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Who is this Krishna das, is he a Vaishnava?

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Sarva gattah

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Krishna das has such a beautiful voice





This is my favourite http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=kLLAUPS2C1A




Don’t know much about him only that he new Timothy Leary and Ram Dass (Richard Alpert) who first turned the world on to LSD in the early 60s and travelled to India with Ram Dass

Does anyone know anything about him? I humbly prefer to listen to ONLY the servant of the servant of the servant of Krishna

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Thank you Hari dasa prabhu


The Guru of Krishna das is Shri Neem Karoli Baba or Shri Neeb Karori Baba (left this world on September 11, 1973, in Vrindavan, India), also known to followers as Maharaj-ji, was a guru and devotee of the Hanuman, the great devotee and servant of Lord Ramachandra, who is an expansion of Lord Krishna, the cause of all causes.


This is my favourite bhajan http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=kLLAUPS2C1A


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Raam Daas's famous hippie yoga transition book, Be Here Now, was inspired by his Guru Neem Karoli Baba. Its actually a funny read if one has attraction to all things 60's. its pervavded with mayavadi unfortunately.


I read somewhere sometime ago Srila Prabhupada was aware of Neem Karoli Baba, and there was some respect given due to some connection. If you do a google its online somewhere. I cant recall exactly but some one in their families new each other or something...anyway search it out its recorded somewhere.


Krishna dasa's music has lots of influence even shakta influence. As far as music goes I like his stuff due to its simplicity, but would much prefer to listen to Agni Devi Prabhu and sing songs of Srila Bhaktivinoda, the meditation is sweeter for me and much more satisfying. Each to their own.


There is a very interesting Raam Daas movie available called 'Fierce Grace'. It is so humble, he talks about his stroke and his close call with death. He expresses his feelings at that point and moment and that he did not think of God. He is so humble and his recovery from that stroke and what he teaches afterwards is very inspiring.

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From little I know of him, I believe he s to the mayavadi philosophy.


Radhe Radhe


Yes after reading the following you may be right, what guru would ever take LSD to prove something to his disciple? Prabhupada certainly didn't have to do that in the mid sixties, and he was right in the middle of it all in hippie America. Yes I was sucked in by his sweet voice, his charisma. I have now deleted all his bhajans off my computor


"Neem Karoli Baba then he held out his hand for the LSD. I put one pill on his palm. Each of these pills was about three hundred micrograms of very pure LSD -- a solid dose for an adult. He beckoned for more, so I put a second pill in his hand -- six hundred micrograms. Again he beckoned and I added yet another, making the total dosage 900 micrograms--certainly not a dose for beginners. Then he threw all the pills into his mouth. My reaction was one of shock mixed with fascination of a social scientist eager to see what would happen. He allowed me to stay for an hour -- and nothing happened. Nothing whatsover. He just laughed at me"





His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness




The transcendental vibration established by the chanting of Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare is the sublime method for reviving our Krishna consciousness.





As living spiritual souls we are all originally Krishna conscious entities, but due to our association with matter from time immemorial, our consciousness is now polluted by the material atmosphere.





The material atmosphere, in which we are now living, is called maya or illusion. Maya means "that which is not."





And what is this illusion?

The illusion is that we are all trying to be lords of material nature, while actually we are under the grip of her stringent laws.





When a servant artificially tries to imitate the all-powerful master, this is called illusion. In this polluted concept of life, we are all trying to exploit the resources of material nature, but actually we are becoming more and more entangled in her complexities.





Therefore, although we are engaged in a hard struggle to conquer nature, we are ever more dependent on her. This illusory struggle against material nature can at once be stopped by the revival of our Krishna consciousness.





Krishna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind; this consciousness is the original energy of the living entity. When we hear the transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived. And this process of chanting Hare Krishna is recommended by authorities for this age.





By practical experience also, we can perceive that by chanting this maha-mantra, or the Great Chanting for Deliverance, one can at once feel transcendental ecstasy from the spiritual stratum.





When one is factually on the plane of spiritual understanding -- surpassing the stages of sense, mind, and intelligence -- one is situated on the transcendental plane.





This chanting of Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare is directly enacted from the spiritual platform, surpassing all lower stages of consciousness, namely sensual, mental and intellectual.





There is no need, therefore, to understand the language of the mantra, nor is there any need for mental speculation or any intellectual adjustment for chanting this maha-mantra. It springs automatically from the spiritual platform, and as such, anyone can take part in this transcendental sound vibration without any previous qualification, and dance in ecstasy.





We have seen it practically, that even a child can take part in the chanting, or even a dog can take part in it. The chanting should be heard, however, from the lips of a pure devotee of the Lord, so that the immediate effect can be achieved.





As far as possible, chanting from the lips of nondevotees should be avoided, as much as milk touched by the lips of a serpent has poisonous effects.





The word Hare is a form of addressing the energy of the Lord, and the words Krishna and Rama are forms of directly addressing the Lord Himself.





Both Krishna and Rama mean "the highest pleasure." Hara is the supreme pleasure potency of the Lord. This potency, addressed as Hare, helps us in reaching the Supreme Lord.





The material energy, called maya, is also one of the multipotencies of the Lord. And we, the living entities, are also the energy -- marginal energy -- of the Lord.





The living entities are described as superior to material energy. When the superior energy is in contact with the inferior energy, it becomes an incompatible situation. But when the superior marginal energy is in contact with the supreme spiritual energy, called Hara, the living entity is established in its happy normal condition.





These three words, namely Hare, Krishna, and Rama, are the transcendental seeds of the maha-mantra. The chanting is a spiritual call for the Lord and His internal energy, Hara, for giving protection to the conditioned soul.





The chanting is exactly like the genuine cry of a child for its mother. Mother Hara helps the devotee achieve the grace of the supreme father Hari, or Krishna, and the Lord reveals Himself to the devotee who chants this mantra sincerely.





No other means of spiritual realization is as effective in this age as chanting the maha-mantra:




Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare







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Raam Daas was travelling with Bhagavan das at the time Neem Karoli Baba took the acid. Raam Daas was still Richard Alpert at the time and carrying the acid due to his attraction for visionary use. Karoli Baba taught him a lesson by taking all the acid supply. Baba took huge quantities more than any sane person would take and it had no effect on his dharana and dhyana, and possibly samadhi. Karoli Baba never took it for kicks and taught Raam Daas the futility of LSD use in spirituality. It is all documented in the Be Here Now book.


Maybe as our inner attraction and bhajan awakens, desires to listen to Krishna Dasa music will fall away automatically as its does not contain the same essence as Sri Rupa's teachings on bhajan.

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"Neem Karoli Baba" was a great sadhu known for having siddhis. He was known by the name Chamatkari Baba in Vrindavan ("Miracle Baba"). In the late 60's a few western hippies passed by his ashram and took a fancy to him. They never really became disciples or took initiation. In fact his Indian disciples call him as Neeb Karori Baba, not Neem Karoli Baba. After a few months visiting this ashram, they sort of self proclaimed themselves as his disciples and went back to the west.


The three well known "disciples" are Krishna Das, Ram Das and Bhagavan Das. If you study the current beliefs of these three people, they have absolutely no connection to the teachings of Neeb Karori Baba. For example Bhagavan Das is now a self proclaimed "tantric guru" who has recieved initiation by some Tibetan Llama. The truth is they never were disciples of neeb Karori Baba, just hippies passing through India. The real disciples were the sadhus staying in his ashram serving him and following his teachings. He taught that the name of Ram is everything and there is nothing higher. He chose to spend his time and leave his body in the holy land of Vrindavan.

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Thx Jahnava. One Krishna dasa song starts with a very old Neem Karoli Baba recording of the Baba chanting over and over the name of Raam. Krishna dasa's music has touched many people and introduced them to Krishna. I know one good man who came to Iskcon after enjoying Krishna dasa's music, and my friends wife is also gaining faith now too because of his songs. She loves his music.


Raam Daas's Be Here Now book is an eclectic collection of prose loosely choosing phrases and ideas from buddhist sayings to vedic colored hippie terminolgies etc etc. I presume much different to the teaching of the Baba.


The first time I saw the Baba in picture I felt strongly his authenticity and saintliness....his purity seems to have touched and transformed the hearts of many people. Personally I see him as a devotee and use wisdom in not speaking loosely of him. He is a devotee no doubt in my mind.

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So what does Krishna dasa think of ISKCON and the Gaudiya math? Is he mayavadi? Does he have any relationship with ISKCON? Has he ever visited Krsna Balarama Mandir In Vrndavana? quote by sarva

From what I have seen of Krishna dasa I would say he would not criticize Iskcon or Gaudiya Vaisnavism. I have one godbrother who knows him and has met him several times. He told me Krishna dasa is a gentleman and sweet devotee of God.


Krishna dasa's spirituality is different from our path, many of his songs are to Krsna, Hanuman, Durga. In my home I have often danced to his music over the years and it has enhanced my home, devotion, and lifestyle. I can hear his devotion, it is not dry. And at times dancing to his music I have felt shivers all through my body while calling the name of Hanuman.


But ofcourse I am by no means an exclusive devotee. Like I said earlier if we were realized in Sri Rupa's teaching in maturity Krishna dasa's music may not have the same taste in us it once had, due to the essence and internal sentiment of his approach.


Would Srila Prabhupada recommend not to listen to him? Maybe. Srila Prabhupada was a very pure one pointed Gaudiya disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, and through his words and example also taught that one pointedness.


Is Krishna dasa a mayavadi? What is a mayavadi? Neem Karoli Baba was not a mayavadi as far as I know, he was a devotee of Hanuman, a bhakti yogin whose devotion touched the heart of Krishna dasa. Krishna dasa is also a bhakti yogin and one of the biggest sellers in this field of music in the US.

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I think Jahanava Nitai's analysis is the clearest here. I met Bhagavan das in Honolulu in 1971 (maybe '72). While there he stayed at a home down the street from the ISKCON temple on McKinley Street. This house had a huge banyan tree in the front yard, and a couple of my old friends lived there. Bhagavan das came regularly to the temple for kirtan, and I would often go with Siddhasvarupananda down to the house to preach to Bhagavan das and the others. (One of my friends was a printer by training, and Goursundar really wanted him with us so we could have our own press.) Bhagavan das was a hippie attracted to Indian sadhu style and was clearly interested in gathering a following. When he saw it wasn't going to happen there at the time, he moved on. He has since developed a lucrative business as a sort of new-age guru. Krishna das has similarly capitalized on Baba's request that he sing for the Lord by developing his kirtan perfornance into a very lucrative new-age business. I don't feel any great attraction to his chanting.

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