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Pls help me

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Hello everyone,


I am having a really tough time since my breakup in December 2007 to my ex-partner who initiated the breakup. I have been able to identify the problem and am working very hard to rectify it both through spirituality and self help books but being a human it is difficult to keep sanity! My date of birth and place details are 22/01/1979 16:40, Ranchi, Bihar. I am living in UK (London) at the moment since October 2002.


Of what people have seen, during the breakup I was running Sani>Mangal and in my birth chart I have Mangal and Sun in 8th house from Lagna sthan making me strong Manglik. Even though my ex isn't Manglik we had very good understanding on every level, we did have a few differences in opinion but that is a normal part of any love life. Now I am running Sani>Rahu, in my birth chart, Sani and Rahu are placed in 3rd house, will we have any chances of reuniting? Please help!


Really appreciate your help.


Many thanks.

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Dear Lav,


Yes indeed! You have a great chart. You are blessed with an intelligent mindset and have all the skills one needs to achieve results. Your mind works dearie. And Rahu is well placed - could really give beginnings and rejuvenation.


But do something for Venus - lord of happiness and romance in 6th house in scorpio. Shukra doesnt like vrishcika and 6th house is it marana karaka sthana.


You may like to regularly donate white eatables (milk) on fridays.


Give charity towards wedding of a poor girl.


Best Wishes


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Dear Deepaji,


thank you for your response, I will definately do as you suggest :), could you also please let me know if I will be able to get married soon? It is very strange but the thought of marraige never occoured to me until Feb this year. Till the last year I was always thinking of getting married after crossing my 30s, but for the past few months I am constantly thinking about marriage.


My interest in spirituality, human psychology and astrology has also increased. I have had relationship problems earlier in my life and one could argue that my current situation has given me inclination towards this subject however, as mentioned I have been in this situation before and my response was not as it is now. Do planet movements impact this as well?


Many thanks once again.

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