing ½ teaspoon of the powder dered herb in a cup of hot water.

JATAMAMSI :The mental soother

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For an anxious, agitated mind, Jatamamsi can soothe your nerves. This Himalayan native herb has similar calming properties to its relative valerian, but with out the dulling effects its also a powerful brain tonic and memory booster. Boil 1 tea spoon of Jatamamsi in 1+ cup of milk for five minutes and drink in the morning.

HIBISCUS :The Devotion Potion

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The Sanskrit name of Hibiscus is Japa, literally means “ Mantra Repetition”

Frawley and lad write that the delicate flowers of this plant “ strength devotion in Japa make Mantras Fruitful and enhance attention in meditation, set ¼ ounce of flower in 1 pint of cool water and drink cup of this refreshing summer tea to encourage devotion to your spiritual practice


brain tonic herbs.doc

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  • 2 months later...

Dear chong ji

Dreaming is not any disorder according to Ayurveda in day dreaming or in night dreaming is process and u know about the defination of dream..

in ayurveda when ur all senses got relaxed and person got sleep and what happening with her life come in vision during deep sleep and that is called defination.

got it..


adwait tripathi

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