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urgent to sir USR JI

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my details :1st aug 1983




my bf details:14 july 1980

time:9:55 am



i recently had a breakup with my bf you said to me that this marriage is possible.i just got my bf bio data.plz tell me again in some detail.is it possible?will he come back?will i go for love marriage?and if yes then when?when my marriage is possible?ppl on this forum said to me that ur marriage is nt poss till 2013.em confused plz help me using both of us details.

plz tell me i am realy tensed.why i had a breakup?and is there any hope for me that he will come back?and why he left me all of a sudden?i was carring on this affair after having 1-2 astrologoical guidance but i am hopeless at the moment plz help

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Shonna,(your full name ?),

Don't worry. Be cool. I will let you know shortly about your boy and you.It is not easy to answer your Q. It takes some time.Don't worry about what astrologers said.Mean while spend your time on other activities forgetting your love for few days.Love is a fascination in youth and regret in old age :) .This you will understand when you grow old.

with best wishes,



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Shonna,(your full name ?),

Don't worry. Be cool. I will let you know shortly about your boy and you.It is not easy to answer your Q. It takes some time.Don't worry about what astrologers said.Mean while spend your time on other activities forgetting your love for few days.Love is a fascination in youth and regret in old age :) .This you will understand when you grow old.

with best wishes,






but at the moment i am suffering.you want me to relax and wait for my old age to become happy that i didnt get married with my b.f?

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There is something known as patience and respect has a spelling too.


Suhana, all the world's miseries have befallen upon you and people dnt have the time to respond!


Excuse my curtness dear. You do have shining stars in your horoscope. Unfortunately, there are also excessive expectations, selfish + "i am always first and on top" attitude. Your ex-bf has a horoscope that makes him have a lot of patience + listening skills, he will have show-off instincts and great career too + MONEY! BUT BUT BUT - he isnt a flirt and definitely super sensitive + moody.

Looking at the mental capabilities of the 2 of u, I have a feeling you have been too blinded by your own wish + desire fulfillment (respected sesikaran ji has very rightly targeted at your sexual + materialistic tendencies), and have been dominating the scene without actually understanding the subtleties in his nature - especially when he withdraws into a shell. A cancer sign + cancer raashi + moon in twelvth house - that speaks of a man with too many emotions and you never know what his true intentions are!

OK, now (if i have been correct in my assessment so far) - the sun dasha-rahu antardasha that has given you a heart break is kind of debatable - but i think the good news is that sun-guru antardasha that will commence in few months from now will herald possibilities of wish fulfillment as it makes a 5-9 combo.

The key, suhana, is to relate to him with your heart, as true as possible. Diminish your "self". You have been actually over pampering him - which he might have relished initially. But might have now realised you do all that because you like to do all that - and not because you truly and deeply care.


Is marriage possible with this guy? YES, but nobody can say 100%-there is no such provision astologically. Ok, WHEN WILL YOU GET MArrieD? - all depends upon keeping the faith in one astrologer you connect with - and religiously performing remedies.



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yes his mother has a strong influence on him

this affair started after dec 07,in the start i tried to control my feeling but i am also surprised in just 4 months i lost my senses,for me he was like an ideal and i wonder on my luck that i lost him after having so many words of love and affection.it was not in any corner of my mind that he will leave me.in january i was avoiding him,in feb he proposed me .gave me promises and words.in march i was so happy with him and told him 100 of times that i dont wana loose him in any case.till the last of april i was happy but few days back all of a sudden he said to me that it is not possible.he just realised that his parents are the final authority and he cant make any decision on his own.so its better to quit here.it was all of a sudden.i am alone with tears.i feel from the depth of my heart that he was my ideal person and now now body can take his place.i feel my self bad luck bec i got the man of my dreams and then i lost him.its very painful.believe me

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I am sure USR ji will be giving you the remedies very soon. He is one of the best here, along with others like astro_tech,etc. Of whatever I know, dont run after him, you have a life better than millions! You are disregarding the imprtance this period can have upon your career. Try to deviate from being so intensely romantic. You are good hearted (when not angry) - must be a good socialite too. Move on with dignity. I am sure this guy can never forget you- he is sensitive and sentimental sort I suppose.


You may like to fast on tuesdays and relate to his mother. Ask some common friends to intervene. You can get him back, i dont see any doubt in that.

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at the moment i have only one wish "i want him back"thats it.he is the one with whom i felt my self happy.i was comfortable with him.for me he was exactly like an ideal person.for me its impossible to concentrate on any other thing.i have tried a lot but l i am failed and just realised that "if a man wants to stays with some one he stays but if he dont want to then he just left that person.for a man,the only imp thing is to whom they love they really dont care who is loving him"

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Dear Shonna baby,

There is an excellent matching in the horoscopes of you and your boy friend. Both of you are fond of each other and excel in love. Your marriage takes place between September to November 2008. Don’t use pearls or white dress.You can wear a diamond ring or ornaments with diamonds. Don’t worry about delay, as people have to wait for correct time. Don’t worry about your boy friend,he is sure to come back to you.

Hope you don’t worry me till your marriage. Pl convey the news when you get married.We will also enjoy.

God bless you,



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Dear Shonna baby,

There is an excellent matching in the horoscopes of you and your boy friend. Both of you are fond of each other and excel in love. Your marriage takes place between September to November 2008. Don’t use pearls or white dress.You can wear a diamond ring or ornaments with diamonds. Don’t worry about delay, as people have to wait for correct time. Don’t worry about your boy friend,he is sure to come back to you.

Hope you don’t worry me till your marriage. Pl convey the news when you get married.We will also enjoy.

God bless you,





thankyou so much sir.i am feeling a little relax now.yes i will give you good news very soon .thankyou so much .may god bless you a very long life full of happiness.i am waiting for the time when he will come back to me and in future i will try my best to make our relationship strong.

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yes we were extremely comfortable with each other and were happy too but unfortunately i dont know what are the reasons he is too cold at the moment.may be he is having some domestic problems which he didnt share with me .but i am hoping good now

thankyou again

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