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Shani and Mangal Together!

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I have Shani and Mangal together in 11th house and i have been told they generate very negative results.


Could someone be kind enough to have a quick glimpse at my chart and enlighten me with some information, not just about the above planets but others bits and pieces too.


Much appreciated.


D.O.B 14/07/1982


T.O.B 17.07PM

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Dear Jaggu,


3rd and 4th lord Shani with lagna and 6th lord Mangal(Kuja) in 11th is good. It gives success and gains including legal matters. You can even win elections if you standby. As a social worker ,you can earn a good name. But ,9th lord Chandra in 6th and pitrukaraka Ravi in 8th with Rahu make you worry about your father's health. As lagna is not aspected by lagna lord Kuja ,do some prayers for Kuja(Mangal) on every Mangalvar. You can use Red coral for your ring on little finger after performing puja to Mangal.Your Ravi Mahadasa is staring by 5/2008 ,do prayers to Surya(Ravi) everyday in the early morning hours ,which will improve your profession .



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Elections? Another career option; never know might give it a try. ;)


Anyway on serious note, Thank you very much for your time. you are right, My father's health is a cause of concern(acutually quite serious).


Now that you bothered to look at my chart, would like to ask you couple of more questions(I'll be cheeky here): is there any indication in my chart which suggests a sound financial status and also anything special in my horoscope or is it a normal one.


I want to go into defense forces, police or the secret service, any possibility?


Thank you


P.S. As my questions arent that important so im in no hurry for the reply. take your time.

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Dear Mr. USR,


Thank you for your precious time again. You say 'best of luck' as if you are not going to reply me back again :pray: .


What does "pitrukaraka" mean?


I applied for the police job last year 02/05/2007 to be precise but failed the interview. I want to apply in defence but the lack of education stops me(never managed to finish off my degree). At the same time i want to do some kind of business may be because it runs in the blood, so kind of double minded.


Im quite happy with the job i have at the moment but there is craving for more or may be its greed.


Not sure if this is of any relevance but I wore a blue sapphire from nov 2005 to october 2007 - took it off when my father's health started to deteriorate.


And now the advice bit, you going to give me more advice or shall i stick to what you said in your first reply.


Thank You

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