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Very Concerned About my Dream

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I had a dream about a snake with a very large hood coming up to me in my bed looking at me, and me holding a pan of milk later. I dont remember anything after this. The snake didnt drink the milk, as far as I can remember, but I do remember it being considerable large, with its great hood and just observing me, in a still composure. I woke up in a hurry. I have been confused about the significance of this dream. I dont usually remember dreams, and this one was very vivid. What could be the significance of this? I am still a teenager and a devout hindu. Please give me your advice/thoughts. I have had a tantric snake puja done before, along with a group of people at my temple. This dream happened a long time after this, so I doubt that there is a connection. Another interesting aspect is that this dream happened after I woke up in a drowsy state in the morning, and then quickly went back to sleep. Once again, please give me your advice.


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Have you posted the query in the Vedic Astrology forum knowingly, or did you intend a spiritual discussion/tantra mantra discussion upon the same?


In case this is intentional, you may like to give your birth details so that astrologers here might come to a conclusion regarding any sarp dosha/ yogas in your horoscope.


:) Friendly suggestion from a lay person (not astrologer)

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Appearance of snake in dreams represents sexual urge.I think you must be thinking of sex and inclined towards some women(may be elder to you) known in your locality but afraid to express out of respect.Snake/snakes appear in dreams at your age is common.There seems to be unexplainable and unknown connection between human(male and female) sexual urge and snakes in dreams especially during the adulthood.Some times it continues at old age.


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