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Is this match possible?

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For past Five years our relationship has seen many ups & downs. there have

been many arguements & fights, but it survived all the odd. He went to Pune for better job & saving for fututre(which didnt happen) & now when my family, friends pressurised for getting married & settle down. He came up

with sumthing as ridiculously shocking as "My mom does not approve of u. U'll never get along with my family. We will never live happy. Lets seperate!"


His mother was never there when he was jobless & in miseries for Six years. Then I stood by him thru thik & thins. Now when he has a settle job, earns good money & can support them in old days, she's Emotionally forcing him to quit our relation.


And reason behind this she claims is She asked to One Baba who resides in Delhi over the phone about our affair & he said "they shudnt get married. It will not be successful" !

After hearing this like a fool he went to similar Baba at Pune to take second

opinion. & even he gave negative answer! "he shaky nahi! Vichar hi karu nakos" !! 'it is not possible. Dont even think of marrying her'


Ever since he has started agruing me & talking harshly. He avoided meeting

me & calling. On small small issues he fought & said "leave me. I dont want u. I want to marry with my mom's choice." He has completely changed & behaves wierd.


I am totally broken & shattered by his this attitude. Eight years I know him. Five years I waited for things to change for good. Meanwhile I had recieved so many proposals but I turned them down for him & now he does this to me??!

Many learned people have told me he is under influence of a Vashikaran spell. Most probabely done by his mom, sothat he break off with me.. On the other hand he says " if all conflicts, arguements & fights between us stops Permanently. Only then I'll marry u. I dont want single arguement" But

the way he takes me for granted, avoids, escapes, commitment, doesnt talk clearly nicely how do I not argue?

I even showed our Kundalis but even the astrologer didnt give good reviews for him. As he is Ashlesha nakshatra born & a cancerian ans has Vidruti Yog

Plz suggest me a solution to resolve this issue as now it is taking toll on my health & my temperiment.


His Details are..


Name: Mangesh V Abhyankar

DOB: 9th Dec,1979.

Place: Sangali (Maharashtra)

Time: 11:20A.M. (Morning)



My details r


Name: Nirmala B Yadav

DOB: 6th July,1979.

Place: Mumbai (Maharashtra)

Time:3:45:55Pm (afternoon)


Plz help. I cant live without him. Plz suggest some Positive remedy or solution. PLZZZZZZ...




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Dear Nirmala,


Your chart shows that you have the twin trait of being over sensitive about yourself, yet your attitude towards people can be very harsh. You may be fair in demanding what you are, but it all depends upon the way you handle. I urge you to acquire tact. Your father is likely to help you in getting married. Time till July 2010 is very good.


Wear a good size pearl in silver in your little finger to strenghten your mind.


Best wishes


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With so much detailed version of your problems; I find it requires to be dealt

off the track, I mean your problem requires much more than astrological advise.

First of all, you should understand the very fact that he was actually using you

for the moral and other supports during difficult times; and when his purpose get

solved, he is trying to ignore and avoid you on one or another issues. There is

no point in showing/using emotions when the counter-part is acting smart. In

present times, it happens to many people; so you are not the only one being

cheated by selfish and smart personality. In spite of looking for mercy; you

should stregthen yourself, come out of emotional weakness and start living your

life with open understanding of the very fact that you have been used by a person

and in future, you won't let it happen again. You should also understand the

fact that now a days it has become a very common practice and people are not even

ashamed of this; therefore, no point in making him realize what wrong he has done

or doing, because he already knows very well. The more you try to put your arguments or views; the more chance he will have to torture and insult you. In earlier times, it has been

called as cheating, now a days it is referred as being smart and practical.

Further, if you think rationally in a cool state of mind; you can easily understand the meaning hidden behind the comment. " if all conflicts, arguements & fights between us stops Permanently. Only then I'll marry u. I dont want single arguement". Believe me, it can never happen in any marriage or any relation until and unless the relation is mechanical i.e. without any emotions. It is just like putting an impossible condition to get rid of you. And, even if you sacrifice all your humanity for the sake of relationship, again you will end up with nothing. There are no conditions in true love or even love; conditions are being framed to safe-guard the immoral and unethical approach.

If you have any self-respect left; then just start using your mind in spite of being cruel to your own self. Even, your paretns will not be happy, if you act like this. Whatever happened, happened; promise yourself that you won't let it happen again to you. You are not a thing to be used; you are a human being and if people are acting smart; why shouldn't you. Therefore, in spite of waiting for his response, just tell him that you do not need him any-more and he can have his way. I know and understand that it is really very difficult especially during earlier stage; but I can promise you that you can do it.

If possible, take services of some psychologist, who will help you to come out of present troublesome circumstances. The best way is to adopt a hobby upon which you can spend your time, love and creativity. I will try to find out some time and provide some suitable astrological remedies; but you should or you ought to make yourself strong enough to deal with the situation without any help.

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Deepaji,

Mangesh went to Dubai for Job purpose inspite of many pleading from me not to do so! He has debt of 5 lacs to clear that he went! & in a very badly

manipulative way.. He didnt even meet me!


Now after all the Immigration tention has cleared he is asking me to shift there with him.. He is gona come to India in October & then we can go for

court marriage.. His parrents still appose to our union So this will be wthout

informing them..


Plz tell me if We will be able to get married & live happily? Will I be going abroad?? Also how can I make him stop lying & hiding things from me?


He has to perform Ashlesha Nakstra shanti For Vidhruti yog.. That'll also

happen in october.. Do u see any harm in getting court marriage dont within

the week of performing Vidruti yog shanti?? Or does he still pose threat to me even after performing the shanti?


Plz give ur valuable advice..


Warm Regards


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Dear Deepaji,

Mangesh went to Dubai for Job purpose inspite of many pleading from me not to do so! He has debt of 5 lacs to clear that he went! & in a very badly

manipulative way.. He didnt even meet me!


Now after all the Immigration tention has cleared he is asking me to shift there with him.. He is gona come to India in October & then we can go for

court marriage.. His parrents still appose to our union So this will be wthout

informing them..


Plz tell me if We will be able to get married & live happily? Will I be going abroad?? Also how can I make him stop lying & hiding things from me?


He has to perform Ashlesha Nakstra shanti For Vidhruti yog.. That'll also

happen in october.. Do u see any harm in getting court marriage dont within

the week of performing Vidruti yog shanti?? Or does he still pose threat to me even after performing the shanti?


Plz give ur valuable advice..


Warm Regards



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Dear Nirmala,

There is very high chance of you following him to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:City w:st=<st1:place w:st="on">Dubai</st1:place></st1:City> or any foreign country before end of this November.

Your luck will be there till 7/2/2010. After that, you might be forced to return to <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region>.

Litigation is shown in his and your chart.

If you take my advice, do not follow him to Dubai.I think, this is the best remedy you can take.

As you are having very good time till 7/2/2010, do enroll in any degree program( if you got diploma, get bachelor and if you got bachelor get master and so on) and by 7/2/2010, you can be ushered into new career development.

You are free to communicate with me at the email address below.

Best of luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Bhaaskaran,,

I had asked u if any pooja, hom or any other vidhi can ward off the negative effects?? How can i avoid Litigation thing ??

Plz suggest remedy...

Plz give some break thru...? Plzzzz!


What if we perform kumbh vivah before getting married to each other??

Also if he performs Vidruti yog shanti??

Plz revert this is a big quetion of my life.. Plzzzz


God bless u.




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