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Audarya Ashram threatened by wildfire

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Haribol! Didis and Prabhus,


Tripurari Maharaja's California ashram is now threatened by a large forest fire, less than a mile away, completely out of control. The animals were evacuated but a couple of devotees are still there keeping an eye on the fire. Tripurari Maharaja is in Costa Rica but was informed of the situation.


Please keep them in your prayers!

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The fire is actually closer than it sounds. It's climbing down the ridge opposite Audarya, and if it get to the bottom and jumps the creek, it will climb up the hill really fast. The cows and Deities have been evacuated.


The good news is that, last I saw, the fire had slowed down overnight, as they generally do, and Cal Fire expected to have a crew of firefighters on the site this morning. There was, at least a couple of hours ago, some reason to be optimistic.

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I'll post any news when I can. My fingers are crossed (I can't get them into an Om--too old, I guess). The new temple and all the work of the devotees there over the last several years, including Maharaja's place and the cow barns, are at risk. And all my books and other possessions are there in my yurt right at the edge of the forest.

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I'll post any news when I can. My fingers are crossed (I can't get them into an Om--too old, I guess). The new temple and all the work of the devotees there over the last several years, including Maharaja's place and the cow barns, are at risk. And all my books and other possessions are there in my yurt right at the edge of the forest.


Braja was sending updates to our Vrinda site but she has been silent for a while. Where are you now?


The ashram is not set up to minimize fire risk. The trees are too close to the buildings and the water supply is barely adequate for normal use let alone for fighting a minimal fire.

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Taking shelter and appealing to Krishna in such a circumstance is prayer in devotional service, it is not mixed prayer. It is times like these when Vaisnava unity is to be shown.


It can also be seen as Krishna drawing His devotees more tightly to Himself causing an increased sense of dependence upon Him. He takes pleasure in rescuing His devotees and protecting their preaching efforts.


From Krsna book ch.17.


Since it was almost night and all the inhabitants of Vrindavana, including the cows and calves, were very tired, they decided to take their rest on the riverbank. In the middle of the night, while they were taking rest, there was suddenly a great forest fire, and it quickly appeared that the fire would soon devour all the inhabitants of Vrindavana. As soon as they felt the warmth of the fire, they immediately took shelter of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although He was playing just like their child. They began to say, “Our dear Krishna! O Supreme Personality of Godhead! Our dear Balarama, reservoir of all strength! Please try to save us from this all-devouring and devastating fire. We have no shelter other than You. This devastating fire will swallow us all!” Thus they prayed to Krishna, saying that they could not take any shelter other than His lotus feet. Lord Krishna, being compassionate upon His own townspeople, immediately swallowed up the whole forest fire and saved them. This was not impossible for Krishna, because He is unlimited. He has unlimited power to do anything He desires.


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Braja was sending updates to our Vrinda site but she has been silent for a while. Where are you now?

My sense is that they're really busy there, doing whatever needs to be done to keep the fire away if it crosses the river. So I doubt that Braja has had a chance to get to her computer for a while. I'm in Alachua right now, recovering from wrecking my knee a few days after Gaura-purnima.



The ashram is not set up to minimize fire risk. The trees are too close to the buildings and the water supply is barely adequate for normal use let alone for fighting a minimal fire.
I agree that the water supply can't be counted on for fighting the fire. There's some space between Maharaja's quarters and the trees; the same with the new temple. Plus, they have metal roofs, not cedar or redwood shakes. The building most at risk is Vrindaranya's cabin, which was built downslope and is surrounded by trees. I think the devotees' yurts are in danger, too.
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Just for info, here is a map of the major fire incidents in the US. Check out Northern California. My prayers are with everyone there.




My sister just called me from Northern Nevada. She tells me the smoke from all the California fires is settling in her area and visibility is less than a mile. Everyone is being told to minimize their outdoor time and keep the kids inside for recess at the schools. Air quality has reached a very dangerous level there even tho they are miles from the fires.


I can't even imagine how bad it must be at the fire areas themselve.

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The fire department called Audarya a little while ago. They said that the wind is picking up and that the fire will jump the creek. They figure they have about 12 hours. The devotees have cleared any brush near the temple and near Maharaja's quarters. They're working frantically now to clear brush around the cabin. The firefighters won't try to defend it because there's no road to it. And the other devotees' yurts . . . waddya gonna do?

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The fire department called Audarya a little while ago. They said that the wind is picking up and that the fire will jump the creek. They figure they have about 12 hours. The devotees have cleared any brush near the temple and near Maharaja's quarters. They're working frantically now to clear brush around the cabin. The firefighters won't try to defend it because there's no road to it. And the other devotees yurts . . . waddya gonna do?


i can house 2....

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A few hours from here in OZ there is a lovely Krsna farm with Sri Sri Gaura-Nitaai. It has been so so dry in the last few years and bush fire is always on the mind here.


Last year we had no bushfires...we were lucky. 20 years ago we got bad fires...thank God it is not every year.


I hope Audarya survives natures way.:pray:


After each bushfire here, new life kindles. Even the deadest burnt looking trees throw new shoots, and the bushland rejuvenates. No matter how painful the rebuild, something beautiful always sprouts eventually. Sounds like the inner journey:eek4:.

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Based on Braja-sundari's report, things are looking up. The Ashram might be saved, but it is still an uncertain proposition. With the help of some neighbors they cleared lots of brush and cut down a few trees that were close to the buildings. The fire dept told them that there are good chances for saving the buildings when the fire gets close. Hare Krsna!

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Based on Braja-sundari's report, things are looking up. The Ashram might be saved, but it is still an uncertain proposition. With the help of some neighbors they cleared lots of brush and cut down a few trees that were close to the buildings. The fire dept told them that there are good chances for saving the buildings when the fire gets close. Hare Krsna!


Hare Krishna! Good news indeed! :)

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Here's the most recent report I know of, from Nitaisundara: "About 6:30 here, fire has continued moving down, slowly. No word from fire dept yet today, we got decent sleep last night so we are feeling pretty good. tons of bhoga."


The comment about good sleep is significant. The devotees there went three days with little more than cat naps. The neighbors' help, from the way it sounds, was nearly unbounded in its generosity and invaluable. The "tons of bhoga" was provided by a devotee who lives a few hours away, a veterinarian, I think, who drove to Audarya to help however she could.


The staff at the ashram right now is only three devotees: Gaurasundara, a 30-year-old Canadian; Brajasundari, who has been Kula's source, a 40-year-old Polish woman; and Nitaisundara, a 20-year-old "second-generation" devotee, whose parents are Srila Prabhupada's disciples. They, as well as the devotees presently with Maharaja in Costa Rica, are wonderful devotees to visit, and even better to live and serve with. I can't wait until I can get back there. In the meantime, my fingers are still crossed.

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A note just posted by Gaurasundara: "a man from the logging company that owns the land just came by and said things were looking good. a lot of progress was made yesterday. they cut a fire line down the ridge on the left with a bulldozer as far as they could and are going to finish it by hand today. then they will start a back fire up the ridge to stop the one coming our way. the wind is in our favor."

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Latest report, from Cittahari das:


The situation is looking good. The flames are moving very slowly, burning the dead fuel in the understory, which needs to happen to keep the forest healthy. The wind has been very favorable; there has been no smoke at Audarya since I arrived.

Yesterday an engine from Cal Fire showed up and I told them about Vrindaranya's cabin. They have 1300 feet of hose and could reach it easily. He also said that the clearance around the buildings up on the ridge is very good; every fire crew I've talked to about that has said that the buildings on top are not problem to defend. So even if the wind picks up the buildings, even Vrinda's cabin, would most likely come through just fine.

I talked to Robin Byrd, one of the locals who has done work at Audarya, and he said this particular fire has burned 8,000 acres. He has had 5 bulldozers working nonstop since Saturday. The community spirit here in Anderson Valley is amazing. People are really pulling together and helping each other out. Given the latest news and what I've seen so far I think Audarya will come out totally unscathed; if the backfire works (which it should, since the winds are very favorable) then I could see them having this fire contained by tonight. For now, we're resting up, and watching and waiting.


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Yes, I am also waiting to hear any news. Hopefully the yurts and the ashram were fully spared, which would also mean that your books were spared, Babhru prabhu. Assuming the property was spared, will the cows be brought back, and if so, is there any land left for them to graze upon? That was wonderful the way the neighbors all came together to help one another, regardless of any philosophical or cultural differences.

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