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I have stammering problem since childhood. My brother also has the same problem. No one else in my family has this. Due to my stammering problem I am not able to speak in classroom discussions. Can you please offer some advice as to how I can overcome this.

Full Name : Priyanka Ranu

My DOB is: 07/29/1986.

Place of Birth : Jalandhar/Punjab

Time of Birth : 10:55 A.M.

Thank you

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Its an easy conclusion that when ketu occupies 2nd from 7th of upapada lagna, stammering is caused - and in your case, ketu actually moves into lagna in chalit.


Mars and Ketu are malefic for virgo lagna. Most planets retro in your chart makes conclusions difficult.


However, very fortunately, emerald will do you a world of good as mercury is significator of communications and also your lagna lord. Dispositor of 2nd house which ketu occupies - Venus - is in a curse through out multiple charts. Therefore Venus-related remedies such as donation white foods to animals (esp. dogs) on Fridays are likely to be very beneficial.


In case you follow a strictly vegetarian lifestyle, you may also like to wear a 9-mukhi rudraksha and make peace with Ketu.


Best Wishes


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