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Effect of Yogas formed by Malefics

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Hello Everyone,


How are the effects of yogas formed by malefics? Is it negative or yogas don't have much to do with the planet being benefic or malefic.


Like if Hamsa Maha Purush yoga (Jupiter exalted or in own sign) is formed, but Jupiter is a malefic for the birth ascendent, then what is the outcome of the yoga?


Also if kaal sarp yoga is formed in a chart, but Rahu and Ketu are benefically placed, then what are the outcomes?




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Hello Everyone,


How are the effects of yogas formed by malefics? Is it negative or yogas don't have much to do with the planet being benefic or malefic.


Like if Hamsa Maha Purush yoga (Jupiter exalted or in own sign) is formed, but Jupiter is a malefic for the birth ascendent, then what is the outcome of the yoga?


Also if kaal sarp yoga is formed in a chart, but Rahu and Ketu are benefically placed, then what are the outcomes?





Hamsa yoga is always good. It would be better if Jupiter lords auspicious houses but still it is always good.


I know someone with Capricorn lagna with Jupiter in 7th exalted and only cause some minor problems in relationships but for the most part is auspicious with much wealth, spirituality and opportunity in life.


Kala Sarpa yoga is a totally different thing. It is difficult, makes the native live a strange but interesting life. There can be wild fluctuations in fortune.


The film director Francis Ford Coppola has Kala Sarpa yoga and has made millions in film and lost millions as well.


I believe there are Yajnas you can do for kala sarpa yoga. Sometimes you can wear Gomedha stone but you must first have your chart checked by professional astrologer.


- Pablo

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Thnx for the insight Pablo.


Now say if a strong raj yoga is formed in a chart, and the planets forming the raj yoga are all malefics, in this situation will the raj yoga get cancelled or the impact would be less.





Yogas are based on house lords not the natural indication of planets.


An example:


1st case) Let's say a Taurus ascendant has Jupiter in Gemini and Mercury in Pisces. This would be a strong yoga for wealth as the 2nd and 11th lords are in mutual reception.


2nd case) Let's say a Capricorn lagna has Mars in Aquarius and Saturn in Scorpio, same yoga!


The difference is that in the 1st case the yoga would manifest easily (debiliated mercury wouldn't be such a problem) and the person gets wealth gracefully and quickly.


In the second case the wealth will not come so easily and the person may have to work hard. The yoga would manifest more slowly with obstacles to overcome.


Still ,wealth is pretty certain in both cases.

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