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how will my future be

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The only redeeming factor in your 7th house in rasi chart is an exalted mercury - but its combust, thats why i asked you to wear emerald - because mercury's exaltation will also cancel venus' debility. However - Mer-Ven must win in planetary war from Sun - lord of 6th house - to ensure that no seperation takes place...ketu in 5th house denies children, rahu's 9th aspect on 7th house is no good either, also in saptamsa - we have rahu-ketu on 1-7 axis...


In my opinion, remedies really work if you are blessed - you are blessed if you havent done major sins in the past lives and your actions have been good in this life.


No gemstones work if you wear them and do not follow the right path.


Your chart says your actions should have been quite good and therefore, the suggested remedies should definitely work in your case.


Best wishes


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