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Vasantha Sai

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Yes, indeed. But she claims to be the incarnation of the Mother as Radharani (who has a specific set of characteristics by which we can recognize Her incarnations (e.g.- Sita, Padma, Bhumi Devi, etc...) in the world), when she should be claiming to be the incarnation of a goddess like Dhumavati (who has characteristics by which we can recognize her incarnations that are similar those that Vasantha Sai has).


Dear RadheyRadhey your devotion to Radharani is amirable:) ....... But when Divinity takes incarnation Divinity may not do so to a set of prescriptions /characteristics that we prescribe or feel that It must take. Dvinity will take incarnation as Divinity pleases. (I think it is somewhat arrogant to assume that we know exactly how Shakti will take form in each incarnation. That is beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. Shakti will play as She pleases!)


Let me ask you....If Krishna's Radharani was any less beuatiful (physically)than you think she was, would you have loved her less? (I bet Krishna would not have had a problem loving her even if she was not beautiful physically.) Divinity is just IS. It is our limited minds that tend to categorise things as being beautiful or ugly etc, etc..... They are just labels. ;)

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Dear RadheyRadhey your devotion to Radharani is amirable:) ....... But when Divinity takes incarnation Divinity may not do so to a set of prescriptions /characteristics that we prescribe or feel that It must take. Dvinity will take incarnation as Divinity pleases. (I think it is somewhat arrogant to assume that we know exactly how Shakti will take form in each incarnation. That is beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. Shakti will play as She pleases!)


Let me ask you....If Krishna's Radharani was any less beuatiful (physically)than you think she was, would you have loved her less? (I bet Krishna would not have had a problem loving her even if she was not beautiful physically.) Divinity is just IS. It is our limited minds that tend to categorise things as being beautiful or ugly etc, etc..... They are just labels. ;)

Thank you. :) Your devotion to the Universal Mother is admirable as well :)

No, I wouldn't love Her any less if She were absolutely hideous. I love Dhumavati Mahavidya as well, although in from a worldly point of view, She's not exactly attractive.

But, it is said that when Srimati Radhika takes form, there is a specific set of characteristics by which we can recgnize the Mother in Her form. While, on the other hand, when Dhumavati Mahavidya takes form, we can tell who is Her incarnation based on the characteristics we are given describing Her from Tantric Shastra. This doesn't mean that Dhumavati is less beautiful than Radharani, or that Radharani is more beautiful than Dhumavati. It just means that Devi lets us know how She's incarnating based on many things, including how Her form is.

So, that being said, I acknowledge Amma as being just as filled with divine light as Anandamayi Mata, for example. Although They both have rather different physical characteristics, They are both beacons of light in darkness, just as Radharani and Dhumavati are. :) But, we will know if it is Dhumavati or Radharani incarnating (if They choose to incarnate again) based on many things, among them physical characteristics. I'm sorry for having offended either you or Dhumavati Mahavidya. I offer all apologies to your feet and the lotus feet of the Divine Mahavidya Dhumavati.

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I'm sorry for having offended either you or Dhumavati Mahavidya. I offer all apologies to your feet and the lotus feet of the Divine Mahavidya Dhumavati.


Dear RadheyRadhey, I am not at all offended. And there is no need for any apologies.... It is just that I find it truly liberating to see Devinity in All of Creation.:)

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The Metamorphosis of Devendra Panda and the Trials of Doosri Radha


March 15, 2006



A bananafish.

In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa wakes up from anxious dreams to find himself a verminous insect.

In a feat no less astonishing but very much in the theatre of the real, Devendra Kumar Panda, Inspector General of Police (Rules and Manuals), Uttar Pradesh Police, woke up one day in 1991 with the firm realisation that he was Radha, the beloved wife of the Hindu God Bhagwan (or Lord) Krishna. His wife's immediate reaction to this happy event is unrecorded but worth thinking about. What his colleagues in the Police Department too thought of this abrupt introduction of the religious into the secular executive arm is unknown.

_41022546_panda2ap203.jpg Panda soon began calling himself Doosri Radha (the second Radha) and took to dressing with a mangtika (jewellery adorning the head of women), yellow lehenga (petticoat) with a chunni (head scarf) demurely covering the head. He sported a nose ring, nail polish, bangles and payal (anklet) and danced gaily in his office and spoke of his marriage to Bhagwan Krishna. He also changed the name plate in his official residence from Devendra Panda to Doosri Radha.

Unfortunately for Radha, things were unravelling on the domestic front. Upset at this new look of her husband turned divinity girl friend, Veena, Doosri Radha's wife filed for divorce. She accused Radha of "being every bit a violent abusive 'husband' who hit her at the slightest provocation". She has demanded an interim monthly maintenance and further accused Doosri Radha of dowry harassment.

Matters reached a low one day in November 2005. Veena came home to find Doosri Radha packing his bags preparatory to moving out. As Veena watched in bemusement, packers began moving their washing machine, television and other goods to a tractor standing outside. In a bid to stop Doosri Radha's exodus along with the family possessions, a scuffle broke out between Veena and Radha in which Radha's nose-ring was lost leaving him desolate. "I begged her to return the mark of my marriage with Krishna but she refused", a heart broken Doosri Radha told media.

But Doosri Radha's travails did not end there. He moved in with a friend, Tanveer Jauhar, a Youth Co-ordinator with the Nehru Yuva Sangathan. But alas, this proved but a temporary shelter as Jauhar was arrested immedately after on charges of sending obscene letters to a female judge in Jhansi. Ironically, the complainant recognised him from the news channel coverage of the ongoing drama. Moreover, Jauhar's neighbours objected to the loud noise of the kirtans.

If ever there was a time for a Ninda Stuti authored by Doosri Radha, it was now.

Happily, divine succour and requited love may finally be on hand for the beleagured ex-policeman. Mithilesh Pathak, a Class IV employee with the Civil Surgeon's office in Jamshedpur believes that he is Krishna's incarnation that Doosri Radha has been desperately searching for.

"Hoga, hoga, hoga. Radha ka Krishna se milan hoga. Krishna has to come when Radha sings his paeans. I am the Krishna the former IG has been looking for all this while," Pathak says. He told his colleagues that the duo would meet soon as it was preordained. Pathak too dresses in bright costumes and dances to the tune of a melody that only he can hear. Not surprisingly, Doosri Krishna loves to play the flute.




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