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How to Advance in Spiritual Conciousness (based on the proven 12 steps from AA)

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(This is based on the 12 Steps by AA.)





Admit that you are powerless and that your life had become unmanageable.(I'm in maya and think myself to be in KRSNA)

Believe that a Power greater than yourself could restore you to sanity.(KRSNA)

Make a decision to turn over your will and your life to the care of God, as you understand Him.(KRSNA)

Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of yourself.(Thorougly honest)

Admit to God, to yourself, and to another human being the exact nature of your wrongs.(reveal your heart and mind to Guru)

Be entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.(anartha-nivritti)

Humbly ask Him to remove your shortcomings.(KRSNA carries what you lack and preserves what you have)

Make a list of all persons you had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.(Apologize)

Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

Continue to take personal inventory and when you are wrong promptly admit it.(You're just a conditioned soul)

Seek through prayer and meditation to improve your conscious contact with God as you understand Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.(Chant Hare KRSNA!)

Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, try to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all your affairs.(Preach!)


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tel me one thing...does srila prabhupada mention anywhere Himself that kirtan is equal,in terms of cleansing the mind,to smaran ?


''Smaran manera praan''

''ananta janma kare kirtan shravan tabhu na mile krsna prem dhan.''

....doesnt Bhagvan Mahaprabhu say that ?

I am NOT TRYING TO DISPROVE ANYTHING.it is an honest query

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tel me one thing...does srila prabhupada mention anywhere Himself that kirtan is equal,in terms of cleansing the mind,to smaran ?


''Smaran manera praan''

''ananta janma kare kirtan shravan tabhu na mile krsna prem dhan.''

....doesnt Bhagvan Mahaprabhu say that ?

I am NOT TRYING TO DISPROVE ANYTHING.it is an honest query posted by ranjeetmore


Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu-bindu Srila Vishvanatha Cakravarti Thakura.


(34) anga Japa (utterance of the holy name and mantras).


In the Bhakti-sandarbha (276), Srila Jiva Goswami has said,


" tatra nama-smarana - harer nama param japyam dhyeyam geyam nirantaram. kirtaniyanca bahudha nirvritti bahudhec-chata. iti javali samhitady anusarena jneyam. nama smaranan tu suddhantahkaranatam apeksate. tat sankirtanac-cavaram iti mule tu nodaharana spastata."


In the Javali Samhita the process of nama-smarana has been described in the following way. Those who are desirous of obtaining unlimited varities of spirirtual bliss should always perform japa, meditation (dhyana), singing (gana), and kirtan of the topmost names of Hari. But in the practice of nama-smarana one cannot obtain spiritual bliss as long as the heart remains impure. Whereas the practice of nama-sankirtana does not depend on purification of the heart. Therefore nama-smarana is less effective than nama-sankirtana, and nama-sankirtana has greater importance .... purport BVNM

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Completely sober 9+ years now. by sanatana

Good santana prabhu...


I am realizing on this path of healing that surrender becomes very relevant (the more we awaken to the depth of conscious awareness). It is the way..... my friends who have kept drinking are beginning to suffer greatly missing that soul gift (of the human spirit soul). The vision does not develop it seems (that is what I have found with intoxicant abuse).


This gift of consciousness and awareness of the environment is the greatest gift, and we can only pray that we all realize that.


In fact all that we perceive outwardly is our healer and teacher...drawing us to love of God...on the way home...


enjoy life (force)-krsna caitanya... my friend... http://www.oidatherapy.org/download.htm#oida_manual


'How to Advance in Spiritual Conciousness' posted by krsna dasa

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