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Understanding Kalsarpa Yoga

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Dear All,


I've been trying to understand Kaal Sarp Yoga for a very long time but still have a lot of confusion with it.


After going through a very educating thread on Kaal Sarp Yoga on this forum I finally decided to come up with a few questions to the distinguished astrologers here.

http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/vedic astrology-jyotisha/447247-what-mean-kala-sarpa-thosam-kala-sarpa-yogam.html


Please consider this chart.


Date of Birth : 16th March 1960

Time : 05:30 AM ( Considered as just before sunshine, although exact time unknown)

Place : Buxar


The native has kumbh lagna, has Ketu in second house and rahu in eight house. As far as what I read, a Kaal Sarp yoga is formed when Rahu is placed up in the chart and Ketu is down. That means planets come in between Rahu and Ketu not Ketu and Rahu.


But in this chart, planets are there between Ketu and Rahu not Rahu and Ketu, so does it mean there is no Kaal Sarp Yoga?


Also the positions indicate Karkotik Kalsarpa Yoga, and even the native's life has been quite similar to the ill effects in this yoga, like there has been no inheritence from paternal side, the native never have had much friends, and even the health has been depleting since past few years.


Thanks & Regards


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This is the chart I get Ayush.


This is not kaal sarp dosha. There cannot be a conjunction of planets with the nodes for this dosha. However looking at chalit, you may say its a partial one.


Venus in lagna conjunct 5th lord mercury is a good combination + chitra nakshatra denotes artistic/romantic/music inclinations. The person is inassertive mostly. Journeys are indicated.


Kumbha lagna natives are philosophical, saturn in upachaya restricts friendships but its also lagna lord and aspects lagna which is great!


Barring these, there are very few redeeming factors in the chart.


Moon in the ninth house has no aspects and therefore 9th house becomes a weak house - not good enough to combat other forces working upon the chart. Also Moon is lord of 6th indicating that obstacles shall arise from journeys and loans and ill health.


Look at Jupiter - in own sign its also sub-lord of its own nakshatra. Becomes very strong! But Jupiter is a great malefic for this lagna. It aspects all dushtanas from its position except the 12th house.


The 12th house - exalted Mars! - one would say that means properties! But Mars is malefic too. That placement isnt right. Mars aspects 4th house - matri-sthana. Lord of 1oth house - pitra sthana - goes in 12th - the house of loss


In 2nd house we have sun+ketu - a most malefic combination. Sun and Ketu are dire enemies.


Look at the secret deal between jupiter and ketu ... look at the nakshatra lordships... hear the whispers


sun should have still been able to give something though - as lord of 7th house. But sun also signifies father - with ketu - father cannot be happy!


Ketu - irrespective of the sign its in - comes into force with Rahu to spell doom. They have lagna lord saturn at point of worst effect.


6th house has Rahu - which will block the house it is in - no major insurances or partnerships or inheritance!


But kaal sarpa dosha is supposed to have lost potency long ago - by 42 years of age max.


The native is currently running mahadasha of 12/1st lord and antardsha of Rahu which is in 6th! Health problems will be there!


He has been through long mahadashas of rahu and jupiter. Though Rahu is still capable of unexpectd results, Jupiter dasha must have taken away a lot.


Will be nice if u can tell what happened during Rahu-Ketu subdasha


Hope this was informative!


Best wishes

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Dear Deepaji,


Thanks for explaining me the chart.


The native has been a house wife since 1983. i.e. since Jupiter + Mercury Dasha. She got into Business in Saturn + Sun Dasha in 2005.


I belive being a house wife, Jupiter didn't do much of a harm. She had been an introvert, so never have had much friends. At home she have had problems with in laws so she separated. That was in early Saturn mahadasha.


I think it was in 2003 when things went really wrong. Financial troubles due to husband's business affairs. I think it might be due to wrong birth time that the vimsottri dasha is not showing right planets.


Being self employed she has been working a lot and have a lot of health troubles, like pain in muscles and bones, and some gynecological problem.


Since the beginning of this year, the native has been in a lot of troubles again. Husband's debt got on to her, and even though her business is doing good, she is not able to save money due to husband's loans and debts which are in her name. Health is also detoriating and she has been asked to be operated by the doctor.


The native has been wearing a Red Coral since 1980, is it inauspicious?

Also the native has been wearing an Emerald.


What do you think her relationship with husband, and childrens?


What remedies do you see should be taken both health wise and financially.




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