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Modern science drawing closer to the Spirit factor

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by Bishadi



Krsna 'incarnations' are vast.


I only know and accept Sri Krishna who gave the Bhavagad Gita. No one else. Thank you.



funny isn't it especially when the west talks about how great they are even in the areas of medicine; it's a business


Humans nowadays loves to call themselves Intelligence just because they could create new drugs (by stealing the idea from poor people) or launch probes to space or create weapons of mass destructions. True Intelligent species are those who could managed to eradicate poverty, hunger and sickness.



Capitalism (corporations) own most of the universities.


They don't own Knowledge nor could produce people with Intelligence. Those two factors will be solely on your hands, and how you use them.



That is like saying; everything is a lie.


You have misunderstood my words. I have said there is no "absolute truth" to be found, I have never said it does not exist. Humans are incapable of understanding "Absolute Truth" a.k.a God. Therefore, it is not a lie, merely something we are not meant to understand.

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by Dark Warrior



That is not for us to say. We have no right to call Jesus a myth because its the belief of the Christians. All I am against is the theology of Hare Christnas, who seek to integrate Vaishnavism and Christianity.


Well, that is very nice of you. Very friendly of you. Unfortunately, your good intentions are wasted on wrong people.


Every year, the Vaticans are sending missionaries upon missionaries to "civilise" the pagan Hindus - that you and your children. They are out to safe you from worshipping false God and embrace the true god, which according to them is Jesus.

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scientistgoingmadlaughikv0.gifHyderabad, June 15: Eminent scientist Richard Dawkins can talk about the ‘God Delusion” but he won’t get much applause from his colleagues in India. For a new study says one in four scientists in India believe firmly that there is a supernatural power up there guiding their destiny. Scientists also strictly follow religious practices and rituals for academic, professional, material and spiritual satisfaction. In all, 50 per cent of the scientists surveyed believe in the efficacy of prayers, as against just 10 per cent of them in the US.


A large number of them believe in Karma, predestination, life after death while others also believe in ghosts and evil spirits. A joint survey by the city-based Centre for Inquiry and the US-based Institute for the Study of Secularism, Society and Culture of Trinity College, revealed facts on the beliefs and religious practices of Indian scientists. As many as 1,100 scientists from 130 research institutions and universities participated in the survey, the first of its kind to be undertaken in India.


According to Mr N. Innaiah of the Centre for Inquiry, 29 per cent of scientists surveyed believed in Karma while 26 per cent felt that there will be life after death. Only 7 per cent believed in ghosts. The survey took about six months and the report was released earlier this week in New York. It points out that Isro scientists usually offered prayers to Lord Balaji in Tirumala for the successful launch of space vehicles. About 60 per cent among those surveyed made it clear that they would refuse to design biological weapons and 8 per cent said they had reservations about genetic engineering and research on stem cells. However, Mr Barry Kosmin of Institute for the Study of Secularism in society and culture was surprised that scientists here research on cows and pigs despite religious taboos.


Article appeared in the Hyderabad (India) daily - Deccan Chronicle on Monday, June 16th, 2008

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Thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis (combined)...... :)


a development of knowledge and literature represented in a flow process, for the good of ........ us..


must appreciate the summary and say thank you; another contribution :)



The process flow that you are mentionning is not something invented lately or a Reserved Right but an old and known process mentionned by Krishna. Everyone has to pass through it before one day knowing the real aim of life.


That's why I know how to talk your way also, and pretty well too, humbly speaking.


When circumstances ask me, I do so, but not all the time. It depends on the topic level. Some speak about Spirit and some about Material nature.


I never neglect anyone of them, knowing perfectly the source of material nature.


But it seems you are one sided, I'm wondering when you'll be ask to speak about spirit, whether you'll be of any help.



question; am 'i' the only one getting rich from the developing knowledge?



Good, at last some Vaishnavas thought. But better than Knowledge is Bhakti [Application of Knowledge - but in Svadharma mode - Selfless action]



Correct just and no sect, belief or culture can be credited with the perfect understanding, as each offer a little piece for the big collection of knowledge.



Good again, but you also come from a school of thought which in some other words not original.


Your preacher are the scientists, whilst for others are Gurus.


But had you really known the proper meaning of Vaishnavism, you would not have said that. Sarva Dharman Parityag means that only.


Your way is still one sided, neglecting the other aspect, that is the soul.



Just as the 'Red' Indians offered proof of how mankind can live within nature without man created machines or even the wheel and have bliss.


Or better still; even in egypt and the old summarian writtings upon stone shared 'light' is the key of life ..... and within most all religions on this home (earth) each have represented to the various properties (entanglement/heat/motion/resonance),


identities of (the cross/anhk) as well, the ability (prophecies/consciousness) to know how 'light' is that life between mass.



Gita never says that this is not important and that is important, Gita Says everything is equally important. Your material nature, and other stuffs.


These things are quite visible and known to many. That's why He spoke about the soul also, because Soul is still a mystery for so many.



soon each can have what knowledge mother earth and father (existence) have provided for to understand, in Peace.


Yep at a certain level, but when you'll become one day the fortunate rare one, you'll understand that the Father and mother is the same, Our Very Ram.

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Krsna 'incarnations' are vast.

I only know and accept Sri Krishna who gave the Bhavagad Gita. No one else. Thank you

Maybe look at the 10 avatars within Vaishnavism….. Krsna was only one of the ‘men’ born (incarnate) to the physical. “The principal belief of Vaishnavism is the identification of Vishnu or Narayana as the one Supreme God. While the Gaudiya Vaishnavas, Krishna is considered to be the Supreme God and the source of all avataras.”



Humans nowadays loves to call themselves Intelligence just because they could create new drugs (by stealing the idea from poor people) or launch probes to space or create weapons of mass destructions. True Intelligent species are those who could managed to eradicate poverty, hunger and sickness
And have you done this. Or do you work feverishly for this objective? Or is everyone out to steal ‘ideas from the poor people’…?

What is the contest about? No one owns anything! Either be a do’er or not (bhakti)


But it seems you are one sided, I'm wondering when you'll be ask to speak about spirit, whether you'll be of any help.
Even words are a spirit. (sutra of thought)


Good, at last some Vaishnavas thought. But better than Knowledge is Bhakti Application of Knowledge - but in Svadharma mode - Selfless action
quality ‘intent’ rather than learning simply what is taught…. Meaning to suggest ‘hey chant this word’ means it was learned words/sounds…and are you suggesting that is what mankind is for?

which is quite different than seeing that water needs to be carried, and wood needs to be chopped and ‘doing it’ …….. that is Bhakti… recognizing there is more to be done and doing what is good…. Sitting in belief does nothing for existence (God)… living to serve the total is knowledge understood.

So like Srila suggested, if not seeking ‘what is God’; demonic. (it’s natures law)


Your preacher are the scientists, whilst for others are Gurus.
Quit institutional pursuits at 16. No teacher; just do. As unlike the previous generations this one has access to more data than any guru in all history. So unless, your guru is ‘constantly’ in study and ‘constantly’ writing, then maybe you may wish to pick up where he left off….

More wood to chop, water to carry; knowledge to convey; the universal questions

‘what is God’…………what makes me alive………. Do; not talk about it.

But had you really known the proper meaning of Vaishnavism, you would not have said that.
Vishnu worship even with all the incarnations. (avatars)

Your way is still one sided, neglecting the other aspect, that is the soul.
ask a question that needs defining; as the opinion suggested appears One sided (yours)

What about ‘soul’ are you wishing to know?


Yep at a certain level, but when you'll become one day the fortunate rare one, you'll understand that the Father and mother is the same, Our Very Ram

Tao in a sense as taijitu shares? Or the personality of ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comaudarya<st1:place>Krishna</st1:place> combined with Rhada?

Personally the idea rings true when ‘mind’ meets truth; then Bhakti can be pure rather than believed.

Such to know what striking a match will do in a fireworks factory; helps understand responsibility of/to/for that choice.

That is living; when science combines with religion. Each child ever born can comprehend, what is pure within the compassion of the religious teachings.

And since reality only operates ONE way then it is real easy to realize; all mankind will combine by the knowledge of Truth!

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