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Career change - please advice

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I would first of all like to say that I'm very impressed & inspired with the advice given in this site. It is wonderful that you have taken time to help those who are in need of your expertise and I thank you all for this.

I am in need of your advice regarding career.

I am holding good govt job in India but am in USA (on leave) as my husband is posted here. My superiors are creating lot of problems for granting leave. If I return, my family will be here and I will be seperated from them. Even if we all return, my husband will be posted in different city as there is also the issue of being posted in remote areas - this is creating tension also. I have been advised that these problems/tensions this is due to Rahu-Ketu problem. One reading also indicated Kaal-Sarp Yoga.

I would greatly appreciate your advice on -

1. Career change - I am thinking of further study in USA and then getting job in pvt. sector. This way I have better chances of keeping the family together (husband+children in same place). As I'm holding good post in India, I'm worried if this is the right decision to make. Will I be successful & get good post in pvt. sector? Should I make this change? (my DOB:7/4/1973 time : 00:38 place: bangalore, India).

2.For career change, which area is suitable (I'm thinking of MBA).

3. Are there any chances of returning to India/ will we settle in USA. If we return in 4-5 years time, what are the career prospects in India ?

4. My husband is also thinking of job change in USA soon - what is your suggestion & when should he apply for new job (his DOB: 26/6/1970; & time 23:03 place: delhi, India). Are there any good Muhurthas for him based on his horoscope in next few days to apply?

5. Are there any remedies for me/ my husband to follow - kindly suggest. Any other yogas in the horoscope which I am not aware of & what is the effects?


Apologise for the long post, but wanted to give all facts.

Kindly help us with your valuable advice for which we will be very much greateful. Thank you.

Jaiguruji !

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  • 1 month later...



I would first of all like to say that I'm very impressed & inspired with the advice given in this site. It is wonderful that you have taken time to help those who are in need of your expertise and I thank you all for this.

I am in need of your advice regarding career.

I am holding good govt job in India but am in USA (on leave) as my husband is posted here. My superiors are creating lot of problems for granting leave. If I return, my family will be here and I will be seperated from them. Even if we all return, my husband will be posted in different city as there is also the issue of being posted in remote areas - this is creating tension also. I have been advised that these problems/tensions this is due to Rahu-Ketu problem. One reading also indicated Kaal-Sarp Yoga.

Your's is a really peculiar problem and in my personal opinion, it will be unwise to simply throw a solution. First, You need to make a choice what is more important for you in the given circumstances; whether the family can adjust the separation or otherwise, what is the opinion of your husband - whether he will be able to deal with the seperation needed for your professional security or he just want you to be by his side at any cost. Astrologically, there are indications of professional problems in the charts of both of you i.e. you and your husband. Though, your chart is somewhat more strong on professional matters as against the chart of your husband. Therefore, you need to decide it on the basis of following factors:


1. The chart of your husband is quite good on marital happiness which means that he is likely to be a good husband (even if you say that there are some troubles in your married life - he still appears to be a caring and dependable person). It also means that he may not like the separation. You can try observing his reactions on the issue for your personal confirmation.

2. The chart of your husband is not much good for professional matters and does indicates lot of changes. He may find it difficult to face the professional challenges (in the light of his very sophisticated social nature) if he is left alone to deal with. But natural, if you choose your professional aspects over the marital aspect of living together; he has to deal with all the professional tensions alone.

3. Your chart is slightly better and during the period between March 2011 to mid Sept 2013; you can enjoy some strong and good professional results. And till Feb 2011, even you have to struggle for your professional settlement.

4. Your chart does indicate some problems in married life; therefore, there may be problems (though not much severe) whether you choose to live with your husband or choose to be separated for a while for your professional growth and development.


So, you have to make a choice at your own so that you can implement effectively. You two should sit together and take a decision which suits both of you. As regard to professional settlement of your husband, I will suggest him to think twice before taking any such step of changing his job.



I would greatly appreciate your advice on -

1. Career change - I am thinking of further study in USA and then getting job in pvt. sector. This way I have better chances of keeping the family together (husband+children in same place). As I'm holding good post in India, I'm worried if this is the right decision to make. Will I be successful & get good post in pvt. sector? Should I make this change? (my DOB:7/4/1973 time : 00:38 place: bangalore, India).

2.For career change, which area is suitable (I'm thinking of MBA).


3. Are there any chances of returning to India/ will we settle in USA. If we return in 4-5 years time, what are the career prospects in India ?

4. My husband is also thinking of job change in USA soon - what is your suggestion & when should he apply for new job (his DOB: 26/6/1970; & time 23:03 place: delhi, India). Are there any good Muhurthas for him based on his horoscope in next few days to apply?

5. Are there any remedies for me/ my husband to follow - kindly suggest. Any other yogas in the horoscope which I am not aware of & what is the effects?


Apologise for the long post, but wanted to give all facts.

Kindly help us with your valuable advice for which we will be very much greateful. Thank you.

Jaiguruji !

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  • 9 months later...

Thank you very much for the advice, I really appreciate it - sorry for the late post...

I would apprecite some advice on the career of my husband in the next few months - dob- 26 June 1970, place - delhi, time-23:03hrs. are there any concerns & remedies for the same - gemstone/pooja, etc.

I was told we need to do venus pooja & nakshatra pooja for him, due to weak venus...could you please give us your advice on this. Thank you again for all your help & jaiguruji.

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