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<small>In the News:</small>

Inside ISKCON Battlefield Bhajans


by Partha Sarathi Dasa, news.iskcon.com

Posted April 27, 2008


iraq_large.jpg US Military Base, Iraq, April 17, 2008 - It's my fifth year on active duty as a sergeant here in Iraq, and I'm back doing missions, which means long days. But I still rise early, worship my salagram sila deities of the Lord, and chant Hare Krishna as if I can die at any moment - which, here, is a reality. Twenty-two soldiers now come for the mangal arati service I hold in the dorms, and we hold other Krishna conscious programs too.

During one of these, the incoming alert system suddenly blasted into our ears. A second later, a rocket impacted one hundred feet from our "ashram." I directed everyone to run to the bunker, grabbing my salagram silas and mrdanga drum as I dashed after them. I knew that I might be waiting in the cramped little bunker for a long time. That's how rocket and mortar attacks are. Sometimes there's only one rocket - but sometimes there's five or six.

Everyone in the bunker stared at me as I ran in with the Lord and my weird-looking drum. I placed the silas down on a box, and slowly people started coming up to me to ask questions. I explained how the Lord comes in His deity form, and told them about the Holy Name. They listened with rapt attention. As I taught them how to chant the Maha-mantra, I could see that their minds were gradually becoming fixed on it.

They asked if I could play the drum, and I showed them a little. I suggested we all sing to pass the time. One man disagreed and had some negative comments to offer, but he was far outnumbered and everyone began singing, nervously at first, but loosing their inhibitions as time went on and giving their hearts to the Holy Name. Some closed their eyes and strained with concentration, while others wore huge smiles - but all were chanting as loud as they could.

We chanted on and on, not even hearing the announcement that all was clear. Soon others from outside heard the bhajans (devotional songs) and joined us in the bunker. When we finished, I looked at my watch. Two hours had passed. As we left the bunker, one girl and a few boys talked with me and asked if they could come chant with me everyday.

Once again here in Iraq, we experienced the mercy and compassion that Srila Prabhupada has given us. We saw through his eyes the happiness that the Holy Name brings. And in a place where people see death everyday, they managed to forget about it for once and instead focus on their relationship with the Lord.

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Yeah nice article. Inspiring. It was on the Sampradaya Sun.


Thanks theist, yes, mercy is on the way for a devotee 31 December, 1972




My dear Dhananjaya,

Of course, the devotee is always very liberal-minded and tolerant towards everyone, seeing everyone as the part and parcel of Krsna and the pure devotee of Krsna, only seeing that due to maya they have temporarily forgotten their real position. So a devotee is always very understanding if there is some discrepancy behavior on the part of nondevotees, and even some devotees misbehave, he is always very tolerant and understanding.


The point is that no one is actually qualified in this material world to approach Krsna, but if he makes the attempt through our inducing him gradually to give his energy to Krsna, by that attempt Krsna will extend his mercy and deliver the fallen soul despite his so many disqualifications. And such person or aspiring devotee, he is to be considered the most exalted of men because he has given his life to Krsna.

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yes very nice !!

reminds me how in 2 weeks i'll works as a paparazzi in Cannes, France !

Not the same war but probably a war between photographers !!


I like these stories in Iraq, are they from the same guy that used to post some years ago ?


Yes the same devotee. This is his fifth tour. He distributes Gita's. holds classes, and last year held a Ratha-yatra in the Green Zone!!!! Ifind it all rather astounding.


You are probably fairly safe in Cannes. Just watch out for Sean Penn.

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<SMALL>In the News:</SMALL>

Inside ISKCON Battlefield Bhajans


by Partha Sarathi Dasa, news.iskcon.com

Posted April 27, 2008



iraq_large.jpg US Military Base, Iraq, April 17, 2008 - It's my fifth year on active duty as a sergeant here in Iraq, and I'm back doing missions, which means long days.


But I still rise early, worship my salagram sila deities of the Lord, and chant Hare Krishna as if I can die at any moment - which, here, is a reality. Twenty-two soldiers now come for the mangal arati service I hold in the dorms, and we hold other Krishna conscious programs too.


During one of these, the incoming alert system suddenly blasted into our ears. A second later, a rocket impacted one hundred feet from our "ashram." I directed everyone to run to the bunker, grabbing my salagram silas and mrdanga drum as I dashed after them. I knew that I might be waiting in the cramped little bunker for a long time.


That's how rocket and mortar attacks are. Sometimes there's only one rocket - but sometimes there's five or six.

Everyone in the bunker stared at me as I ran in with the Lord and my weird-looking drum. I placed the silas down on a box, and slowly people started coming up to me to ask questions.


I explained how the Lord comes in His deity form, and told them about the Holy Name. They listened with rapt attention. As I taught them how to chant the Maha-mantra, I could see that their minds were gradually becoming fixed on it.


They asked if I could play the drum, and I showed them a little. I suggested we all sing to pass the time. One man disagreed and had some negative comments to offer, but he was far outnumbered and everyone began singing, nervously at first, but loosing their inhibitions as time went on and giving their hearts to the Holy Name. Some closed their eyes and strained with concentration, while others wore huge smiles - but all were chanting as loud as they could.


We chanted on and on, not even hearing the announcement that all was clear. Soon others from outside heard the bhajans (devotional songs) and joined us in the bunker. When we finished, I looked at my watch. Two hours had passed. As we left the bunker, one girl and a few boys talked with me and asked if they could come chant with me everyday.


Once again here in Iraq, we experienced the mercy and compassion that Srila Prabhupada has given us. We saw through his eyes the happiness that the Holy Name brings. And in a place where people see death everyday, they managed to forget about it for once and instead focus on their relationship with the Lord.


Very inspiring, such wonderful reading and preaching

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If, like me, you have only learnt about the war in Iraq from mass media journalists, your ideas will change when you listen to Partha Sarathi Prabhu's account of his preaching activities there.




Partha Sarathi das




Partha Sarathi Prabhu is a disciple of Kadamba Kanana Maharaja. He serves as an American marine in Iraq. This year, through his efforts, the first Ratha Yatra of Lord Jagannatha in a war zone will be celebrated.

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I want to thank all the devotees that have sent cookie prasadam to the soldiers-medics here at Ft. Sam Houston Texas. About 2,000 cookies have been distributed. The soldiers in my company here got used to the prasadam cookies sent on a weekly basis. Those boxes of treats were gobbled down in record time. We could take 300 cookies in less than 90 seconds. (I timed the first box with a stop watch)

By Mitravinda dasi

Ratna Bushana dasa from Los Angeles began a year ago sending prasadam cookies to Partha Sarthi dasa in Iraq. Ratna Bushana Prabhu decided to send some to the soldiers in training as well. The cookies are distributed to almost 500 soldiers-medics as they stand in formation; an organized way to distribute mail and packages. When the first box of cookies arrived it was emptied before I could even walk back to my place in formation. As I was throwing the empty box in the garbage I could hear the most beautiful echo of the Maha Mantra. The Hare Krsna mantra was on a label of each individually wrapped cookie. That was the best idea ever!! The Holy Name and prasadam came together.

Mothers Satya, Dhanistha and Vilasa Manjali from New York also sent cookies. One of the boxes contained tulsi leaves that were wrapped seperately. The soldiers tore into the box before I could intercept the tulsi leaves. By the time they were finished there was only one tulsi leaf left on the bottom of the box. The soldiers ate all the tulsi leaves!

Shri Hari dasa and his daughter Shatakshi sent cookies from Idaho. Each individually wrapped cookie not only had the Holy Name but the label also indicated Idaho. We have a lot of soldiers from Idaho. It was with great pleasure I was able to distribute the ISKCON information for Idaho to these soldiers. Another great idea!! Not only is prasadam being distributed with the Holy Name but so are our temple locations. Genius!

Several soldiers asked me why these people are sending us cookies. Many church groups send care packages to soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan. Community organizations are always trying to do something to support our troops deployed to combat zones. The soldiers wondered why because we are just low ranking soldier-medics in training state side, why would any temple or church send us anything? In the Army culture everything is about rank and we are low on the totem pole, worthless privates. I explained,” because the Hare Krsna temples care about us, they care about our souls and do not distinguish who we are, what our rank is. It’s about equal vision.” The most precious words they could have ever responded back that was very dear to me was, “These Hare Krishna’s are so cool”

One boy who is somewhat overweight has been failing his physical fitness test. Private Chubby stuffed as many prasadam cookies as he could in his uniform pockets. He came back a few days later and asked what prasadam was. I explained it meant “Krishna’s mercy”. He concluded that he needed a lot of Krishna’s mercy to pass his next physical fitness test so he needed more cookies so he could get more mercy.

The night before graduation from our medical training, Ratna Bushana called and said he had another box of cookies he already sent. “Oh no, I will be flying out of Texas tomorrow”. I would not be around to get the package. I went and ask one of the sergeants if a package comes from Los Angeles the next week could he go ahead and open the box, they will be the celebrated cookies. He had a big smile on his face assuring me that he would not hesitate to open the cookies and distribute them. Of course, opening others peoples mail is a federal offense. When prasadam cookies arrive for Partha-sarthi dasa in Iraq the soldiers just go ahead and open the boxes and start eating. Who needs devotees to distribute? Prasadam distributes itself, prasadam transcends postal regulations. There is no offense to open the cookies, he has my permission.

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In 1973 Abhimanyu Das ACBSP worked for the military and on his shoulder was printed “Special Branch” although what he did exactly, he wouldn’t tell us. From time to time he would visit the temple near the British Museum. He told us how his fellow soldiers teased him because he didn’t smoke or drink, eat meat or gamble.

When Srila Prabhupada was visiting in 1973 a meeting was arranged.

Prabhupada asked him “What kind of work do you do?”

“I’m a British spy”

“You should become my disciple. You can continue your spying also.”

“I don’t follow the principles.”

Oh, what is your favourite one that you like to break?” (smiling)

“Well sometimes I have to kill people. I have already killed five men.”

But that is your job, that is alright, Arjuna also killed many men. Next time before you pull the trigger, just say Hare Krishna and you will not miss.”

Abhimanyu Das could blend in with any group of people and they would think he was one of them.

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“I’m a British spy”

“You should become my disciple. You can continue your spying also.”

“I don’t follow the principles.”

Oh, what is your favourite one that you like to break?” (smiling)

“Well sometimes I have to kill people. I have already killed five men.”

But that is your job, that is alright, Arjuna also killed many men. Next time before you pull the trigger, just say Hare Krishna and you will not miss.”

Abhimanyu Das could blend in with any group of people and they would think he was one of them.



I love Prabhupada's way of bringing wit, humor and essential teachings together.

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