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what is God?

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Perhaps the question that might come to mind is; 'why are you on a religious forum?'


Does this idea of the pursuit seem important as a universal intent?


And not just the intent to follow a faith but 'understanding' God?




Why am I here in a Religious forum? For one thing, this forum have become a "religious forum" because a few people believe it is. In my opinion, this forum could be a "self-discovery forum", or "discussion forum" or "idea-exchanging forum" and such.


By stating that it is a "religious forum" you are closing your mind to every other possibilities. If simple thing as this you cannot see, how are you going to find God? :eek4:


Perhaps humans not supposed to "pursuit" or "understand" God. Perhaps they only need to live. I don't see why we need to "understand" God in the first place. Is this our true intended purpose or merely a foolish egoistic, self inflicted purpose?


Think about it carefully.

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Why am I here in a Religious forum? For one thing, this forum have become a "religious forum" because a few people believe it is. In my opinion, this forum could be a "self-discovery forum", or "discussion forum" or "idea-exchanging forum" and such.
hindu as a culture is varied from another based on the beliefs system; a religion


Truth is within, not from. Ideas change everyday while discussions entangle minds with knowledge.




By stating that it is a "religious forum" you are closing your mind to every other possibilities. If simple thing as this you cannot see, how are you going to find God? :eek4:
Not looking for God; knowing God is simply by removing any isolation. Each day offers possibilities in which God reveals himself to mind; the seekers lives within each moments, lessons; rather than looking for anything.



Perhaps humans not supposed to "pursuit" or "understand" God. Perhaps they only need to live.
An opinion as to be of difference from existence; then 'pursuing' becomes a passion of choice often clouded in predeterminations. Meaning to ever feel one has the answers before having the truth predetermines what is being sought before known. Like drawing a mental picture and looking for what looks like that picture; predetermined.



I don't see why we need to "understand" God
Then why you here? The cultural observance of Hindu is rooted in compassionate oservance to God in life.
in the first place.



Is this our true intended purpose or merely a foolish egoistic, self inflicted purpose?
ask yourself that question in the mirror; watch yourself closely so to catch any fibs!


Or simply are you here to learn about compassionate associations between people? Then you are in motion to learn God; knowlingly or not. The only difference is; how God is observed.



Think about it carefully.
each moment awake; as each choice is within existence (God)


where is isolation from existence except in mind? To combine is Love; to separate is other. As all existence is ONE, then ONE is of all existence; it is innert to know and complacent to simply believe and go back to being an "i" (separated by mind)

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Bhagavad-gita 9.5 Purport:

. . . In the Nirukti Vedic dictionary it is said,


yujyate ’nena durghaöeñu käryeñu:



“The Supreme Lord is performing inconceivably wonderful pastimes, displaying His energy.”

His person is full of different potent energies, and

His determination is itself actual fact.

In this way the Personality of Godhead is to be understood. . . .

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"Bhagavan" (the personage of Godhead) = the one and only person who possesses all 6 opulences in full:


1- wealth,

2- power,

3- fame,

4- beauty,

5- knowledge, and,

6- renunciation.




In his Bhagavat-sandarbha, Srila Jiva Gosvami states:


“The complete conception of the Absolute Truth is realized in the Personality of Godhead because He is almighty and possesses full transcendental potencies.


The full potency of the Absolute Truth is not realized in the brahmajyoti; therefore Brahman realization is only partial realization of the Personality of Godhead.


O learned sages, the first syllable of the word bhagavän (bha) has two meanings:


the first is ‘one who fully maintains,’ and

the second is ‘guardian.’


The second syllable (ga) means ‘guide,’ ‘leader’ or ‘creator.’


The syllable van indicates that every being lives in Him and that He also lives in every being.


In other words, the transcendental sound bhagavan represents

infinite knowledge,




strength and

influence—all without a tinge of material inebriety.”

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O learned sages, the first syllable of the word bhagavän (bha) has two meanings:


the first is ‘one who fully maintains,’ and

the second is ‘guardian.’


The second syllable (ga) means ‘guide,’ ‘leader’ or ‘creator.’



then what does bhajate mean?
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and the enounciation of




about 10 years back while speaking to a gentleman in India, he kept asking me about the enounciation of my last name, asked to say it over and over and he said something to me; do you know what it was?


he said the name means ..................... and until coming to this sight, the word was never seen that could fits the definition he mentioned....


So a question is being asked

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yeah, yeah, yeah.


But, beshad, you are an athiest. You have nicely spelt it out. A monist talking impersonalist.


Ask and we all would gladly enlighten you to our 100,000 million lifetimes of culminative knowledge.


Organized atheism has sought to portray man as inhabiting a mechanistic universe devoid of inherent design and meaning. In this view, God is an impotent fool who neglects His creation, and Vaishnavism is fogbound superstition.

On the other hand Vaishnava institutions installed a network in which the rank-and-file Vaishnavas will suffer what serves the "useful purpose" of keeping them in absolute dependence on their leaders.

If you think this sounds ominously like "diversity" you are right. Peoples' mentality is basically that they hanker for powerful masters, and not really care if this is a genuine spiritual master. Just like pets, they hanker for a good master to give them shelter and food, that's it.

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On the other hand Vaishnava institutions installed a network in which the rank-and-file Vaishnavas will suffer what serves the "useful purpose" of keeping them in absolute dependence on their leaders.

If you think this sounds ominously like "diversity" you are right. Peoples' mentality is basically that they hanker for powerful masters, and not really care if this is a genuine spiritual master. Just like pets, they hanker for a good master to give them shelter and food, that's it.


is that what was meant in the movie American President, when the comment was... they drink the sand because they don't know the difference...


If a master is what people want; then that means this 'i' is out of a job....


equality is what truth of 'understanding life' ...... enables as peace is based in equality, not leadership.


what this the 'wrong life-time' to show up? ;)

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Dear Bishadi,



Perhaps God (existence) experiences by consciousness (we the people)..


No ! The division between Existence (god) and conciousness ( of We people) is not the right way to classificy god and us. It is not that God is existence and we are conscious and with that consciousness - a mere human quality - we experience God - the existence. It is not God is experienced by consciousness .( if that is what you mean by this quote). God is Consciousness - Cit. There is no difference between god and consciousness. Our consciousness comes from our being in essence godlike- the consciousness in us is god.


But our consciousness is vailed . That is the difference between us and god. Our consciousness is limited and is under maya- illusion and ignorance. When consciousness is vailed it is called creature- Jeevatma. When not vailed it is called the creator Paramatma.






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Dear Ce moi,


The word Cit is pronounced as 'chith' The 'ci' of cit is prounced as the chi in chips( Potato chips or computer chips) or of the Chinese word for meridian energy 'Chi'. The last letter 't' of cit is pronounced as 'th' of 'the' or of thesis.


Thus Cit =Chith.

I am yet to figure out how to write the sanscrit scripts in this forum . Hence I cannot show you the sanscret letters to you right now. Perehaps if you or someone show me how to write or include other language chataters in this forum I will show you the original sanscrit letters for this word.




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Dear Bishadi,



Means; we are within God; physically. The conscious is that window to know God, literally. When our eyes are open we see as if from the eyes of God. It is that body, 'the i' that isolates God from our experience.


there is not separate of God and us. that is 'mind' that thinks so.









Kind of.... as mind puts the 'i' before reality


What is occurring within this context is the sutra are being understood into words; equal to all mankind versus maintaining the definitions created by 'your' culture and 'your' belief.


Didn't the Srila do the same thing; Gita to english?

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By Bishadi



hindu as a culture is varied from another based on the beliefs system; a religion


It varies only because Hindus are separated by caste, creed and differences. If Hindus unite, they could see that there is no other variations and that Hindusm is a way of Life, NOT a religion to be followed by some and ignored by others.



Each day offers possibilities in which God reveals himself to mind; the seekers lives within each moments, lessons; rather than looking for anything.


If you busy looking for something (even if it is God), you will lost sight of everything. Including God.



Then why you here? The cultural observance of Hindu is rooted in compassionate oservance to God in life.


Go and read Bhavagad Gita. Gita states that root of Hindusm is by Living Life in proper ways (whether through Jnana Yoga or Bhakti Yoga). Not waiting for God to show you how to life. If you don't live a proper life, you pray how many times also, it could be useless.



The only difference is; how God is observed.


You are making excuses. My original question remains - Is finding God our true purpose (in Life) or is it just Self-Centre, Egoistic approach to Life?



To combine is Love; to separate is other.


Love alone will not make the World go around. You need many things in life. Science and Technology to ensure that we are moving forward. Monetary values to ensure that our poor are taken care off and that our nations are progressing. Educations for all so new leaders could be created.


Don't expect God to provide you all this. You have to provide this (in behalf of God) for your fellow humans. Sitting alone and chanting about Love will not make you any better. Matter a facts, others - especially in the Organised Religions will come and continue to shake you and your nations as you continue to preach about Love.

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Love alone will not make the World go around





""""The only difference is; how God is observed""""'



You are making excuses. My original question remains - Is finding God our true purpose (in Life) or is it just Self-Centre, Egoistic approach to Life?


KNowledge of mind is what allows consciousness to comprehend.


To know God as 'all of existence' than to describe an ant, you share the knowledge of GOD.


So all them sciences, and pursuits and the food that you need to provide for your famility and community, is simply knowledge to 'support life' (God).



"""""Each day offers possibilities in which God reveals himself to mind; the seekers lives within each moments, lessons; rather than looking for anything""""


what is your point with...?



If you busy looking for something (even if it is God), you will lost sight of everything. Including God


'seekers' to me are them without complacency....... meaning any person who knows they understand more today, then yesterday, humble to continue learning for the purpose to understand, is a seeker....


each person of theology could be considered a seeker but the difference is one side is complacent the other trusts existence (God)... by comprehending we are each 'simply puppets' to existence and 'do' what is good rather than talk about something just to invigorate their complacent understanding...



(you be on this site for what reason?) Trying to understand even if creating your own 'car wreck' within the pursuit?


The thread is on What is GOD.


SO 'what is God?' to you....

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