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Is Tratak Vidya A Means To Reach Quantum Domain

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Hi fellows,


i am quite new to this forum, actually, my nameis nalin, i am 21 years old, i had been reading, diffrent vedas and did alot of research on hindu darshan shastra and it's relevance with modern day science, since i am a science student.


I just have a question to ask all of you, may be some of u can put some light on this,


As our sacred text says, by mean of hypnotism, or tratak vidya or thru telepathy, we can reach to other human being's mind and actually program their mind with instructions, and as our science says, human use nearly use 1% of their mind, but research shows that, hypnotists and telepathist actually use a more %age of tehir mind, they try to reach to a space in ur mind, where everythings comes to a stop, time, feelings, needs, desire alsmost everything and man comes to a unconscious state and physics term this as "Quantum Domain", I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS THE REALTIONSHIP BETWEEN QUANTUM DOMAIN AND HINDU VEDAS, DOES HINDU VEDAS HAVE ANY ILLUSTARTIONS ABOUT QUANTUM DOMAIN, for those who want to search in details, i suppose it is also called "ANU VIGYAAN".



Nalin Mehra

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Hi fellows,


i am quite new to this forum, actually, my nameis nalin, i am 21 years old, i had been reading, diffrent vedas and did alot of research on hindu darshan shastra and it's relevance with modern day science, since i am a science student.


I just have a question to ask all of you, may be some of u can put some light on this,


As our sacred text says, by mean of hypnotism, or tratak vidya or thru telepathy, we can reach to other human being's mind and actually program their mind with instructions, and as our science says, human use nearly use 1% of their mind, but research shows that, hypnotists and telepathist actually use a more %age of tehir mind, they try to reach to a space in ur mind, where everythings comes to a stop, time, feelings, needs, desire alsmost everything and man comes to a unconscious state and physics term this as "Quantum Domain", I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS THE REALTIONSHIP BETWEEN QUANTUM DOMAIN AND HINDU VEDAS, DOES HINDU VEDAS HAVE ANY ILLUSTARTIONS ABOUT QUANTUM DOMAIN, for those who want to search in details, i suppose it is also called "ANU VIGYAAN".



Nalin Mehra

Thanks so much Nalin for making this post with quite interesting aspects how to see vedic knowledge like Bhagavad-gita through modern way of explaining things. When reading, "where everything comes to a stop, time, feelings, needs, desire almost everything and man comes to a unconscious state and physics term this as "Quantum Domain"", my first thought is, Bhagavad-gita, The Perfection of Renunciation, eighteenth chapter, verse 54, where it says, in this state of consciousness stones and gold are of equal value. In other words when using the term "Quantum Domain", this means the divine consciousness where your inner state of spiritual trance causes the dualities of this temporary material world to be changed into transcendental reality of sat-cid-ananda, eternity, knowledge and unending happiness. To actually realize that by engaging in the transcendetal loving service of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna that everything is being changed into Vaikuntha, the spiritual world.


One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully joyful. He never laments or desires to have anything. He is equally disposed toward every living entity. In that state he attains pure devotional service unto Me.


To the impersonalist, achieving the brahma-bhūta stage, becoming one with the Absolute, is the last word. But for the personalist, or pure devotee, one has to go still further, to become engaged in pure devotional service. This means that one who is engaged in pure devotional service to the Supreme Lord is already in a state of liberation, called brahma-bhūta, oneness with the Absolute. Without being one with the Supreme, the Absolute, one cannot render service unto Him. In the absolute conception, there is no difference between the served and the servitor; yet the distinction is there, in a higher spiritual sense.

In the material concept of life, when one works for sense gratification, there is misery, but in the absolute world, when one is engaged in pure devotional service, there is no misery. The devotee in Kṛṣṇa consciousness has nothing for which to lament or desire. Since God is full, a living entity who is engaged in God's service, in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, becomes also full in himself. He is just like a river cleansed of all dirty water.




Because a pure devotee has no thought other than Kṛṣṇa, he is naturally always joyful. He does not lament for any material loss or aspire for gain, because he is full in the service of the Lord. He has no desire for material enjoyment, because he knows that every living entity is a fragmental part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and therefore eternally a servant. He does not see, in the material world, someone as higher and someone as lower; higher and lower positions are ephemeral, and a devotee has nothing to do with ephemeral appearances or disappearances. For him stone and gold are of equal value. This is the brahma-bhūta stage, and this stage is attained very easily by the pure devotee. In that stage of existence, the idea of becoming one with the Supreme Brahman and annihilating one's individuality becomes hellish, the idea of attaining the heavenly kingdom becomes phantasmagoria, and the senses are like serpents' teeth that are broken. As there is no fear of a serpent with broken teeth, there is no fear from the senses when they are automatically controlled. The world is miserable for the materially infected person, but for a devotee the entire world is as good as Vaikuṇṭha, or the spiritual sky. The highest personality in this material universe is no more significant than an ant for a devotee. Such a stage can be achieved by the mercy of Lord Caitanya, who preached pure devotional service in this age.

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  • 11 months later...

""In our daily life, we use internet and cyberspace for so many things, we reach to people located remotely and get to access almost any place virtually,

God, is also something like this............. It is like a divine internet... which connects very person, plant, animal or atom present in this world....... if internet is in cyberspace........ then "Divine Internet" is in "Swapna Aakash", "Swapna Aakash" a place beyond time and space which was referred as "Quantum Domain" by Einstein.................... past, present and future is like one here, there's no difference, things like "distances" doesn't exist here.................."Swapna Aakash is like God's Play ground, where world's destiny takes birth every moment..........everything is Possible Here.....""

What is Swapna Aakash?? How it is related to Quantum Domain?? Is Swapna AAkash Quantum Domain......

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Guest love_alliance18

Dear friends,

What you are talking about is true. You can control others minds, behaviours and activities. It has link with science and the master element is to learn to direct the flow of energy. Around every human being is a morphic field which helps human beings transfer energies to anywhere ignoring the distance between two minds. All you have to do is to tune your and the receivers mind to perfect state of morphic resonance. The brain produces four types of waves : Beta, Alpha, Theta and delta. Alpha is the state where all types of meditation activities are done. In this state only you can manipulate people. The "Reiki" also works on these principles and a master in reiki can control any one from any distance.

The morphic field theory was proposed by the parapsychologist "Rupert Sheldrake". The simple theory is you manipulate things with your own energy and the only thing you need to know is how to show the correct direction of your energy. These things are known to very few human beings coz this can be deadly for the humans themselves. But, telepathy, psychokinesis and all are now being used by military establishments also as this is no magic and it is also a gift for a reason by the supreme to us.


Find more on Morphic Resonanace here:




With Best Regards,

Om Namah Shivaya!



We all are God's child, The Omnipotent will be our savior!

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they try to reach to a space in ur mind, where everythings comes to a stop, time, feelings, needs, desire alsmost everything and man comes to a unconscious state and physics term this as "Quantum Domain",

That sounds like a description of the state of consciousness that the soul exists in during the interim period between universal manifestations.

According to Vedic instruction, the entire cosmos of millions of universes and galaxies are all dissolved after the lifetime of Brahma or the breathing period of Lord Vishnu.

When the material universes are dissolved all the living souls exist in the Viraja realm or the Causal plane of consciousness where there is no activity of the mind or senses.

However, this is not a space within the human mind.

It is a space beyond material energy where the mind, ego and intelligence of the soul are all in a state of suspension.


The Buddhist concept of Nirvana is very akin to this state of existence.

In Vedic terms it is the Viraja River of also called the Karana-samudra (Causal Ocean).

Lord Maha-Vishnu lies down in this Karana-samudra when he creates the millions of universes out of his breathing.

It is a realm between the material energy (material universes) and the spiritual realm of spiritual planets.


It is not possible for the soul to remain in that state of suspended animation indefintely.

Because the soul has inherintly consciousness, it cannot remain in this position no more than a person can remain sleeping perpetually.

Just as we wake up in the morning after the brain, mind and body are rested, the soul wakes up from this sleeping condition of Causal existence.


However, it is not possible for an embodied soul possessing mind, ego, intelligence and senses to attain a genuine state of this "Quantum domain" as the mind, ego and senses are by nature impetuous.


The only real option is to fully spiritualize the senses through Bhakti-yoga and enter into the Paravyoma for eternal life.


The state of "Quantum domain" as a feasible state for the human mind is impossible.

The only way to attain this "Quantum domain" is to dissolve completely the human mind into the causal plane.

That cannot be done as long as any material desires exist within the human mind.

So, it cannot be acheived by science.

It is a spiritual attainment beyond the capabilities of science.

Purging the mind of any and all material desires can only be done through devotion to God.

It cannot be done mechanically in a scientific experiment.

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I think BG 8.9 is quite clear about this. God is "smaller than the smallest". Yet, He maintains (pervades) everything. So, God is the basis of everything, which includes atoms, protons, quarks, photons.. Thus, God Himself is the Quantum Domain. However, the quantum manifestation of God in this world (known in science as Quantum Mechanics) is only a tiny discontinuous fraction of the total continuous Quantum Domain.. :)



Bhagavad-gita As It Is 8.9


kavim puranam anusasitaram

anor aniyamsam anusmared yah

sarvasya dhataram acintya-rupam

aditya-varnam tamasah parastat




kavim -- the one who knows everything; puranam -- the oldest; anusasitaram -- the controller; anoh -- than the atom; aniyamsam -- smaller; anusmaret -- always thinks of; yah -- one who; sarvasya -- of everything; dhataram -- the maintainer; acintya -- inconceivable; rupam -- whose form; aditya-varnam -- luminous like the sun; tamasah -- to darkness; parastat -- transcendental.




One should meditate upon the Supreme Person as the one who knows everything, as He who is the oldest, who is the controller, who is smaller than the smallest, who is the maintainer of everything, who is beyond all material conception, who is inconceivable, and who is always a person. He is luminous like the sun, and He is transcendental, beyond this material nature.




The process of thinking of the Supreme is mentioned in this verse. The foremost point is that He is not impersonal or void. One cannot meditate on something impersonal or void. That is very difficult. The process of thinking of Krishna, however, is very easy and is factually stated herein. First of all, the Lord is purusha, a person -- we think of the person Rama and the person Krishna. And whether one thinks of Rama or of Krishna, what He is like is described in this verse of Bhagavad-gita. The Lord is kavi; that is, He knows past, present and future and therefore knows everything. He is the oldest personality because He is the origin of everything; everything is born out of Him. He is also the supreme controller of the universe, and He is the maintainer and instructor of humanity. He is smaller than the smallest. The living entity is one ten-thousandth part of the tip of a hair, but the Lord is so inconceivably small that He enters into the heart of this particle. Therefore He is called smaller than the smallest. As the Supreme, He can enter into the atom and into the heart of the smallest and control him as the Supersoul. Although so small, He is still all-pervading and is maintaining everything. By Him all these planetary systems are sustained. We often wonder how these big planets are floating in the air. It is stated here that the Supreme Lord, by His inconceivable energy, is sustaining all these big planets and systems of galaxies. The word acintya ("inconceivable") is very significant in this connection. God's energy is beyond our conception, beyond our thinking jurisdiction, and is therefore called inconceivable (acintya). Who can argue this point? He pervades this material world and yet is beyond it. We cannot comprehend even this material world, which is insignificant compared to the spiritual world -- so how can we comprehend what is beyond? Acintya means that which is beyond this material world, that which our argument, logic and philosophical speculation cannot touch, that which is inconceivable. Therefore intelligent persons, avoiding useless argument and speculation, should accept what is stated in scriptures like the Vedas, Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam and follow the principles they set down. This will lead one to understanding.


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In reality, there are 3 space dimensions and 1 time dimension, which amounts to a total of 4 continuous dimensions. The material world is only a fraction of reality, and as such, it has a fractional (or fractal) dimensionality of, for example, 3.5 or 3.1.. In our material world, it's actually the time dimension that is incomplete (or fractional or discontinuous); we are only conscious 'every now and then'. Hence, we consciously perceive separate (or different) objects (or forms), and atoms (or material units or energy quanta). In reality, however, everything is simply One single continuous system (or whole or God).. :)

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  • 1 year later...

I am no master in this domain but a person like you or may be lesser in knowledge. but I like the thought and i had thought of the same few years back.


It is a well known thing that humans are considered to have vibrations in them and too control them and understand them is the motive of meditation dhyaan, pranayaam and vipassana. These vibrations can be linked to string theory or the sub sub atomic part or bosons and also what is known as the go d particle HIGGS BOSONS. These are still hwpothesis in modern science but were said to be existing 2000 years before by a man known as Budhha and repeated by sushruta and many others.


Yes in vedas also you will find imprints of this. Try and read more. Or easier way,(why do you think there is so emphasis on atmagyaan), look into urself. you will find the answers.

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  • 4 months later...

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