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I feel so lost :(

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Hi everyone, im from the Uk, where it is is very hard to follow hinduism, but i try my best, my family does not eat meat and i only drink occassionaly when i go out... my mum is very religious and does pooja everyday, but i dont understand why we are still very poor, and live a hard life, my mum and dad are very old and i dont wish to seem them still working to get a bit of money...


I myself have tried to do pooja everyday, i did worship the goddess for year and then my studies took priority and i couldnt find time, but recently i have experienced extremely difficult times, i got a bad grade from my university, i have financial difficulties, my friends are growing apart from me... everything just seems to be going wrong, I am a good person, i have never done anything significantly bad, so why it this happening... I had so much faith in everything i was and now i just dont know anymore...


What can i do to make my life better for me and my family...


I have heard lakshmi mantra can gain wealth, can any one tell me what it is...


Please i ask for your guidance.


Thank you.

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Amlesh is advising you to pray to Narayana...the husband of the goddess of fortune.


Its a difficult road mate...we need to find a place in our heart of peace. When we do not look for results of our actions...the load seems to lighten. How to get to that kind of realization. It will take time and dedication.


I wish I could help you Lost. Maybe some devotees here can open a discussion for you on how to find inner peace...:pray:


Some here have good realization....keep bumping this thread to the top until some join in discussion maybe.

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I am a good person, i have never done anything significantly bad, so why it this happening...

Maybe this diversion from your everyday pursuits had a reason...


When you wake up, are you 'missing' something.... what comes to mind?


Is there an idea of 'doing' something but can't based on your thoughts?




I had so much faith in everything i was and now i just dont know anymore...
keep the eyes forward and in the present, and appreciate what is rather than what was or could be; as them tangents will control rather than allowing yourself to experience what is being presented each moment.


Who knows maybe a career change in on the horizon; simply continue 'chopping wood, carry water' as when the bowl is dirty, wash it.... do at each moment that what is to be done, and find the chores that can be accomplished rather than settle in on the chore coming to you.


So what if today, food is short or money is less than; does a neighbor need assistance?


What can be done is what to do.


Nothing is going to bring you what is missing in your life; you need to appreciate life first, then do what needs to be done.



P/s . .... praying is like begging ....


doing; performs

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