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Request for Help from Gyani people here

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Namaste,this is my 1st post in this beautiful forum.

I recently bought beautiful 14 Mukhi Rudraksha because I am Lord Shiva's devotee and would love to wear it from tomorrow onwards i.e from Monday.


I am zero in astrology so seek a help from experts here,once one Jyotishi said to me that do not wear Neelam else my wife may get ill.Saturn perhaps a strong planet in my horo so he being a friend he cautioned me during my meeting with him 15 days back and said someone may advise you to wear Neelam but you should avoid it fully. I came to know that 14 Mukhi is known as devamani and ruling plant is saturn for it so if I wear it will there be any problem like Neelam?


I am confused so kindly reply to this query of mine.Being Monday tomorrow I have a plan to wear this beautiful Rudraksha from tomorrow onwards.My feeling says that Go ahead and wear this holy Rudraksha and receive blessings from Lord Shiva by this devamani.:)


Om Namo Bhagwate Rudraya.

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I have also asked a few questions on Rudraksh and have done some intesive search on this subject. I have worn a 5 Mukhi now for 10 years that was given to me by some one. It has helped me immensly. My blood pressure has never been beyond 80/120 and my confidence level has been up.


Rudraksh from what I understand can never have any adverse impact. And the most important thing is to follow the inner voice that you have. If the inner voice is prompting you to do so then go ahead. Any type of Rudraksh will not have a negative impact. A good substitue for the 14 faces is 7 faces. They both will do the same work.


Monday will be a great day. Go to the temple and request the Priest to energize the Rudraksh and then wear it.


People will have all sorts of rules for Rudraksh but one has to understand that we live in a homely life therefore we find it diffisult to follow rules. But some of the ones that you should follow are that you should avoid Tamsic food - Meat, Eggs and Drinking. Also not to wear it during the bowel movements.


On the other hand I have never taken my mala off and the family doctor always tells me that he needs to research what i am wearing.


All the best and Jai Sri Ram

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Dear Ashok

Can't expect a better reply that this !

Yes I fully agree on your points of Rudraksha,they are the holiest substance available on earth without any doubt.Those who wear them while reciting mantras and affection towards the supreme god Shiva-go to shivaloka and win all the bettles in life.

Har Har Mahadev,

Jai Shri Ram dear Ashok,will do as you have advised,thanks a tonn and may god bless you and yours.:pray:

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Namaste Deepaji

Indeed I am lucky because

I a member of this devine forum and getting advises from learnt person like you,I am lucky because I got what I dreamed in my student life,time has taught me not to complain to god for what I don't have but thank him for what I have and he gave to me with his holy kindness toward me and all other living creatures.

I purchased it from our Rudraksha Ratna after a long search on net I found many vendors but finally opted RR to buy this devine Rudraksha.Today is the most important day in my life(reason I have mentioned in my above msg),about my feelings after wearing 14 mukhi--- well well well there is no doubt for the power of Rudrakshas and those who wear them are getting blessings from Lord Shiva .Will surely write on my experence but honestly speaking it is a proven fact that wearer gets devine feelings after wearing it.

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Is Rudraksh Ratan the best place to buy genuine Rudraksh ? I was planning to go to Delhi in a few monhs. Are there any genuine shops in Delhi or Mumbai or areas around them. Please advise.


Also I had a gentleman respond here and suggest that I try Rudraksh from Nepal website. There prices are cheaper on that site then the RR but not sure how genuine they are. Can you please advise.


Although I have been wearing a 5 mukhi mala now for over 10 years I was wanting to buy a Kantha mala from 2 to 14. I never could afford it previously.


Please advise if this is the right thing to do.



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Dear Ashokji

I have purchased Rudraksha from 2 vendors,best is if you visit them in person you MAY get at lesser prices because while buying online there are few hidden charges included like C.C etc..to banks,this you can wave off if you go there and buy.

RR is one of the best but as you said their prices are high,needless to say they give very best and fast services with genuine beads-my experence.

You may drop me a mail and I shall tell you the names of other vendors from whom I bought.Thanks Ashokji.

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Dear all,


I really cannot say for 100% sure, where to buy rudraksha from. But Mr. Jay (hindustani)'s reply seems very convincing.


In my personal research on the net I found www.astrojyoti.com as a good site to buy from because


1. Pandit SP Tata is a renowned astrologer (related to shri KN Rao)


2. Its an award winning site


3. They sell rudraksha at affordable rates


4. They give a stamped guarantee certificate


5. They sell after doing its shudhhi


But I havent bought from them as yet, these are claims on their website.


I read Shri SP TATA's astro-articles - he is a widely published author and in fact my rahu-ketu understanding has primarily developed from him


Best Wishes


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Namaste Deepaji

Well I become little suspicious when someone claim about Oum on Rudrakshas,may not be a fault of the shop but my observation says that it is supplier who do this(it is a technic to "print"Oum on Rudrakshas),I somewhere read that some rudrakshas sold by Chinmaya mission in past were fake,now we all know how reputed Chinmaya mission is but it was a problem of a supplier at their end.Check below links

PS:-Being a newbie I am not allowed to post url,so search this very forum using chinmaya and rudraksha and you will find 2 posts,worth a read.


So what one should do?A big question.I have dealt with 2 vendors-one is RR and Another is in Haridwar,both found good and 1 more vendor who is nearby to my place looks good atleast on my telephonic talk,shall visit him this week and see how good he is,why I have respect for RR is because of two reasons,


They prefer to accept cheques,14 mukhi which I bought from them 3 days back I have yet to send a cheque to them,this shows that they are good on what they sell,a logic of mine being a businessman.


They are popular and one of the biggest supplier so one should expect genuine supply from their end to save their reputation.yes their prices are higher than others.


CLarification:- I am writing my experences only,one is free to try any vendor,start with cheaper quality first for a test but problem begins when one go for higher mukhis and when we try to save few thousands rupees we perhaps get caught in the hands of .....


Best way is to visit any supplier and check rudraksha with a magnifing lens.

Thanks and very best regards

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Yes, logical and most genuine reply Mr. Jay


Thanks :)


I look up to a person in this field and I find him "the most amazing" astro + human being + spiritual guide and just consulted him today. He doesnt beleive any of these are the real/genuine ones. Those are staggeringly expensive and even those need to be verified.


Yet, I have decided of going in for the best quality I can afford.


Best Wishes


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So can you please tell me what should I do. I live in ireland and would like to order Rudraksh. Now I have a choice of RR which is quite expensive and the other one is Rudraksh Nepal. Please advise as I would like to decide. I have ordered stuff earlier from RR and have been quite satisfied but I am weary of the high costs.


Regards and thanks to all, especially Deeapji for your insight and help.

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