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perhaps someone can help me. I recently got married and I am very worried that I might never conceive a child. I think that my rashi and saptsama are very bad in this respect - am I right? I do not know enough about it.


BOD: 27/Sep/1982

Time: 16:20

Place: Germany, (Long.:009°11 E, Lat.: 48°46 N)

thank you!

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Dear Uttarashada (real name ?),


Your birth star is Uttarashada 4th pada. The reasons for not bearing child so far as per the horoscope of both of you are :

Yours:5th lord venus(for progeny) is debilitated and is associated with retrograde Mercury the 9th lord in 9th.

Your husband:The 5th lord Saturn is in 12th and the 2nd and 7th lord Mars is debilitated. Also in your horoscope the lord of 5th house Venus is with Saturn in 9th gives rise to Father's curse in getting progeny. The remedy is you have to pray Lord Vishnu and Sri Lakshmi regularly, and your husband has to pray/do shanti to Mars and Saturn. He can wear a blue saffire(for saturn) ring on his middle finger of his right hand and you can wear a diamond (for Venus) ring/ear tops etc. Try to help your parents as their blessings are also essential.


viel Glück :)



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om gurubhyo namah




dear Smt.uttarashada


both of your charts are afflicted. sat, merc and ven combo,

fortells difficulty in having children.


your husbands chart has ketu in the fifth aspected by mars

indicating trouble in rasi. saturn the fifth lord has gone eigth

to it and in the uncomfortable house of mercury.


in saptamsa ketu is once again placed in fifth and fifth lord is



guru's aspect both in rasi and d7 on the fifth gives a hope.


sat,mer and ven are together in rasi of your chart while venus

is with ketu and asp by rahu and sat in d7. merc is with mars in

bhadaka sthana. since saptamsa lagna is vrichika ( i hope the

chart i made is correct - pl confirm ). first child is shown by

kataka whose lord has gone to the maraka sthana to the ninth.

there could be one abortion atleast.


consult doctors and strenghthen your health for child birth.


what a karmic bondage ? see how people are united to undergo

previous karmas. venus, your fifth lord in rasi is also your dara karaka

placed in 8th in navamsa, and that too in makara. and you were

born in the kaala of venus...


honey , is one rasa missing in you. pl consume honey.


pl confirm chart


may mother bless all,






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