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Vrindavan das Thakura

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The following is an article I wrote when I was 12:


If you have ever been on Navadwip dhama parikrama, then Mamagachi must ring a bell to you. Mamagachi is a place in northern Burdawan and is a part of Modadrumadwip, one of the nine islands of Navadwip. Modadrumadwip symbolizes the process of dasyam- service to the supreme lord. What is special about Mamagachi is that it is the birthplace of a powerful acharya. That acharya is Vedavyas himself coming to assist Lord Chaitanya in his pastimes. His name is Vrindavan das Thakur.

Vrindavan das Thakur was born in Mamagachi in 1507 A.D; about 4 years after Lord Chaitanya took sanyassa- the renounced order of life. He was the son of Narayani Devi. Not much is known about his father but there is a reference about him in Sri Prem Vilas. There it is stated his father’s name was Vaikuntha das and he was from Kumarhatta. According to some obscure sources it is also known that he did not follow the process of bhakti before leaving the world.

The life of his mother, Narayani Devi is more elaborated upon. In Gaur Ganoddesa-Dipika it is mentioned: Kilimbika, who used to eat Krishna’s remnants, was the younger sister of Krishna’s nurse Ambika (in Gaur Lila, Srivas’s wife Malini Devi). In Mahaprabhu’s Lila, she became Narayani Devi.

Narayani Devi had received the special mercy of Lord Chaitanya at the tender age of four. Lord Chaitanya had bestowed to her the highest form of spiritual ecstasy- prema at the residence of Srivas Thakur. Srivas Thakur happened to be Narayani Devi’s uncle. Lord Chaitanya had wanted to prove that even children could immerse themselves into the highest spiritual ecstasy. In Chaitanya Bhagavat it states: The golden moon, Sri Gauranga revealed himself as the soul of all souls. At that time he ordered Narayani to chant the name of Krishna. Although she was only four years old, she became mad with love of God. Crying “Krishna, Krishna” she swooned in ecstasy. As she lay on the ground in a trance of bliss, her eyes filled with tears, overwhelmed with divine love.It is also said in Chaitanya Bhagavat:

"As a result of her great piety, Narayani would get whatever remnants the Lord might leave after eating. Although she was only an unschooled little girl, the Lord would favor Srivas Thakur's niece by giving her the leftovers of food touched by His holy lips. Indeed it was the mercy of that prasadam that caused Vrindavan das Thakur to appear in this world."

As already mentioned Vedavyas became Vrindavan das Thakur. Krishna’s friend Kusumapida also entered into him for the sake of the Lord’s pastimes.

As Narayani Devi had become a widow while Vrindavan das Thakur was in her womb she maintained herself by working as a servant in Vasudev Datta’s house. Soon after Vrindavan das Thakur was born and his studies began.

Vrindavan das Thakur lived in Mamagachi as a child and sometimes went to visit his granduncle in Kumarhatta. As he grew up he started to notice the mentality of the smarta Brahmins- Brahmins by birth. He noticed they always opposed the Vaishnavas and always envied Nityananda prabhu.

Vrindavan das Thakur eventually got married but nothing much is known about his married life. One of his disciples who were born a ksatriya named Sri Ramahari was appointed to be the sole heir of his property at Denduda. His descendents still live at the house in Denduda and continue to serve the Sri Sri Gaur Nitai deities that Vrindavan das Thakur had installed.

The words of the smarta Brahmins were starting to become very disturbing to Vrindavan das Thakur. Vrindavan das Thakur looked for shelter from several acharyas and then he surrendered at Nityananda Prabhu’s lotus feet. He is known to be the last disciple Nityananda Prabhu ever made.

On the instructions of Nityananda Prabhu, Vrindavan das Thakur started to write the Chaitanya Mangal in 1535 A.D. This was recognized by Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami in Chaitanya Charitamrita. He says:

Krishna lila bhagavate kahe veda vyasa/ Chaitanya lilera vyasa vrindavana das

Vrindavana das kaila Chaitanya mangala/ yanhara sravane nase sarva amangala

Chaitanya-nitaira yate janiya mahima/yate jani krsna bhakti siddhanters sima

Manusya racite nare aiche grantha dhanya/vrindavana das mukhe vakta sri Chaitanya

“As Vyasadev compiled all the pastimes of Lord Krishna in Srimad Bhagavatam, Vrindavan das Thakur has depicted the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya. Vrindavan das Thakur has composed Sri Chaitanya Mangala. Hearing this book annihilates all misfortune. By reading this book one can understand all the truths of Lord Chaitanya and Nityananda and come to the ultimate conclusion of devotional service of the Lord. The subject matter of this book is so sublime that it appears that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has personally appeared through is writing.”

Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur told his disciples to read Chaitanya Mangal before reading Chaitanya Charitamrita. Chaitanya Mangal focuses more on the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya while Chaitanya Charitamrita also includes many pastimes while intertwining the tatva- understanding part of the pastime. Thus, generally Chaitanya Charitamrita is a little bit harder to follow. Also Chaitanya Mangal is shorter in length. When Vrindavan das Thakur finished writing the Lord’s pastimes in Navadwip, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:City w:st=<st1:place w:st="on">Gaya</st1:place></st1:City> and Puri, he became so overwhelmed in describing Nityananda Prabhu he only gave a brief account of Lord Chaitanya’s later life. Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami later elaborated on these points that were very briefly described. Lastly, some people misunderstand the way Vrindavan das Thakur writes. Many times in Chaitanya Mangal Vrindavan das Thakur writes: eta parihare-o je papi ninda kare/ tabe lathi maron tar sirera upare. “If someone blasphemes the Vaishnavas even after being told how objectionable it is, I will kick him in the head.” Some people misunderstand this point. Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur explains what Vrindavan das Thakur meant to say: “I am ready to kick the heads of the greedy and envious people who are always engaged in blasphemy of Nityananda Prabhu, and I by doing so I can prevent them from committing unlimited offenses unto the Supreme Lord it is well worth it. Not only that, but if by doing so I can bring about a clear conception of the truth, I will be actually performing them the greatest service.” That is the real meaning of what Vrindavan das Thakur said. Saraswati Thakur continues to say that this is Vrindavan das Thakur’s intense compassion for the fallen living entities. If even a speck of the dust from his lotus feet falls on the head of a sinful person that person’s sins will be eradicated. Vrindavan das Thakur ki jaya!

Vrindavan das Thakur left this world in 1589. However we can still associate with him by reading the literature he wrote, namely Sri Chaitanya Mangal and Sri Nityananda Charitamrita. He has also left us a lot of songs that reveal the potency of Sri Sri Gaur Nitai.

Nowadays, this book is known as Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, because when Lochan das Thakur wrote a book with the same title, all the Vaishnavas decided Lochan das Thakur’s book would stay as Chaitanya Mangal and Vrindavan das Thakur’s book would be called Chaitanya Bhagavat. These books are still available today in volumes at www.krishna.com/store. It is important to read this book because after all it is an essential tool to develop pure devotional service to the Lord.

Thank you very much. Hare Krishna.

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Hare Krsna, your message bank is full Mataji.


Here is my reply:


'he could not see the pictures on the website for some reason...maybe slow internet connection.


he said to me 'thank you' knowing him reasonably well any website that glorifies Sri Nitaai would be most pleasing for him.


Jaya Nitaai!


Thanks for posting the above article, its really very nice to read about the young child Narayani and Sri Caitanya:)

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I am so glad Srila Gaurangapada was pleased by our extremely humble attempt in trying to serve Lord Nitai. Please convey my pranams at his lotus feet.


His Nityananda Deity's photo which I posted is extremely beautiful. One day I want to serve deities like that. I am planning that when I grow up I will worship life-size Gaura Nitai deities (made in Ekachakra of course)! Hopefully the Lord will fulfill my desire.

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His Nityananda Deity's photo which I posted is extremely beautiful. One day I want to serve deities like that. I am planning that when I grow up I will worship life-size Gaura Nitai deities (made in Ekachakra of course)! Hopefully the Lord will fulfill my desire. by indulekhadasi


I hope to offer full dandavats to that form of Lord Nitaai in Puri oneday soon. I am sure you will be serving life size Gaura-Nitaai soon also:)


I would love to have bigger Gaura-Nitaai in my home oneday, to gaze upon their transcendental beauty. Gaura Nitaai in my home at the moment are very tiny....here is a pic of Them this Gaura Purnima 2008




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His Nityananda Deity's photo which I posted is extremely beautiful. One day I want to serve deities like that. I am planning that when I grow up I will worship life-size Gaura Nitai deities (made in Ekachakra of course)! Hopefully the Lord will fulfill my desire. by indulekhadasi


I hope to offer full dandavats to that form of Lord Nitaai in Puri oneday soon. I am sure you will be serving life size Gaura-Nitaai soon also:)


I would love to have bigger Gaura-Nitaai in my home oneday, to gaze upon their transcendental beauty. Gaura Nitaai in my home at the moment are very tiny....here is a pic of Them this Gaura Purnima 2008


I plan to keep my present Gaura Nitai deities as my utsava vigraha. The small dieties are equally as important as the big ones. But it would be so nice to worship life size ones, one can gaze at Their beautiful features with ease!

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I am reading Vrindavan das Thakura's Nityananda Caritamrta slowly lately...


wow what a book...Thakura's writings are saturated with Prem Bhakti!


Nityananda Caritamrta - click here


The first time I read that book was when I was 8. I was so hooked on that book that since then I have read it 12 more times. This is the difference between novels and sastra. Novels you read once and you throw away. Sastras you read millions of times, and you still need to read it again to collect more nectar!

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A devotee lent me nitai c, amazing pastimes, i like when Nitai and Namaacharya(i forget name!) r running from jagai and madai and they both joke with each other, funny. Also i like the book cover :)


You mean Haridas Thakura. Yes, that part is hilarious.

The book cover is so beautiful. Lord Nityananda is beauty personified.

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I have not read alot of scripture. Things are very new for me.


I love the part when Nityananda Prabhu leaves home, and his faher Hadai's mood of separation. I sometimes meditate in Jaap on the house of Hadai and Mata, and how all Nityananda Prabhu's items still reside there. His bed, his eating bowls, his clothes closet. And the affection of his parents as they look at these items, and their feeling as they perceive him on his journey to all the holy places. How his foot dust sanctified all of India, and how his parents felt overjoyed when they perceived his meeting with Lord Gauranga. Parents just know things;)


The meeting of these two Lords:)


Hadai was devastated when Nitaai left. It was like the Lord had left his heart. But how is that possible. When I meditate on this I feel the Lord's adventures only enriched his heart. And I try and feel this mixture of joy and longing in Hadai.


Please pray for me that I may read more and vibrate the Holy Names more in remembrance. I really need to.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Realizations of rohini108 (Rohini Suta Prabhuji):

I am reading the book you so kindly brought to my attention by writing the article that I read last month. I am feeling myself blessed over and over by simply reading this wonderful book. Because I am so fallen with no qualifications but my eyes to read, I am eager to read more and more ...and then stuff all the blessings that I'm being given deeply inside my pockets. But then I think, if not for you, I would have nothing. So I will always pray to Lord Nityananda to bless you.

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Thanks to Rohini Suta Prabhuji for his blessings.


Again I am the one who is thankful. This book is like a surprise birthday party thrown on your behalf and you have no idea that inside, waiting for you, is an enormous stack of presents. You open one after an other. So many. Each one is as wonderful as the next. You just can't believe your good fortune. And you want so badly to go back and take a closer look at the ones you've already unwrapped, but there are so many more yet to open. Sri Vrndavana das Thakur's, Sri Chaitanya-bhagavata is like this. Treat yourself to exactly this kind of party. Make the effort and buy this book. Thank you, Indulekhadasi

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Listening to the swaying music of Gauravani's, Oh Vaishnava Thakura ....now reading about a dream Lord Chaitanya's mother had wherein Lord Nityananda, Lord Chaitanya and the Lord's Deities ...all transformed into young boys ...began to fight over the sweets being offered - my happiness is just overwhelming. I can hardly believe what I am reading. I feel as if this book and this music is taking me to the most secret of all places where the lovely-most impossible exist. Sometimes in life you find the perfect combination. Each one alone is sweet. But combine the two and something a thousand times sweeter is somehow created. You can listen to this music on my post, Turn up the volume.

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