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How does one know if they are enlightened?

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When I say do this as often as you can.. I mean to spread as much Holiness in your Living Place.. What need of Possession? Thats like saying what need of a shrine? What need of clothes? What need of tools? When I say goto a Yard sale I mean try to find beautiful CHEAP things!!!! Goto a Family Dollar store or something.. As long as you find it beautiful is what matters.. For example I bought alot of plastic Flower vines to decorate my apartment each 4 foot vine cost me a dollar.. How can 1 man Heal all the Hunger of the world? Because I buy one small statue of a Dragon and bless it doesnt mean I created Starvation. Do you have a Vehicle? Did that cause starvation?

How does having a wise Dragon who uses positive magic scare children? Ever see the movie "Puff the Magic Dragon"? Does that scare children?

Eyes open? Living in a Shrine? Are you really? Shrines should look beautiful like an altar.. Or picture of Krishna! You ask which form? Universal Form means too many to count so how does one pick one? Well you should look at Chapter 16 of Bagavad Gita and examine Divine and Demoniac Natures.. This means things with DIVINE NATURES are what you should be surrounding in your life..

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How does one know if they are enlightened?


1) The life-energies are focused during the 'being educated' process.


The workings of the 'Mind' are the same as dreaming and lusting and lamenting and laying-about.


The stratum of "Intelligence" is connected to the cakra at the Eye-Level of ones spinal column --What is the color associated with this 6th Chakra?


Ones own "Intelligence" is above all the other material elements that compose ones existence --that is why one must become "fixed in Knowledge" [via yogic knowledge, et al].


2) "Enlightenment" [i'm sorry to put it this way, I'm just the messenger here!] Enlightenment is a state of knowing all things as "Suffering" --whilst knowing that all things Sattvic [sattva guna; Good-Happiness] is attainable, in abundance, by continuing in your occupational-duties without selfish embezzlement of resources.


Part of possessing sattvic qualities is to uphold the "Maintenance" of the common good.

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When I say do this as often as you can.. I mean to spread as much Holiness in your <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:Street><st1:address>Living Place</st1:address></st1:Street>.. What need of Possession? Thats like saying what need of a shrine?
There is no need of a shrine.


What need of clothes?
Srila’s tailor was simple too


What need of tools?
A tool can be a toothbrush but not a dragon to talk to


When I say goto a Yard sale I mean try to find beautiful CHEAP things!!!!
To you it may be cheap; to the child in <st1:place>Africa</st1:place>, the greatest gift on earth; perspective?!?!?


Goto a Family Dollar store or something.. As long as you find it beautiful is what matters..
The Hope diamond is beautiful and a just a rock formed of mother earth


For example I bought alot of plastic Flower vines to decorate my apartment each 4 foot vine cost me a dollar.. How can 1 man Heal all the Hunger of the world?
Then why follow the faith you promote as true?


Because I buy one small statue of a Dragon and bless it doesnt mean I created Starvation.
But if 6 billion were to think like you are sharing than what?


Do you have a Vehicle? Did that cause starvation?
Nope as it is parked unless on a journey of ‘doing.’ Do you need it? If the purpose is good, it’s yours!

If any possession will bring ‘good’ to humanity, take all; including my left arm just to make sure.


How does having a wise Dragon who uses positive magic scare children?
For a human being to think a figurine has magic or wise is a fib as well shares a method of thinking that should not be around children; as it is all irresponsible fibbing.


Living in a Shrine? Are you really?
Absolutely! To be alive with the experience of choice is a shrine (heaven) in true reality.


Shrines should look beautiful like an altar.. Or picture of <st1:place>Krishna</st1:place>!
What picture? As a sunset is a picture of Krisha.


You ask which form? Universal Form means too many to count so how does one pick one?
Not my choice!
Well you should look at Chapter 16 of Bagavad Gita and examine Divine and Demoniac Natures..


This means things with DIVINE NATURES are what you should be surrounding in your life..
That is what I said: my shrine of GOD is experiencing life!
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Boys, boys, tsk.


Yes mental illlness can lead one to believe they are enlightened. This is common. As far as I can tell it is a beautifull experience. Beware of the descent however. Inevitably there is one, and depression can result. In the meantime enjoy the ride.



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Boys, boys, tsk.


Yes mental illlness can lead one to believe they are enlightened. This is common. As far as I can tell it is a beautifull experience.

Does that mean you are ill or that you have knowledge to share from the experience?



Beware of the descent however. Inevitably there is one, and depression can result.
That is one of the 'nasties' that unfolds when knowledge someone believes as true is found incorrect.


Such that all over the world many religions beliefs and faiths have people even willing to die for what they are being taught as absolute; when we each have areas that are still unanswered by the religion themselves.


Now imagine when the truth unfolds pure.


Not only will there be no need of faith ever again but then all them folk out there who will use that knowledge of being decieved and rebel; such that even the teacher may bare the wrath from the student.


'Knowing' as in 'enlightenment' is comprehending the experience; proof is when the experience can be conveyed to words.

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Yes, I've had a manic episode. The lead up was good, I felt great, enlightened even. I could dance with my eyes closed and feel the walls before touching them. I thought I'd met an incarnation of our Lord and he was pleased with me. He could tak to me through birds or flashes of light. He challenged me to a race. I hopped in a truck and flipped and rolled it doing 80 MPH on a 30 km / hr corner. Miraculously I escaped unharmed, which of couse was further proof (to me) of my significance. Fantasies of grandness etc...


And then the reprecussions of my actions began. They affected me and my family for a long time.


Apparently when someone is delusional, manic, schitzophrenic, whatever, the most common delusion is of greatness (ie. enlightenment etc), the second is paranoia. Or something like that.


In the hope of helping another,



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liselina.. Your experience sounds to me to be Bipolar.. When one becomes enlightened it does not mean it's ok to break the rules.. You thought it was ok to break the speed limit correct? And what happened? If you meet spirits (And trust I have been meeting spirits) DO NOT let them challenge you to foolish tests!! Jesus said this and he was correct. And most important.. NEVER go off your meds.. I am STILL on my meds.. It is LIKE FOOD.. Something we REALLY NEED.

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There is answer in the scriptures as to how it feels when you are enlightened.

(1) You feel that what you experienced previously was like a dream while sleeping and it is totally gone now that you are awake (2) there are no more questions remaining to be answered.


I hope this helps you. I am only replying from the scriptures, but a real answer would be from an alredy enlightened person or from your own experience.


Jai Swaminarayan


P.S. I am not an enlightened person.

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The Bhagavad-gita shows that Arjuna's enlightenment passed an exam --at the end Arjuna proceeded to preform his occupational duty (dharma).


Also, by way of an ancient maha-raja (Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita), Arjuna's predictament has allowed all of us commoners to witness Krishna's Lecture to his cousin Arjuna. Thank you A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.



"Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Enlightenment, in its truest sense, means to be a pure devotee. Pure devotees have transcendental vision and visualize the pastimes of Lord Sri Krsna like one watching a movie. At the same time they see with their physical eyes they also see with their transcendental vision, without a disturbance in their daily activities. However, a pure devotee keeps this hidden and functions as a normal person would. Only those with spiritual potency can know who is a pure devotee.

If one is on the path to enlightenment, they are endeavoring to become a pure devotee. As Krsna states in the Gita, "Out of many thousands of men, one may be endeavoring for perfection. Our of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one will know me in truth." Thus, even one who is seriously trying to become enlightened, to the best of their ability, is very rare - even among those who claim to be devotees! Most people are not willing to follow all the necessary procedures to become a pure devotee (even if they pretend that they are), including strictly fasting on all Vedic fasting dates (fasting can either mean a dry fast, including avoiding everything, including water, or it can mean eating only the permitted foods for each fast), strictly following all regulative principles, offering ALL of their food to Krsna (most "devotees" find it too difficult to offer everything to Krsna. I went to an the New Vrindaban temple once, and when I said I offered water to Krsna, the person there said "I'm impressed. We usually just drink unoffered water." I was surprised at this. The truth is real devotees accept ONLY prashadam) , chanting a minimum of sixteen rounds a day, and strictly following all of the commands of an authentic Vaisnava guru. If one is sincere in their heart and determined to follow all scriptural procedures, Krsna will surely guide them to an authentic guru. Those who are insincere will either find an authentic guru and not take him seriously or else they will find a bogus guru.

Thus, enlightenment is very rare. Kali-yuga is so backwards that people think enlightenment comes from using some kind of hallucinogen. Or, they believe the "psychic" person down the street is enlightened, not knowing that the psychic is actually just a normal person.

A pure devotee, according to the scriptures, is one who is saturated with love of Godhead. This means they are in constant ecstacy. Such a person is very rare.

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