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Why Fire pass

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if there is any one that visits any other Kali temples in Trinidad or more so in the world and have seen the Fire pass (walk) performed one would see that the purpose of it is that after having completed the pooja one would literally without manifestation walk over the fire symbolising tat we have had self victories in this our self sacrifice to the divine devi kali. now in trinidad i have visited other temples to witness this great event so poported by the pujaries and to the dismay have seen the height of the coals are like one inch high and scattered all over the pit. then when it is time for them to dance the run through and go straight for the closest water puddle and on examining the players you see that they are burnt. Why? alot of the rules are changing and becoming man made and the leaders to keep up with society demands of making it a monetary event dont really care. and so i ask why Fire pass just like many others may have asked why sacrifice? what is the goal what is the benefits of you the person, what does it do for the temple for its upliftment? how does it heal the sickly? i went one recently and the very next day one of the pujarie had to be rushed to hospital for severe burns to his feet! Why? if these guys are really manifesting the divine how do these things happen? the later the same temple burnt down when they were conducting a kargum pooja by some river! Why? so i ask why fire pass?

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I have witnessed many acquiring serious burns during fire pass. When I question the elders about why such had happened. The response: They have not fasted properly .Or those that manifest the divine and get burnt while crossing fire suffer such consequences because their bodies are used by divinity to take care of devotees and as such will be burnt in order to burn out all the negative things that is absorbed from healing devotees.


Is this true?

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I have witnessed many acquiring serious burns during fire pass. When I question the elders about why such had happened. The response: They have not fasted properly .


so let mw get this straight i am going to do a forty two day fast for this fire pass. firstly i have to be chosen by the elders who would see my interest and determination and dedication to mother so as a result i have been chosen. then the elders would give me the rules of this a very strict fast which i may or may not perform to the best of my ability. then upon this auspicious night i have been elevated to cross the fire then after the proceedings i am burnt for i have not fasted properly. but then check this the leaders fabricate all type of rules for instance one must not sleep in the company of your companion but where do they sleep when the majority of the times the temple is situated close to their home. DO AS I SAY AND NOT AS I DO.


Or those that manifest the divine and get burnt while crossing fire suffer such consequences because their bodies are used by divinity to take care of devotees and as such will be burnt in order to burn out all the negative things that is absorbed from healing devotees.


If this is the reason then it is time for me to stop worshiping Kali Maa. so the gods and goddess i pray to are unjust and evil that they would punish me so severly by burning my physical body to please their selfish desires. but then every sunday does not these same persons not manifest and see and take care of us. HOW COME THEY ARE NOT BURNT EVERY SUNDAY having healed us.


my friend in main stream Kali worship the rules are now starting to be self fabricated to follow the whims and fancies of the leaders and the devotees are the ones that are suffering and paying the price and then this leads to the dissolution of the temple and then the collapase. if they just remain truthful and honest would not one enjoy all that the mother will provide.:pray:

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I understand; truth and honesty is a difficult trait to find in most leaders. I really wish that many who are responsible for teaching and guiding the youth could refrain from selfishness and just simply be genuine.


Many of my friends are influenced by all sorts of corruption and I am on standby watching and listening, wondering if I should go back or turn my back.


I can't correct the elders and if I don't do what I am told, I will be victimised.

I want to return, because of my friends and in some cases sometimes I need the guidance in decision making from the devi/devta manifestations.


I know how important fire pass is along with other aspects of Mother's worship but it's so disheartening to witness injustice and wrong doings and not say anything or do anything.



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hear me, birds of a feather flock together, you should be thankful for the inspirations given to you by mother the blessed Kali Maa and take into consideration that you have seen your truth, not my truth or your friends truth but your truth, give thanks to her and continue you journey forward. for you have started and not known this stage is the gathering of knowledge in truth and diciphering what you need to know the next step will be elevation to oneness, that regardless you cant change everyone you meet but you have come to understand that she is just great for her own children to understand her sometimes. but continue to read and learn and ask as many questions as humanly possible and remember always take notes.


many of temples open and claim to be the best however they make their own rules like one i visited made kargums for each devi and devtas possible but then there was no one to carry the kargums back to the temple so they asked persons in the crowd to help them carry them back to the temple. i am not saying that this is wrong mind you but if you dont have the co-operation then dont do something then when things not go good they quick to blame others without watching themselves first.


then we go to the next question how did fire pass involve itself into kali prayers, especially sada pooja. this is a vrat as i have explained earlier of self sacrifice then why not in a balidhan temple for most whom are meat eaters would not want to fast for the forty two days required for this walk and instead seperate and say this is for this and the other is for that but this is not so in all temples the purification rite in bringing the kargum is by allowing the manifestation to enter the temple having crossed the fire but then we segregate and say this is stronger and than the other and vice versa.


if we as followers dont learn through common sense then we are bound to be lead for willingness to learn the divine will put you on the one true path that she wants for you the individual.

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I felt left out indeed, but made sure I was in my own little safe zone.

I agree. I don't like the arrangements made but after being restricted from using the river, I guess they did not have a choice.


Did you witness the fire pass? One of my friends crossed fire pass, three times and did not get burn. That was cool.

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thats great to hear but how did the person cross under manifestation or normally either way it is still great glad to hear.


I agree. I don't like the arrangements made but after being restricted from using the river, I guess they did not have a choice.


there is always choices. but if he is doing mother pooja in truth dont you think she might have preserved her pond for that purpose.

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  • 3 weeks later...

not to be bashfull but a lady i know who goes a shakti temple till me the leader says that they have to buy three different color cloths to wear at different days and if they dont they cannot manifest, y is that so god dont manifest on poor people to or wat, the lady dont have that amount of money to put out for that but is has a very very very strong manifestion of hanuman baba:(

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ha ha long time no write something but when you think you hear all you hear something new. so if i dont buy the colours i cant manifest so then he is greater than shakti and even more so the shakti listens. so god comes only when in appropriate colours. this is a new one to meh ears but bless those who are ignorant but those are cursed when advantage is done.

the pujarie must have his reason:crazy: he must be dont know no new tricks so he make up one ha ha ha ha but a new one never the less

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that was crazy when i hear dat i cant understand y ppl so they bring down we culture we done have so much problems with these christian them does say all kinds of shyt it really eh hav no sense wat they saying an u know they does believe the shyt that does come out they mouth huh.


anyway bout the fire pass thing somtimes you cant blame only the pujari but some ppl does try to feel they powerfull just to show of that they have power they does do all kinda things i was invited to a shakti temple and it have this guy he pretending he get kali and u know somtimes when see manifests she does take a lighting champer and put it in her mouth,

well ur boy try to do that thinking it easy and burn up her mouth and start to bowl.

y ppl does do that for they faking and want to give ppl reading you have to understand is ppl lives to dealing with somtimes ppl hav life or death situations and they put it in ur hands u cant do that to ppl.


no one say u cannot get shakti anyone can but the things you need to do to get it most of them to lazy to do it is not that they cant but laziness nah.

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  • 1 year later...

baba i know of a temple that charging people $5 to enter and makin fuss that on different saturdays they wear the same colour clothes.so they will wear red,nxt week white,nxt week yellow...i can get the makin different colour uniform thing(to an extent,if u can afford it)...but paying $5 to enter is ludacris!

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yes u have to blame the head pujari because they putting these little younglings to give reading.nobody never say no dont manifest.yes u have the vibration fine but do not and i mean DO NOT put these green shaktas infront murtis to give reading becasue i personally know of incidents where them give people to do all kinda kraziness! people coming there with their last hope and just breakin them..


like me...i went infront a shakti and this shakti tell me "u have to pray to shiva plenty" i coulda dead ont he spot....shiva is my main devta but he tellin me this... and i realize he was out of shakti when his facial expression looked stunned and confused and didn't know what to say cuz hislips was fumbling to conjure up something else to tell me....


i just bow and i never went back by a shakti after that yes!


but the shaktis i went to b4 him remember me from so long.this is a different person i meet probaly 10-15 years later manifesting the same bhairo of that said temple and he remember me and remind me of things i used to do there and things i do home...so yea..i get real throw off myself

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