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What exactly is Pitru Dosha?

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How is it defined? A curse of the ancestors? I have had some very strange things happen regarding my grandfather (he has passed on) that make me wonder if I have it.


One time at a job in Las Vegas all of a sudden everyone started complaining of this aweful smell coming from my cubicle and I smelled it too.


I am a very clean person so I didn't understand. No garbage, no mess, clean carpet, everything.


But it smelled exactly like my grandfather used to smell, this kind of moth-ball/sour smell, was very distinct.


Nobody could figure out what it was. 2 days later I was fired for some trivial matter.


It makes me wonder. Astrologically, what constitutes Pitru Dosha?

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Strange Incident.


As far as my research on internet revealed, its not just another dosha which can be described in one line. Although its true that this dosha is related to ancestors and/or parents unhappiness with the native.

Deepa suggested me that USRJi is the best person here in this forum who has eminent knowledge about Pitru Dosha.


Lets hope to hear something from him.

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