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Dear Sasisekaran ji.. Pls analyse my chart.

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Dear Sasisekaran Ji,


I have gone through your posts regarding predictions. So please take time analyse my chart too.


Im working in a private concern

My birth details are. 4th january 1983 - 6.36 am - place : Coimbatore

Financially i was facing problems and regarding delay in abroad travel.

In nov 2006, I lost my money starting a business and being a partner with my friend.Last year in near to june,i faced a heavy financial loss and cancellation of foreign travel like that.

How will be my next Rahu maha dasa.How abt my marriage life?

Please analyse my chart and need Gem prediction.


Thank you,


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dear shri.rajan



the first loss occured in the period of venus and the second during

the period of saturn.


venus is placed in makara in rasi and badly placed in navamsa

aspected by three malefics.


saturn is placed worst in navamsa.


no wonder you had failures then.


you were born during the period of mars . mars is placed in the

direction of agni, an uncomfortable position in dasamsa.

this mars is placed in garala shastiamsa. garala means poison.


mars is atma karaka, the primary planet in your chart.

its period is till 2012. it is better to avoid any business till this period is over.

generally you may treat this period as that one relating to your

past janma. during the period of the atmakarak , the suffering

will be at soul level. the one and only way to protect yourself

is to surrender to your ishta devata and hold on to him tightly.


your ishta devata is ganapathy in 'jala '.

please worship him not only regularly but whenever you can find time also.


i do not prescribe 'gems' since i feel it is for 'stony' people.



Lord Krishna recommends " naama sangeerthana " in kali yuga.


can anyone other than KRISHNA give better advice ?.....


you may come across a lady in the final part of 2009.


may mother bless all





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Dear Sasisekaran Ji,

Thank you for your valuable suggestions.

As per your view do i always need to have face problems during saturn and venus dasa,antardasa likewise. Also i asked about my Rahu dasa. How it'll be?

Like to know about it as a precaution.

Does rahu is placed good in my charts.Since it s in my kalasthra sthana.


Thank you,


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Thank you Sasisekaran Ji,

I have one more doubt in my chart. By default its said Jupiter(Guru) is a benefic/good planet. But i also read about a thing that if lagna lord is placed in 12th house its not good like that. Do we analyse our Navamsa and dasamsa chart for the jupiters placement and check whether its benefic or not.

What are the benefic planets in my chart. Which dasa and antar dasa will be good for me.

Pls bare with my Queries. In spite of understanding my chart im asking this.


Thank you,


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om gurubhyo namah




dear shri.rajan


guru ( since he is lagna lord) and ninth lord sun are benefics to you.

their periods will be benefic.


any planet must be analysed from navamsa, since " god given " is

seen from there.


what are the exact dates of your job entry ? first, second etc


i am quite worried you are silence about the 'worshiping' aspect.


may mother bless all





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Dear Sasisekaran Ji,

Regarding worship. Im by default a devotee of lord krishna.Also as i mentioned earlier. I have lot of faith in god. Just to know about my chart i had those queries.


My first job entry date is on oct 2005 where i felt some loneliness and no recognition from my colleagues too. So i quitted in short time to second job entry is on Feb 2006. Where i felt lack in financial improvement in june 2006.Same continues now also.


As you said, Though guru in 12 th house we can consider it benefic or what!!How about moons' placement.


Thank you,


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om gurubhyo namah




dear shri.rajan



you have failed to give dates. month and year alone were provided

by you.


guru in twelth shows your desire to move to foreign land.


8th lord in 9th cand show inheritance.


during the period of ak one has to approach ishta devata !


may mother bless all





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Dear Sasisekaran Ji,


As per you suggestions my prayers towards Ganapathy ista devatha is there. But i dint get any images of 'jala'

ganapathy. So im praying keeping picture of ganapathy whenever i find time. If u know any website for the image of the same. just provide me.


First temporarily teaching job - 1-june to october 2005

second job - 20 th Oct 2005 to jan 30th 2006

did part time business - likely 15th march 2006 - faced failure

third one - feb 2006 to till now

loss of pay - due to lack of recognition - june july 2007


8th lord in 9th cand show inheritance. -- i cant understand this statement.Can you give some explanation regarding How moon affects me?


As guru gives desire. when this will get fulfilled.



Thank you,


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om gurubhyo namah




dear shri.rajan


Thanks for the info. pl allow me to take sometime to reply.


vinayaka placed near river can also be prayed.


`Jala Vinayaka' shrine situated on the banks of the river Swarnamukhi'

i think this place is in andhra state.


your moon is under stress. bandana is caused by sat and rahu.

merc, ven and mars are causing virodha argala.


the only beneficial placements from moon are jupiter , sun and ketu.



1. First temporarily teaching job - 1-june to october 2005


jup pratyantar got you first job.



2. second job - 20 th Oct 2005 to jan 30th 2006


merc pratyantar gave this job


3.did part time business - likely 15th march 2006 - faced failure


moon pratyantar...failure


4. third one - feb 2006 to till now


moon pratyantar.. unsatisfactory..


5. loss of pay - due to lack of recognition - june july 2007


rah/sat/merc.. june jully salary cut


if you carefully observe, stress on moon is shown. merc as tenth

lord, though bhadaka for dhanus lagna has given you job.


wait till jupiter's dasa. meanwhile try to increase your qualification and

other knowledge related to profession. develop your communicating

skill, writing skill, dynamic approach towards job etc., which should

reflect when you go for a new job.



may mother bless all





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