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Pranams U Sanjeev Rao Guruji Kindly look at my and my wife's Horoscope and suggest

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My SINCERE PRANAMS To Eminent,Renowned,Master - Astrologer U. SANJEEV RAO GURUJI,



  • I am Vittal a resident of Bangalore. I was very much impressed after reading your posts, it is really very informative. Considering you as Master in astrology, i request you to look into my horosocope and kindly make some suggestions.

    Brief description:

    I am working in a private company: My life was good till about Dec'04 and then my wife left me with my one year old son and our marriage ended in a divorce.
    It was a love marriage and we knew each other for 11 years before our marriage on 14 Feb'02. We had a very good relationship and gradually she started leaning towards her parents and after our son was born she changed completely. Now my life is completely shattered and i am down in life with no inspiration and nothing to look into the future. Kindly adivise if there can be any reconcilation between both of us and suggest any remedies so that we can get united once again and lead a happy life with our son and my parents. Right now she does not like even if i try to call her, there is no communication between each of us.

    I will definitely follow you suggestions
  • Brief description:

    My Name : Vittal
  • DOB: 28 Aug '74 at 10:40 AM in Bangalore
    Nakshatra: Purvashada 3rd Pada

    Wife's Name: Lakshmi
    DOB: 04 Aug'76 at 13:37 Hrs in Bangalore
    Nakshatra: Anuradha

Kindly suggest some remedies,





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Pranams Dear Sanjeeva Raoji,


I wish to clarify that we did not have any kind of physical relationship before marriage and we believe in the old traditional way of life and only that by circumstances we knew each other and later on we got the aprroval of our parents and they stood for us and according to the Hindu customs and traditions with the Homas and other rituals like Saptapadi we were married.

I and my wife were in love and then, only with the mutual consent of our Parents we were married according to the Shastras and with the Priest inviting all our relatives and friends and also received the blesssings of all the Elderly people on 14 Feb'2002 - Thursday.

Therefore it was a marriage with the consent of all the elders.


I and my wife were living together with my parents and i was working in a private company.


Then on 10 Nov' 2003 at 10:13 AM by God's grace we were blessed with a baby boy Vijay - Kruthika Nakshatra .


After delivery, my wife stayed in my In laws place ( Her mother's place) for about 5 months and later on when she returned to my house, she started to lean more towards her mother's side and frequently started to visit her mother's place and slowly started to lose interest and to kindly inform you we did not have any quarrels or mis understandings. Even when she left me on Dec 17'2004, the only reason she said was she wanted to be alone and lead an independent life, i understand that her parents are well off and she is their only daughter. We tried many times to reconcile and also requested for her return thinking that the growth of the child - our son required both the Mother and Father's care and protection. But we could not succeed and finally it went to a divorce on 03 Jul'06.


Now i am really finding it hard and it has been difficult to spend each day without my wife and son and every moment i keep thinking of them and i do not find anything positive happening.


Kindly advise so that we can reconcile. I do believe that you have suggested many remedies and have bridged the gap between many lives and saved many husband and wife relationships.

I kindly request you to suggest me some remedies so that I and my wife can get united and lead a happy life again.




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Pranams to you USRji,


I have a great respect for you. I kindly request you to look into my, my wife's Horoscope and the other details provided in my previous messages and it would be really good if you can suggest some remedies so that i can get back my wife and we can lead a good life again.


I am very much attached to her and in my mind and heart there is place

only for her and none else.

Some how suggest some remedies so that i can get her back as my wife.


Thanks and Regards,


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Pranams USRji,


I wish to clarify that my father is a very respectable person and my wife respected my parents very much and even when went from our house, and while trying to convince her to come back, she said that she did not have any issues / concerns with my parents and they had looked upon her very well.


I would request you to kindly look at all the aspects of my and my wife's horsocope and kindly suggest some remedy so that i can get back my wife and lead a happy married life once again. Please suggest me so that atleast the gap between my wife and myself is bridged like Prayers to God, etc and atleast we reach a situation to talk and sort out any differences and then reconcile.

I strongly believe that i always pray God for this happening and with your suggestions the Prayers will become strong and definitely i can get my wife back and lead a happy married life once again.




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dear shri.vittal,


i am perplexed as to why she really moved away from you. you have

said about divorce. is the divorce through ? was it given by court ?

when did the proceedings in the court start ? on what basis divorce

was given by the court ?


if the divorce was given, how and why do you expect her to reply or

come back ?


is there anything that you dont want to say ?


sorry for probing questions. but all these struck my mind.


may mother bless all






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Pranams Dear USRji, I request you and please allow me to answer the questions of Sasisekaran,


As i have explained that we knew each other and with the consent of parents and elders it was an arranged marriage. Therefore, the love cannot be lost. As earlier, i still love my wife to the same extent i used to love her earlier, I am in such a situation that i cannot love anybody else and i am sure this would answer your questions.

We have been given a divorce from the court of Law and it has been more than a year since and the reason she mentioned was she wanted to lead an independent life and did not want to stay in marriage and wanted the child with her.

And the reason why i want her back is, according to me I can love only one person and i have loved my wife and by all means and sincerely and as an individual i am trying the possibilities to regain my wife and my lost love along with my son as he needs both father and mothers care that is equally important.

This is an effort to win over my wife again because i firmly believe that still we can lead a happy married life.

So only, i request your suggestions in this regard and i am sure i have answered your questions and with that i am sure you can suggest me some remedies...





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dear shri.vittal


thanks for the quick reply. i respect and admire your love towards wife.


why did this happen to you ?


you were born in the thithi of mars, who is your atmakaraka.

mars is placed in the marana karaka sthana from the house of

thithi and second to upapada lagna, waiting to break.


the break occured during mars dasa and ketu antar.

mars is placed second to "ul" in rasi and eigth in navamsa.


you were married on feb 14, 2002(stated by you ) , roughly

between 8 am to 10 am. the muhurtha does not seem to be good.


do you remember the time when the mangal sutra was tied ?


the divorce occured just at the begining of rahu, a planet

that can bring in deceit. a lady who loved for long years

and married, deceives you , saying she wants to live an

independent life. does she think that the married life has

taken away her independence, freedom...


did the indian court give divorce ? why you did not fight

for the conjugal rights ? still i am perplexed.


do you have lot of anger in you generally ?



may mother bless all




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Pranams and Namaste to USRji and Sasisekaranji,


Thanks for your time and suggestions and giving me the cause for the seperation.


I got married to my wife on 14 Feb'02 between 9:30 and 10:30 AM and as per your reading the time was not good. Ok, please you have given the cause and i would request you to give me a remedy so that this effect can be nullified / or i think i have already undergone this bad effect - prarabda.


l request you to suggest some remedy so that the future holds something good and somehow please suggest some prayers to bring back my wife into my life so that we can get re united.



Kindly look into my and wife horoscopes and suggest some remedy to

reconcile and get us together as husband and wife.


Dear all, your advices would be sincerely followed


With Respects,


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dear shri.vittal


i will certainly suggest remedies. i will take some time before i

do that.

if the sacred thread was tied after 1000 hrs, it was certainly bad ,

since for any muhurtha 7th and 8th should be vacant and the karaka

should be strong. ( pl note these technical points are not mentioned

for you alone. analysis are for others and comments , if any )


mean while you are yet to give info on certain questions raised.


may mother bless all



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Dear Vittal,

Though both of you are separated she still respects you and loves you.(5<SUP>th</SUP> lord Jupitor in 7<SUP>th</SUP>), and you too love her much (Jupitor in 5<SUP>th</SUP>).You love your child much.There is every chance to both of you to reconcile and join together by this year end or beginning of new year 2009.

The following planets contributed to these problems.

In your wife’s chart Chandra is debilitated in lagna.This makes her highly emotional and sensitive and leads to isolation. 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord Mercury is with lagna and 7<SUP>th</SUP> lord.In Budha Mahadasa period she left you and divorced. In her name you have to do puja for Chandra and Budha. For Chandra, puja should be done for Sri Chamundeswari Devi on every Monday and donate white rice. For Budha, puja should be done to Sri Vishnu on every Wednesday and donate green gram.

In your chart 7<SUP>th</SUP> lord Mars is with 12<SUP>th</SUP> lord Budha and Sani is casting 7<SUP>th</SUP> aspect on Chandra (Punarphoo) has given chance to this situation. Pray Lord Subrahmanya for Kuja on every Tuesday and donate Tuvar dal. Do puja to Sani with sesamam oil on Saturday.Do puja to Sri Vishnu on Wednesday and donate green gram.

Wish a happy reunion,


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Pranams to USRji and Sasisekaranji,


Thanks for all your valuable suggestions.The words and foresigight of reunion strengthens my confidence and i am thankful for you both.


USRji, i will surely follow as per your suggestions and perform the pooja to Goddess Devi Chamundeshwari and Supreme Lord Vishnu to ward off my sins and grant my wish for reunion with my wife.I wish that according to your predictions i get back my wife.

Thanks USRji, for your suggestions and i will offer prayers from my side.


Sasisekaranji, it so happened that during the discussions many people were there who were ill advisors and somehow she wanted the child with her and took it away from me saying the child would be under better care with mother and my words were not considered.


Normally i am sweet tempered and it was just that in that confused period the situation went to the court for seperation. Now atleast, I realise that it was a wrong decision. Anyways, i consider that the past was bad and i wish to forget thinking it is over. I request all of you with expertise and experiences in the Astrology field to guide me and suggest me with your powerful remedies to pass through this phase of trauma and the pains of seperation i am going through and kindly let me know how i can win back my wife and i strongly believe that we can live together as husband and wife and as a responsible parents and give our love, care and protection so that our son can grow up as a good individual and bring back the cheer on our face.


I welcome and value all your comments and suggestions... please consider this as my request and i am putting all my efforts for a good cause and pray it works.


All the suggestions are utmost Welcome


With Respects,


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Dear Vittal,

Generally i reply all posts who ask me for my advice. It is my duty to respond positively.Pl don't worry.Things will be OK soon.It took me lot of time to analyse the horoscopes. That is the reason for intermediate qs and delay in reply.Wish you all good luck.Convey the happy news to us.


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Pranams Dear USRji,


I know you are very thorough and detailed in your predictions and that is the reason you have taken time to look into our Horoscopes and i thank you for your time and powerful suggestions and accordingly would Pray to God that it works. Meanwhile please let me know if there are any indications or important events looking at our Birth Charts and Navamsa Kundali that we need to take care in our lives.


With Respects,


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dear shir.vittal


see how hard i have to keep trying to get details from you.

i saw mars to be the mischief maker in the chart. it has turned

out to be correct. mars causes anger. when anger takes over,

mana looses quititude. decisions are taken out in anger influenced by

misunderstood logic. same mars is atmakaraka in your wife's chart.


mars brings in rigidity.


all said, you are yet to tell the court matters. no problem if you

feel uncomfortable.


start observing ekadasi vrata in total. if ekadasi thithi occurs with

a saturday, do not miss it.


these are the days of saturday and ekadasi.

<table x:str="" style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 51pt;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="68"><col style="width: 51pt;" width="68"> <tbody><tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td class="xl24" style="height: 12.75pt; width: 51pt;" x:num="39599" align="right" height="17" width="68">

31-May-08</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td class="xl24" style="border-top: medium none; height: 12.75pt;" x:num="39613" align="right" height="17">14-Jun-08</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td class="xl24" style="border-top: medium none; height: 12.75pt;" x:num="39732" align="right" height="17">11-Oct-08</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

apart from these , on every ekadasi observe vrata.



may mother bless all




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Namaskar Sasisekaranji,


Pranams Dear USRji this is my sincere request to you as well


Thanks for your suggestions that i need to observe Ekadasi and i will do it.

Also some say that Ravi Budha Kuja combination is causing the effect or any other aspects in my Navamsa Kundali that has been causing the effect.

Also please look into my and my wife charts and then give a collective and consolidated predictions and the main purpose of all my efforts are to get a reconciliation and reunion with my wife and it has been a long silence seperation and somehow by the Grace of God i want to overcome the Prarabda and get united.


Please look at both of our charts and give collective predictions for our union that can be followed and i will do that from my side.


With Respects,


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om gurubhyo namah




dear shri.vittal


rahu dasa rahu bhuthi is till march - 2010. rahu is placed in makara

in navamsa in 12 th house. i do not foresee any reunion during this



i have one serious doubt. will your wife go in for a second marriage ?


will not her family members suggest that to her ?


may mother bless all




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I request you to suggest some positive remedies to ward off the ill effects and also please do not say anything doubtfully because it does not create positive effects. I am sorry to say that, but i am looking for positive result and would offer my sincere prayers for my reunion with my wife.


With respects,


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om gurubhyo namah




dear shri.Vittal,


sorry , if i have hurt you in any way


pl understand that it is the duty of astrologers/learners

to say what they see in charts. What they see need

not be the destined one, yet they are bound by the

knowledge they posses. This is applicable not only to

astrology, but other fields as well.


i did not say anything doubtfully, but having observed

the charts, raised questions.


if you need only positive comments and afraid of negative

comments, you could have said it in the begining itself.


to strengthen your moon/mind you may chant the following

as many times as possible.


om adrabhyo namah


may mother bless all




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Dear sasisekaran Ji,

Don't blame Vittal. The boy is in full trouble and wanted my help by addressing his post to me.You intervened and gave a prediction that his wife is going for a second marriage.I think it is not reasonable on your part as an astrologer to say such things to a member who is in full sorrow.In another case aslo you wanted to send the boy to jail.Anybody including all of us want only positive happenings and remedies to avoid negative happenings. There is nothing wrong and also nobody forces you to give/stop negative predictions for that you need not criticise other member astrologers/learners/members.

Better other member astrologers/learners avoid the posts replied by you.

May mother bless you,

with regards,


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