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Which Mataji for psychic abilities?

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I am trying to establish myself as a remedial massage therapist and pranic healer. To be an effective pranic healer some level of psychic abilities are very useful. Could someone please let me know which Mataji should I worship for developing psychic abilities?

Thank you.

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Namaste and Jai Maa, HST108.


One of the Nav Durga (nine forms of Durga); Maa Siddhidatri is traditionally worshiped to gain siddhis (occult or mystical powers). I'm unfamiliar with her mantra, but perhaps someone else here knows it?


Edit: I should also note she is very popular in Trinidad where she is usually called Kateri Maa.

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i beg to differ with you Baobabtree ! Yes Siddhidatree maa is the mother of siddhis but she is not whom tou refer to as Kateri Maa. i understand that you mean to say is that Kateri ma is the littlest sister of Kali Maa but in referance to the Nav Durga Form she is the sixth and not the last. for Kaatyaayanee is the nurse the remover of sickness, the healer, the bestower of children, the liberator of sickness due to lenghtly menses if you get my drift. if one was to read the Kali Purana one would see that when Bhoo devi was pregnant due to Narak she went to Vishnu Bhagwan and asked for relief and in so doing was granted liberation but so unsure of his future and safety she manifested her self through earth and took form as Kaatyaayanee Maa the head nurse, baby sitter of Narak but just in disguise and so forth she was elevated to that of the sixth form of Nav Durga as that of what was mentioned earlier.


Siddhidatree Maa:






the ninth form of Mother durga is names Siddhidaatree Maa. she is the bestower of all siddhis . According to the Markandaye puraan there are eight.

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i beg to differ with you Baobabtree ! Yes Siddhidatree maa is the mother of siddhis but she is not whom tou refer to as Kateri Maa. i understand that you mean to say is that Kateri ma is the littlest sister of Kali Maa but in referance to the Nav Durga Form she is the sixth and not the last. for Kaatyaayanee is the nurse the remover of sickness, the healer, the bestower of children, the liberator of sickness due to lenghtly menses if you get my drift. if one was to read the Kali Purana one would see that when Bhoo devi was pregnant due to Narak she went to Vishnu Bhagwan and asked for relief and in so doing was granted liberation but so unsure of his future and safety she manifested her self through earth and took form as Kaatyaayanee Maa the head nurse, baby sitter of Narak but just in disguise and so forth she was elevated to that of the sixth form of Nav Durga as that of what was mentioned earlier.


Siddhidatree Maa:






the ninth form of Mother durga is names Siddhidaatree Maa. she is the bestower of all siddhis . According to the Markandaye puraan there are eight.


Namaste Pujari.


My mistake, thank you for clarifying. :)

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Namaste and Jai Maa!


Hello everyone,


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here.


Pujari, thanks for the clarification and the mantra for Siddhidatree Maa. Is there any other advice you can provide me on what is the proper way to worship Siddhidatree Maa? Could you also tell me where I can find more info on Siddhidatree Maa?


Many thanks.

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  • 2 months later...

I read with interest your discussion above and I feel the necessity to explain two things: one truth is the Buddhist imagery of Shakti and her partner is more explicit sexual associated; the second: all those images are symbolic representation of some principles. So if someone feels lust for an image of Shakti, in any form, even she’s naked, he must forget about sadhana and go in this world for a woman, because it is clear he has a wrong perception about Shakti as Devi or divine presence. But, on the other part, it is stated on kali sadhana, that a vira can approach Devi in her naked aspect. I don’t believe the person being in pashu state can do this, so the advice for such persons is to go worldly sense, resolve their problems with women and sexual frustration then return to Devi and love her in the mother aspect. All the other ways are wrong and will give him troubles.

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As working with biija mantra is more effective in sadhana, use Durga Biija Mantra as is stated in PRANATOSINI 4_KamyaKanda (

Velthius transliteration):


da durgaavaacaka.m devi ! |


ukaara"scaapi rak.sa.ne |


vi"svamaataa naadaruupa.h kurvartho binduruupaka.h |


tasmaattenaiva biijena durgaamaaraadhayecchive ! ||


duu.m ||

I think you can do the difference between short u and long U in sanskrit.

Thinking about psychic abilities, I can told you 2 things: if you have not since born any kind of psychic power, the chances to develop one simple by repeating a mantra is null; the second part, only from your personal practice you can develop your powers, but this requires some years of practice. If you don't receive the mantra from a person with mantra-virya, your effort will be more time consuming, till the moment you will gain the power to wake up any mantra, even if is one you read in book. Without this mantra-virya, there are no fruits. The practice will reduce to simple japa yoga, so maybe your mental will be calmed down, but that is, no psychic power at all. And run, fast, run away form any "guru" who offers you "initiations".

Then about psy-powers again: try to approach dasha maha vidya system, and specially Bagalamukhi and Matangi vidya; all the 10 maha vidya offer siddhis. If you don't know and don't practice yoga and other kind of disciplines, take your life and enjoy worldly pleasures. pujarie 5 o ... you say you have a temple. Please excuse me, I think you have already have a bad way and attitude. Go with your life in temple and ask you daily a single question: will you finish your karma in this life? Or will you die like without achieving "mukti" ? That is the question, not what devi or shakti to adore, with wich biija mantra, etc If the answer at my above question is "yes, I will pass away from this life in a state of mukti, and I will not ever be born in any kind of world" you're on the good way. If not, burn the temple, take a life. You seem to be excited enough and I supose you are still an ignorant. Maybe I will change my first impression about you, but I have doubts. And for future, keep away from giving copy/paste to mantra you don't even know about, or if you just paste them, use a transliteration scheme used worldwide for sanskrit language. If not, go and learn grammar, devanagari then come back and write again...or maybe you will just start another "war", I looked up at your previous posts. You'll be already ignored :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


I read with interest your discussion above and I feel the necessity to explain two things: one truth is the Buddhist imagery of Shakti and her partner is more explicit sexual associated; the second: all those images are symbolic representation of some principles. So if someone feels lust for an image of Shakti, in any form, even she’s naked, he must forget about sadhana and go in this world for a woman, because it is clear he has a wrong perception about Shakti as Devi or divine presence. But, on the other part, it is stated on kali sadhana, that a vira can approach Devi in her naked aspect. I don’t believe the person being in pashu state can do this, so the advice for such persons is to go worldly sense, resolve their problems with women and sexual frustration then return to Devi and love her in the mother aspect. All the other ways are wrong and will give him troubles.


Arasel, Thanks for your reply. Not sure why you brought the above into this discussion. I beleive every devi bhakta is well aware of avoiding any sexual association regarding any form of Shakti regardless of whether she is naked or not. I personally consider the Devi as my mother, besides I am a heterosexual female -- so there is no way I would have any sexual association towards the naked form of a Shakti. Besides why place any importance on nakedness? For me it personally does not matter. As a health practioner I see naked bodies (men and women) all the time -- and it's no big deal.

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As working with biija mantra is more effective in sadhana, use Durga Biija Mantra as is stated in PRANATOSINI 4_KamyaKanda (

Velthius transliteration):


da durgaavaacaka.m devi ! |


ukaara"scaapi rak.sa.ne |


vi"svamaataa naadaruupa.h kurvartho binduruupaka.h |


tasmaattenaiva biijena durgaamaaraadhayecchive ! ||


duu.m ||

I think you can do the difference between short u and long U in sanskrit.

Thinking about psychic abilities, I can told you 2 things: if you have not since born any kind of psychic power, the chances to develop one simple by repeating a mantra is null; the second part, only from your personal practice you can develop your powers, but this requires some years of practice. If you don't receive the mantra from a person with mantra-virya, your effort will be more time consuming, till the moment you will gain the power to wake up any mantra, even if is one you read in book. Without this mantra-virya, there are no fruits. The practice will reduce to simple japa yoga, so maybe your mental will be calmed down, but that is, no psychic power at all. And run, fast, run away form any "guru" who offers you "initiations".

Then about psy-powers again: try to approach dasha maha vidya system, and specially Bagalamukhi and Matangi vidya; all the 10 maha vidya offer siddhis. If you don't know and don't practice yoga and other kind of disciplines, take your life and enjoy worldly pleasures. :)


Arasel, Thanks again for posting the Durga bija mantra. You have raised some interesting points. I would really like to get initiated into the Sri Vidya tradition but I have not found a teacher to initiate me into this tradition. I don't particularly trust the advertisements on the web offering initiations. So since I do not have access to a guru the next best thing is to take the Devi as my guru and try to obtain a shakti by doing japa. Not sure if this will yeild desired results or not, but I am sure I will gain some benefits. Afterall, mantra japa has various benefits if not siddhi powers.

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