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War Against Iran Started

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Seymour Hersh reports that the Bush government granted 400 mio Dollar for an armee of CIA agents to enter Iran and start to eliminate members of Iran`s special troops. So it should be clear that the war against Iran, a the six times bigger nation than Iraq, has started.

At the same time the atheist movement targeted at the global school books is also promoted with millions.

Nothing has changed, science is in total darkness how to create life, all their claims how life is a combination of chemicals are not proven and nothing but wild speculations. Somehow they became expert to cover up their failure, as Prabhupada points out, "this kind of vague speculation cannot be called scientific work - they don`t even deserve the title scientist", by spending millions of taxpayer money to create tricky facades to mislead the innocent.



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yankee doodle went to town riding on a pony...stuck a feather in his hat...and called it macaroni...


(good ol' USA needs a new ideology...its like an old worn out nursery rhyme)


I can see nature doing this in due course if they choose not to...

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Looks like Iran doesn't strive for war.


'Iran does not intend to wipe out Israel'



PressTV.ir – July 8, 2008



Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Israel is disintegrating on its own and Iran will not take any act of aggression against it.


"Israel is an illegal regime," said President Ahmadinejad in a Tuesday press conference after a D8 summit in Kuala Lumpur.


"The regime will disintegrate on its own. Since Zionists can no longer sustain themselves, they have been forced to draw attention away from their present situation by blaming Iran," he added.


President Ahmadinejad said that the Islamic Republic has never waged war against any nation and does not intend to do so, adding that Israel is not an exception to this policy.


"Iran has no plans to attack Israel," he said in response to a question about whether the Islamic Republic intended to destroy Israel and to wipe out the Jewish people.


The Iranian president expounded that Jewish people amicably live in the Islamic Republic, are free to practice their religion, and despite being a small minority have a representative in the Iranian Parliament.


President Ahmadinejad asserted that the Israeli regime thrives on 'invading and threatening' regional countries. He reaffirmed that Iranians are fully prepared to defend their territorial integrity and will deliver a crushing response to invaders.


Israel accuses Iran of developing a military nuclear program and has threatened Tehran with the use of force should the Islamic Republic continue uranium enrichment.


According to a New York Times report, Israel staged a military maneuver in early June to prepare for a unilateral air strike on Iranian nuclear sites.


Tehran insists its nuclear program is directed at generating electricity and is in line with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).


The most recent UN nuclear watchdog report concluded that there is no link between the use of nuclear material and the 'alleged studies' of weaponization in Iran's nuclear facilities.




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If the US starts a war on Iran:


The world will acknowledge that it is America that

Carries the Rod Of Chastisement and

Represents the principle of Righteous might.




There are more eager canidates itching to enlist in the military, than we can tell from our frog-well's POV --as soon as the best bargains are drafted into GI-Bill law.


If any country offered the best retirement & fringe benefits to soldiers--that country would attract the largest armies ever seen.

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Seymour Hersh reports that the Bush government granted 400 mio Dollar for an armee of CIA agents to enter Iran and start to eliminate members of Iran`s special troops. So it should be clear that the war against Iran, a the six times bigger nation than Iraq, has started.


Great. Just great. That's exactly what our country needs, to enter yet another war. God bless America. :cool:


At the same time the atheist movement targeted at the global school books is also promoted with millions.

Nothing has changed, science is in total darkness how to create life, all their claims how life is a combination of chemicals are not proven and nothing but wild speculations. Somehow they became expert to cover up their failure, as Prabhupada points out, "this kind of vague speculation cannot be called scientific work - they don`t even deserve the title scientist", by spending millions of taxpayer money to create tricky facades to mislead the innocent.

Eh, I actually like it that they don't teach blatant Creationism in public schools (I don't even know what a science class teaching the theory would have in it's curriculum since there's so much religious diversity). If parents want their children to learn about God, they'll either teach them themselves or they'll put them in a private religious school.

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There are more eager canidates itching to enlist in the military, than we can tell from our frog-well's POV --as soon as the best bargains are drafted into GI-Bill law.
Are you kidding? Are you among them? Some eager candidates perhaps, but not necessarily the best candidates. The facts on the ground are that O-3s (captains in the Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force, and Lieutenants in the Navy), who are the future of the officer corps and thus of the service, are leaving in droves for various reasons. Moreover, John McCain, candidate for Veteran in Chief, has worked in the US Senate against better benefits for vets.


You're an energetic cheerleader, Bhaktajan. Have you ever served in the military?

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I'd amend this to assert that whoever hasn't already written off the US as dangerous lunatics will join those who have.



In all fairness pretty much all of the players in the tragicomedy the World is facing are lunatics. Don't buy into the liberal hate America mindset that permeates a lot of spiritual people. Ultimately it seems there is really nothing to worry about if you truly have faith in God because my understanding is that God ultimately protects the faithful no matter what condition the material world gets into. If you feel the need to preach against injustices by America or whomever than by all means do it if you feel it is gonna change things or make a difference, not trying to discourage you.

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In all fairness pretty much all of the players in the tragicomedy the World is facing are lunatics.

No question.


Don't buy into the liberal hate America mindset that permeates a lot of spiritual people.

Talk about buying into cliches--this whole idea that "liberals" (that means anyone folks who call themselves "conservatives" don't agree with, I guess) hate America is so much bullsh*t, just as the stupid idea that all "conservatives" are Nazis. Some people just see failed policies as the stupid ideas they are. Does that show hatred of America? I think it shows disappointment in the country's leadership. Expressing that disappointment is patriotic.


What do I know about patriotism? My people helped build this great country from the beginning and have been exploiting North America's resources (and any others we can get our hands on) for over 370 years. They're heroes of the revolution and served in every war we've been through Vietnam. We have a signature on the Declaration and the Constitution (although he had some misgivings, from what I've read). I did serve in the military during the Veitnam conflict, and I've paid taxes for many years. I think I have a right to express my opinion without its being denigrated as "buying in" to some party line. In fact, I've never registered with either of the two big parties. Never will.


Moreover, I have hardly ever participated on this particular forum for the last several years. Why? Because complex issues get boiled down here to bumper stickers you could buy from Rush Limbaugh or Air America Radio. ugh.



Ultimately it seems there is really nothing to worry about if you truly have faith in God because my understanding is that God ultimately protects the faithful no matter what condition the material world gets into. If you feel the need to preach against injustices by America or whomever than by all means do it if you feel it is gonna change things or make a difference, not trying to discourage you.


Just made a comment, friend.I'm not preaching to you or anyone else. Pardon me for intruding into your turf. Ciao.

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No question.


Talk about buying into cliches--this whole idea that "liberals" (that means anyone folks who call themselves "conservatives" don't agree with, I guess) hate America is so much bullsh*t, just as the stupid idea that all "conservatives" are Nazis. Some people just see failed policies as the stupid ideas they are. Does that show hatred of America? I think it shows disappointment in the country's leadership. Expressing that disappointment is patriotic.


What do I know about patriotism? My people helped build this great country from the beginning and have been exploiting North America's resources (and any others we can get our hands on) for over 370 years. They're heroes of the revolution and served in every war we've been through Vietnam. We have a signature on the Declaration and the Constitution (although he had some misgivings, from what I've read). I did serve in the military during the Veitnam conflict, and I've paid taxes for many years. I think I have a right to express my opinion without its being denigrated as "buying in" to some party line. In fact, I've never registered with either of the two big parties. Never will.


Moreover, I have hardly ever participated on this particular forum for the last several years. Why? Because complex issues get boiled down here to bumper stickers you could buy from Rush Limbaugh or Air America Radio. ugh.




Just made a comment, friend.I'm not preaching to you or anyone else. Pardon me for intruding into your turf. Ciao.



Looks like I touched a nerve. I apologize for categorizing you in the liberal hate America crowd. I admit I assumed you and Ghari were because you only mentioned the possible lunacy of America in this thread and left out the lunacy of the Iranian leader, ugh. My apologies as that was unfair on some level because I do not know the whole context of your thinking. Not much into Rush Limbaugh. I am more of a Michaeal Savage fan and agree that liberalism is a mental disorder. :) As far as this being my turf I actually only view politics as pure entertainment or reality television even though the subject matter is not utlimately funny or entertaining but I have concluded the only way to keep sane in viewing the political spectrum is to view it as reality television.





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In fact, you don't know me at all. In some ways I'm do doubt more "liberal" than you, and that's the result of many decades of carefully considering things, not some mindless reaction to one event or another. I'm well educated and spent nearly two decades teaching, among other things, critical thinking at colleges and universities in California and Hawaii.


I've heard Michael Savage, and one would be tempted to think him mentally ill. The truth is more likely that he's a performer prone to exploit xenophobia and fear. Some people would call fandom, whether the object is Savage, Britney, Franken, or whoever, a mental disorder. But I wouldn't, as I'm kind of a fan of Lord Nityananda's. (And boy, is He liberal!) And I rather like gHari, too, although I wouldn't embarrass him by calling myself a fan.


It's funny (well, odd)--when we build and test all sorts of weapons, it's some sort of service to God, but when someone we don't like does so, they have to be lunatics. I would sure prefer that someone else were running both the US and Iran (sure as hell not the shah or some other right-wing American puppet), but I think there are other ways to deal with him than all the saber-rattling, which we know will simply provoke him further. In fact, Hersh's point is that Bush's folks are doing just that--trying to provoke him. Bush thinks, as he has sometimes said, that God has chosen him for some sort of holy work here. Isn't that the same sort of nuttiness we hear from Iran's honchos? This stuff is all relative and, as you said earlier, has no real substance. My sense is that this particular forum is mostly a place for some folks to entertain themselves, and I apologize again for intruding.

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In fact, you don't know me at all. In some ways I'm do doubt more "liberal" than you, and that's the result of many decades of carefully considering things, not some mindless reaction to one event or another. I'm well educated and spent nearly two decades teaching, among other things, critical thinking at colleges and universities in California and Hawaii.


I've heard Michael Savage, and one would be tempted to think him mentally ill. The truth is more likely that he's a performer prone to exploit xenophobia and fear. Some people would call fandom, whether the object is Savage, Britney, Franken, or whoever, a mental disorder. But I wouldn't, as I'm kind of a fan of Lord Nityananda's. (And boy, is He liberal!) And I rather like gHari, too, although I wouldn't embarrass him by calling myself a fan.


It's funny (well, odd)--when we build and test all sorts of weapons, it's some sort of service to God, but when someone we don't like does so, they have to be lunatics. I would sure prefer that someone else were running both the US and Iran (sure as hell not the shah or some other right-wing American puppet), but I think there are other ways to deal with him than all the saber-rattling, which we know will simply provoke him further. In fact, Hersh's point is that Bush's folks are doing just that--trying to provoke him. Bush thinks, as he has sometimes said, that God has chosen him for some sort of holy work here. Isn't that the same sort of nuttiness we hear from Iran's honchos? This stuff is all relative and, as you said earlier, has no real substance. My sense is that this particular forum is mostly a place for some folks to entertain themselves, and I apologize again for intruding.




Can agree there is plenty of nuttiness to go around. Didn't mean to get you defensive about your critical thinking abilities or your academic credentials. I was not saying I was taking either America or Irans side in this conflict just pointing out that you both are only mentioning the craziness of America when I have heard a lot of things the Iranian president has said that is alarming to say the least. I don't know what the best course of action is. You fellas seem to think diplomacy or whatever will definitively work and maybe that is so but I am not 100% sure about that or convinced that Ahmadinajad is more suitable to handle the temptations of nuclear missiles than Americans are. I guess we will eventually find out one way or another. Any sane person can agree the world would be better off without these weapons all together. That is a fair point about Savage and his followers. It is all a matter of perspective who is mentally ill and who is not and ultimately I guess God will ultimately sort all of that out. I apologize for intruding on your asceticism.



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Can agree there is plenty of nuttiness to go around.

See? We agree!


Didn't mean to get you defensive about your critical thinking abilities or your academic credentials. I was not saying I was taking either America or Irans side in this conflict just pointing out that you both are only mentioning the craziness of America when I have heard a lot of things the Iranian president has said that is alarming to say the least. I don't know what the best course of action is. You fellas seem to think diplomacy or whatever will definitively work and maybe that is so but I am not 100% sure about that

I'm not at all defensive. (More like offensive.) Your response just sounded like something we'd hear of Fox News Channel, from O'Reilly, maybe, or Savage. These guys are good enough at what they do to make a pile of money from it, but I wouldn't accept them (or Franken or any of the folks at that awful Air America Radio) as great thinkers. And as far as my conviction that "diplomacy will definitely work" goes, I never said any such thing. But it was ruled out a priori when Cheney's puppet created his cute little "Axis of Evil." (Sounds like something from a Myers flick.) C'mon, we seem to have made some progress with Kim (talk about your nuts). At least Ahmadinajad has some fashion sense. ;)



or convinced that Ahmadinajad is more suitable to handle the temptations of nuclear missiles than Americans are. I guess we will eventually find out one way or another.

Let's hope not. Got a magic wand?


I apologize for intruding on your asceticism.


Nothing to apologize for; it was my fault. Anyway, it sounds like we're not as far apart on this as someone may have thought earlier.


Stay cool, AM.

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It is yet another war that the Israeli lobby is dragging US into, as if the stupid war in Iraq was not enough. And the morons who do not see it should go and serve in the military. Go and die for them fools... The oil will shoot up to 400 dollars per barrel or more when that happens. And the price of food will follow. That will do wonders to the world economy and transfer ABSOLUTELY enormous and unprecedented amounts of wealth to the oil speculators who (surprise surprise!) primarily represent the 'chosen people'. Now you know who wags the dog by the tail.

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See? We agree!


I'm not at all defensive. (More like offensive.) Your response just sounded like something we'd hear of Fox News Channel, from O'Reilly, maybe, or Savage. These guys are good enough at what they do to make a pile of money from it, but I wouldn't accept them (or Franken or any of the folks at that awful Air America Radio) as great thinkers. And as far as my conviction that "diplomacy will definitely work" goes, I never said any such thing. But it was ruled out a priori when Cheney's puppet created his cute little "Axis of Evil." (Sounds like something from a Myers flick.) C'mon, we seem to have made some progress with Kim (talk about your nuts). At least Ahmadinajad has some fashion sense. ;)



Let's hope not. Got a magic wand?



Nothing to apologize for; it was my fault. Anyway, it sounds like we're not as far apart on this as someone may have thought earlier.


Stay cool, AM.



Its all good, we are not far apart at all. :)

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It is yet another war that the Israeli lobby is dragging US into, as if the stupid war in Iraq was not enough. And the morons who do not see it should go and serve in the military. Go and die for them fools... The oil will shoot up to 400 dollars per barrel or more when that happens. And the price of food will follow. That will do wonders to the world economy and transfer ABSOLUTELY enormous and unprecedented amounts of wealth to the oil speculators who (surprise surprise!) primarily represent the 'chosen people'. Now you know who wags the dog by the tail.



Kulapavana, What do you think of the peak oil theory? Do you think that was created to manipulate oil prices or do you think it is real?

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Kulapavana, What do you think of the peak oil theory? Do you think that was created to manipulate oil prices or do you think it is real?


I am not sure if it is real, but it was most definitely used to manipulate the prices. We are talking trillions of dollars a year in profit. The biggest problem is a narrow gap between the supply and demand. Any time the gap is so narrow the market can be very easily manipulated. Think Hunt brothers and silver in the seventies. This is much, much bigger, but the players all act in sync. Very, very demonic. The next in line for superprofits for the demonic speculators is food. Again, the gap between the supply and demand became so narrow that it is very easy to manipulate the market and made billions of dollars in profit every month. With that kind of money you can easily control individual countries and even the world. International capilal rules the world, because the paper money is completely bogus. Such speculation is impossible if you are forced to use precious metal based money. Prabhupada knew it, and warned us about it. Too bad that these demons control even his movement. Nowadays you will never hear an Iskcon guru speak the truth about such matters.

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I am not sure if it is real, but it was most definitely used to manipulate the prices. We are talking trillions of dollars a year in profit. The biggest problem is a narrow gap between the supply and demand. Any time the gap is so narrow the market can be very easily manipulated. Think Hunt brothers and silver in the seventies. This is much, much bigger, but the players all act in sync. Very, very demonic. The next in line for superprofits for the demonic speculators is food. Again, the gap between the supply and demand became so narrow that it is very easy to manipulate the market and made billions of dollars in profit every month. With that kind of money you can easily control individual countries and even the world. International capilal rules the world, because the paper money is completely bogus. Such speculation is impossible if you are forced to use precious metal based money. Prabhupada knew it, and warned us about it. Too bad that these demons control even his movement. Nowadays you will never hear an Iskcon guru speak the truth about such matters.



Yeah, I was listening to Savage tonight and he was talking about how Phil Graham was one of the people that removed all the regulations in the stock markets for his banking buddies and that is part of the chaos. Also the whole sub prime mortgage mess and the fed have devalued the dollar which is also part of the rise in oil prices. Anyway you look at it we seem to be facing an unbelievable sh*tstorm of world events. I probably will end up dying in the next few years or sooner and if I don't I will be lucky to have survived but who knows for sure, maybe things will not be as bad as I am anticipating.

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It is yet another war that the Israeli lobby is dragging US into, as if the stupid war in Iraq was not enough. And the morons who do not see it should go and serve in the military. Go and die for them fools... The oil will shoot up to 400 dollars per barrel or more when that happens. And the price of food will follow. That will do wonders to the world economy and transfer ABSOLUTELY enormous and unprecedented amounts of wealth to the oil speculators who (surprise surprise!) primarily represent the 'chosen people'. Now you know who wags the dog by the tail.

Looks like you're here finally saying the same what Prabhupada once remarked.


“Who is going to take responsibility of so many women and children in this war? They were blown up. They came to take shelter but they were blown up. Such things happen in war. Yes. Just like in your country the real policy—to continue the Vietnam—means they cannot manage these hippies, and they are trying to send them to Vietnam and kill them. That’s all. That is the policy. They cannot manage. They cannot make them sane and normal condition. They have no such policy, neither they do know it. So what to do? “Blow him. We cannot manage them.” Therefore they are continuing. That’s all. This is the policy."


Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.2.1-5

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Calcutta, January 6, 1971


"Other way, in your country you see so many young men are frustrated. So what government is doing actually? They are not serious. They have made this policy that catch them and send them, keep the Vietnam going on and kill them, all these useless boys should be killed. That is their policy. That is the Western policy: if you don’t like anyone, shoot. So if your fathers and grandfathers they could not make you right, then send them to Vietnam to be killed. This is going on. Suicidal policy. If when a good man becomes too much frustrated, he commits suicide. That is also very current in your country. But the same suicidal policy, these boys, hippies, they could not reform them—kill them, that’s all."


Morning Walk Conversation

with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Los Angeles, September 28, 1972

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Looks like you're here finally saying the same what Prabhupada once remarked.



I never disagreed with his take on this subject. I only regretted that he surrounded himself with many men that had clear manipulative ambitions and enormous thirst for power. They are the ones who quite early took control over his movement and eventually turned it into what it is today.

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