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Wanna be a Star! Of everyone's eyes.....

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Dear Friends,

I am a Scorpion(Moon sign). I always tend to have betreyals in friendships.

Currently my Major problem's that I am facing very Strong opposition from a supirior at my office. It has always been that I have always been ended up

on a battle situations with sumbody in power/authority at work place or even in any groups that needs me to be part of.


Even in love life I am facing Stubburnness & disagreement from my fiance on

points which I suggest for a happy life. Anything & everything that i suggest no matter for goodness of others or betterment, gets opposed!


Plz advice me what stone do i need to wear to combat this problem of uncalled for jealousy & rivalary from people & to keep out of negative lime light..


How can I obtain a magnetic personality? How can I mesmerise my opponents? In the first place, how can I have no opponents no rivals? Is it possible that anybody & everybody who see me, meets me, get good feelings for me,develop positives vibes & automatically binds by what I say without argueing & OPPOSING. For a change..?!


Nirmala Yadav

DOB - 6th July 1979.

Place- Mumbai

Time - 3:45:55Pm (Noon)

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wear ruby in gold and a big pearl in silver.


moon in scorpio - means debilitation - moon in lagna - makes your most important house - the lagna - very weak, which might make opponents stronger.


Panchakshari Shiva Mantra - "Om Namah Shivay" done every Monday in a Shiva temple after offering water, milk, Bel patta, flowers, incense and sweet to the deity will make you mentally very strong.

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Dear Deepaji,

I learnt that one shudnt wear Ruby with Pearl. Is it true? I also want to wear Pukhraaj for success & good luck.. Plz adivce me.


Also tell if I'll be successful in life? I am 28 & still not having a great proffessional background.. My field has been changing constantly till now. What does my chart suggest, ultimately what proffession will i have? Currently i am in Broking(back office). Can I persue Research in same area??


Plz advice..


God Bless u..




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Om suryaya namah


Dear Nirmala ji,


you must be egoistic, the people who has sun as the AK, their karma is to leave there ego to success. ketu in your chart indicates that you must be some what spiritual, lagna lord in seventh house (mars) indicate struggle in

relationships, (from dasamsa) the saturn in your chart indicate routine jobs, Jupiter is an obstacle for in part of initiative and trigger in your chart, strong rahu helps in research too


This year chart:


From this year chart mars and moon certainly give struggle in your career, but mercury can bring you some what relief, it has varuna amsa so that you may busy in crossing barriers like that of thing,


next year may be a good year for you (AK and Hora Lord Sun in 10th house)


i my honest point gems will be dangerous and it should be only weared after knowing its values, you an pray to God using mantras, regarding good recognition you should pray to jyotir linga


"Om Namahshivaya namo Vaidhyanathaya Namah"


Please pray the above mantra everyday or especially Tuesday (108 times)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Dear Deepaji,

I learnt that one shudnt wear Ruby with Pearl. Is it true? I also want to wear Pukhraaj for success & good luck.. Plz adivce me.


Also tell if I'll be successful in life? I am 28 & still not having a great proffessional background.. My field has been changing constantly till now. What does my chart suggest, ultimately what proffession will i have? Currently i am in Broking(back office). Can I persue Research in same area??


Plz advice..


God Bless u..




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