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lately ive just been so deppresed i dont know what to do...i pray it make me fell better for a while.......but thats it....latelty ive been feeling worse worse ........im stuck with a job that i like but i cant make no money.......everything is also extra hard for me......when ever i try to take one step forward in life i end up being thrown 2 steps back and this has been going on my whole life.....i just dont care about anything anymore....cause i just dont see the point in caring sometime

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Thanks for sharing openly how you are feeling presently. The only real peace in this world is within, everything else in the external world fluctuates, and comes and goes. So much suffering and so much duality.


The more we look outwardly for satisfaction, we develop more attachments, and therefore more disappointments. We become frustrated.


Your relationship with God seems to be at a crucial point. You now have the opportunity, because of your suffering, to apply good intelligence and ask 'where does real self-satisfaction come from?' 'how do I become self satisfied?'


I can only point you in a direction, being self satisfied is not found externally but within.


All the best in your search for love, peace, and joy.


"The Real Flute is within. Try to enjoy playing it.

Once that sound is heard, one can be without

death and birth" Amma

Find Sri Krsna and His flute song within, then you will see Him everywhere.


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by eshwaar101 - lately ive just been so deppresed i dont know what to do...i pray it make me fell better for a while.......but thats it....latelty ive been feeling worse worse


Depression is a sign of deep dissatisfaction... whatever you are doing your mind seems to believe that u are doing somethign wrong... a bit of soul searching (looking within yourself) for your life goals and maybe a change of direction profesionally would help you resolve matters... first analuse what is wrong then make changes to correct that which is wrong... happiness comes of doing the right things... and best of luck

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I think you should first of all seek out a therapist. Not a psychiatrist but a trained psychologist of the 'cognitive' school.

Try praying, if you have any faith at all. Really it's when we are at our lowest that the Divine is most easily manifest.

God bless you. You are not alone.

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i just dont care about anything anymore....


No one knows your "world" more than yourself. You are looking about ...and nothing is interesting. This is the problem because anyone who contacts something that they find HIGHLY INTERESTING becomes supercharged with all kind of enery, happiness, ideas, motivation, etc. Depressing your universe smaller is obvious not going to expand your vision. You need to search a wider area for "that thing" that you find highly interesting. Also, there is this general rule: right actions produce right results; wrong actions produce wrong results. I always say, if you don't like what's happening (which is normally the result of a wrong action), the only way to start getting "right results" is by "right actions." Hope this helps.

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Depression is a sign of deep dissatisfaction... whatever you are doing your mind seems to believe that u are doing somethign wrong... a bit of soul searching (looking within yourself) for your life goals and maybe a change of direction profesionally would help you resolve matters... first analuse what is wrong then make changes to correct that which is wrong... happiness comes of doing the right things... and best of luck


its not that simple i feel like my minds on fire........i feel like im going crazy.....i cant control my thoughts the way i use to........ive lost a part of myself.....do u know what itis to loose yourself, its the worst feeling in the world...i was never like this........i was a confident person...i have resonable goals in life....now evrything is just going in circles in my head the impossible is alway there waiting for me

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its not that simple i feel like my minds on fire........i feel like im going crazy.....i cant control my thoughts the way i use to........by eshwaar


Hari Hari! I was wondering how old you are? Are you maybe just becoming more aware of your mind, psychology etc. As we grow in life we can often become more aware of parts of our spiritual-psycho-physical make up that we were unconscious of before. Just a thought.


If that is so then we are becoming more mature; hence a greater responsibility for our lives, thoughts, actions etc can develop.


Forgive me for asking, you dont use ganja, hash, or bang do you? That will get the thought processes racing from dopamine overload?


And as cbramha said, if things do get to out of control, or if the mind due to depression, loss of confidence, or whetever impacts and lowers your ability to function well, day to day...then don't hesitate to get some professional help and support before things get out of hand for you. Sometimes the earlier we pay attention to imbalance the sooner wellness is attained. Early intervention is well documented in medical practice.


A daily dedicated meditation practice can be very beneficial for a racing mind, but it really does take daily practice to see the eventual results.


y.s. in love

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its not that simple i feel like my minds on fire........i feel like im going crazy.....i cant control my thoughts the way i use to........by eshwaar


Hari Hari! I was wondering how old you are? Are you maybe just becoming more aware of your mind, psychology etc. As we grow in life we can often become more aware of parts of our spiritual-psycho-physical make up that we were unconscious of before. Just a thought.


If that is so then we are becoming more mature; hence a greater responsibility for our lives, thoughts, actions etc can develop.


Forgive me for asking, you dont use ganja, hash, or bang do you? That will get the thought processes racing from dopamine overload?


And as cbramha said, if things do get to out of control, or if the mind due to depression, loss of confidence, or whetever impacts and lowers your ability to function well, day to day...then don't hesitate to get some professional help and support before things get out of hand for you. Sometimes the earlier we pay attention to imbalance the sooner wellness is attained. Early intervention is well documented in medical practice.


A daily dedicated meditation practice can be very beneficial for a racing mind, but it really does take daily practice to see the eventual results.


y.s. in love

im 26........i use to smoke alot....now i stopped for about a year now
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yeah...I thought you may have been in your mid twenties. For us guys that can be a real time of change and growth, a time of deeper self awareness. Just imagine the joys in life of growing old gracefully, what we will perceive in goodness during our lives as 30, 40, 50, 60 year olds, as spirit/consciousness entities.


A wise man will let the smoking, drinking etc fade into his exploration of youthfullness. There is no need to hold guilt or shame about youthfullness either. Such is life. However a foolish man will continue his youthful frolly well into manhood, and reap the rewards and possibly hellish mind states.


I have see many friends mature in their twenties, and make good choices and live well. I have seen other friends not mature and suffer later on. Some have even died.


Ganja is a big no no for racing minds, can even lead to psychosis in some. But the mind is a great healer, so we can cultivate the mind.


Bhagavad Gita says, 'the mind can be the greatest of friends, or the worst of enemies'.


I often teach people this way, 'if you had an old junk box of a car it would probably run on an oily rag...but if you had the latest model ferrari it needs extra special care to run at peak performance'.


Now....what is the mind? A junk box, or a high performance machine?


The body and mind is the temple of your God. Clean it, care for it, fill it full of spiritual wisdom, spiritual thoughts, and simple goodness...then it will serve you and your Lord well....unto full human maturity, actualization, and enlightenment.


We are spiritual beings who perform well on spiritual sustenance. That is the 'key' for wholeness and well being for a human being. Patience and care and long endurance are the ornaments.


Oh and be happy, be joyous...and laugh at the journey we all take. Have you ever seen the shine in an old man's eyes, and subtle grin on his face:) That's wisdom and peace.


Human...Humility...Humor (good medicine) bija's epitaph


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yeah...I thought you may have been in your mid twenties. For us guys that can be a real time of change and growth, a time of deeper self awareness. Just imagine the joys in life of growing old gracefully, what we will perceive in goodness during our lives as 30, 40, 50, 60 year olds, as spirit/consciousness entities.


A wise man will let the smoking, drinking etc fade into his exploration of youthfullness. There is no need to hold guilt or shame about youthfullness either. Such is life. However a foolish man will continue his youthful frolly well into manhood, and reap the rewards and possibly hellish mind states.


I have see many friends mature in their twenties, and make good choices and live well. I have seen other friends not mature and suffer later on. Some have even died.


Ganja is a big no no for racing minds, can even lead to psychosis in some. But the mind is a great healer, so we can cultivate the mind.


Bhagavad Gita says, 'the mind can be the greatest of friends, or the worst of enemies'.


I often teach people this way, 'if you had an old junk box of a car it would probably run on an oily rag...but if you had the latest model ferrari it needs extra special care to run at peak performance'.


Now....what is the mind? A junk box, or a high performance machine?


The body and mind is the temple of your God. Clean it, care for it, fill it full of spiritual wisdom, spiritual thoughts, and simple goodness...then it will serve you and your Lord well....unto full human maturity, actualization, and enlightenment.


We are spiritual beings who perform well on spiritual sustenance. That is the 'key' for wholness and well being for a human being. Patience and care and long endurance are the ornaments.


Oh and be happy, be joyous...and laugh and the journey we all take. Have you ever seen the shine in an old man's eyes, and subtle grin on his face:) That's wisdom and peace.


Human...Humility...Humor (good medicine)

some how that dosent really mak me feel better
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I agree cbrahma. In Australia there is a big initiative to bring discussion about depression out in the open.


Here is a very good website for you eshwaar




here is a depression self test checklist to see how you are going:



please bookmark and read it...I lived with very serious health condition for over a decade. And believe me if we grow through these health conditions, we can become very thoughtful caring human beings. And very happy human beings too mate.



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Also eshwaar with depression and things its real important to have someone we can talk to and open to. Someone who understands, and who is broad minded. If you know someone like that please speak to them. A public forum may not be the best place....some just dont understand in these kinds of places.

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I agree cbrahma. In Australia there is a big initiative to bring discussion about depression out in the open.


Here is a very good website for you eshwaar




here is a depression self test checklist to see how you are going:



please bookmark and read it...I lived with very serious health condition for over a decade. And believe me if we grow through these health conditions, we can become very thoughtful caring human beings. And very happy human beings too mate.



theres more but i couldnt even if i wanted to tell anybody about it.......the only person that knows whats going on in my head is god...
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Can you do me a favor? Get some support professionally...the website I gave you will give some ideas how to do that. There would be similar support networks in your country.


Like I said early intervention is best. It really is, and if treated early things like depression and anxiety can be managed very quickly and very well. The longer we tuff it out on our own the longer it may take to recover.


I have been a part of the psychiatric areas since my twenties. There is one agency that wants me to be a support mentor for young guys. The best thing I have discovered serving and receiving in this field is that it is normal and ok to talk about. All that stigma and stuff about mental health is old school thinking.


Please consider seeking support. It really gets the ball rolling toward happiness and wellness.

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Spiritual Emergence Network - click here


International - click here


SPIRITUAL EMERGENCE SERVICE is a non-profit Canadian charitable society staffed by volunteers. We offer assistance to people who are experiencing psychospiritual crises.

SES is inspired by the Spiritual Emergence Network in the United States founded in the 1980's by Christina Grof and Dr. Stanislav Grof. We follow their guidelines. (SEN in the USA changed its name to the Center for Psychological & Spiritual Health: www.cpsh.org.)

We can be reached by telephone or email. We listen to your story, what's happening to you. If we can't answer all your questions we will try to refer you to someone who can. If you want to talk to a qualified psychotherapist consult our National Referral Directory or call us and we will try to connect you to someone near to you.

Volunteers who staff the phone line have themselves experienced intense periods of non-ordinary states of consciousness or 'spiritual emergence.'

Enquiries are invited from registered psychotherapists in all Canadian provinces who have experiential knowledge and a history of working with clients in spiritual crisis.


Transpersonal Psychology is the extension of psychological studies into consciousness studies, spiritual inquiry, body-mind relationships and transformation. Carl Jung first coined the term transpersonal (uberpersonlich) when he used the phrase "transpersonal unconscious" as a synonym for "collective unconscious."

A key stimulus for the establishment of transpersonal psychology as a distinct field of inquiry was Abraham H. Maslow's research on self-actualizing persons. Maslow's work addressed not only psychological wounding and personal development, but the study of peak experiences, inspired creativity, altruistic ideals and personal actions that transcend "ordinary" personality as well.

Refined by the work of scholars such as Roger Walsh, Frances Vaughan, Stanislav Grof, Arthur J. Deikman, Ken Wilber and Charles T. Tart, transpersonal psychology now encompasses the study of the full range of human experience, from abnormal behavior to healthy normal functioning, to spiritually embodied and transcendent consciousness.

The following compilation by Robert Hutchins, Ph.D., offers ten simple ways to explain transpersonal psychology:



1. Transpersonal Psychology is a psychology of health and human potential. While recognising and addressing human psychopathology, transpersonal psychology does not derive its model of the human psyche from the ill or diseased. Transpersonal psychology looks to saints, prophets, great artists, heroes, and heroines for models of full human development and of the growth-oriented nature of the normal human psyche. Instead of defining ourselves as all essentially neurotic (if not worse), transpersonal psychology makes it possible to perceive the individual as one engaged in the process of development toward full humanity, as exemplified by the words and deeds of great men and women. 2. Transpersonal psychology and transpersonal psychotherapy, in particular, does not see the human personality as an end in itself. Our personal history and the resulting personality traits, tendencies, and attributes are seen as the crust or skin covering our transpersonal essence. Another way of putting this is that the personality is, by design, the vessel or vehicle which enables the soul and spirit to navigate through the world. Thus, the proper role of the personality is to be a translucent window, a servant to divinity within.


3. Transpersonal psychology is a psychology of human development. As developmental psychologists, we agree with the object relations theorists that there is a continuum of development, in the sense of self and its stability. This continuum begins with individuals who have not achieved object constancy and strong ego identity, people who might be called psychotic. The next step up the development ladder are those with "borderline personality disorder", in whom an unstable sense of self and object constancy have developed. Another step up toward full functionality are those with a strong sense of ego identity and clear object relations, the so-called "normals". Transpersonal psychology, at this point, extends object relations theory by pointing to the next stages of human development, wherein there is disidentification from one's personality or personal identity and recognition of object impermanence or transciency. This stage is typified by the states of consciousness obtained by advanced meditators. A further step in development is posited wherein the person realizes the Supreme Identity (i.e., enlightenment or connection with God), and the relative nature of normal reality, as seen in saints and mystics.


4. Transpersonal psychology is an approach to the whole person. It seeks a balanced development of the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical, social, and creative expression aspects of a person's life. Thus, all six areas are addressed scholastically and therapeutically, and integration or balance is sought.


5. Transpersonal psychogy is a psychology that goes through the personal to the transpersonal. Far from just transcending our humanity, it is a process of working through our humanity, in an inclusive way, to reach the recognition of divinity within. Thus, transpersonal psychology emerges out of personal psychology, as a result of the individual's growth and maturation.


6. Transpersonal psychology is the future norm in psychology, as yet unrecognized by the mainstream. Transpersonal psychology is largely inclusive of and builds on the psychoanalytic, behavioral/experimental, and humanistic psychologies that preceded it. It provides both an extension of and a different perspective from these previous psychologies. It in no way is a denial of the validity of their theories and techniques. It simply places them in a new context.


Transpersonal psychology asserts that religious nd mystical experiences and the perspectives that derive from them are valid approaches to reality and can be studied scientifically. It is the beginning attempt of science to understand these most meaningful of human experiences.


7. Transpersonal psychology recognizes and studies the different states and stations of consciousness. It recognizes that such different states as dreaming, hypnotic trance, and "waking" consciousness all have sub-levels within themselves and possess their own state-specific systems, their own realities. Further, transpersonal psychology recognizes that not only are there different states of consciousness that one may move into and out of during the course of a day but that there are also stages or stations of consciousness that, through development, one can come to live in relatively permanently.


8. Rather than being a recent innovation, transpersonal psychology is largely a return to the perennial philosophy identified by Aldous Huxley. Mystical experience and shamanistic healing practices, which have been central concerns of humankind for millenia, are also a focus of transpersonal psychology.


9. Transpersonal psychology is depth psychology. It is part of the therapeutic stream started by Freud and his successors, Jung, Rank, and Reich. Roberto Assagioli, who posited a superconscious, as well as a subconscious, integrated transpersonal and depth psychology, as did Carl Jung




10. The simplest definition is that transpersonal psychology is spiritual psychology. It recognizes that humanity has both drives toward sex and aggression and drives toward wholeness, toward connecting with and experiencing the divine.



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theres more but i couldnt even if i wanted to tell anybody about it.......the only person that knows whats going on in my head is god...


Most of us know what it is. It's got to do with the matters of the heart. You're in love with someone, and that 'someone' doesn't reciprocate.:P You think there's no justice in this world, no god. Right?

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sorry but its more complicated then thats....i wish it was that simple

'nobody understands me' is one of the symptoms of serious depression.

I strongly recommend that you at least give professional psychology a try. If it doesn't work then you can just move on. I'm really concerned about your state of mind right now.

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'nobody understands me' is one of the symptoms of serious depression.

I strongly recommend that you at least give professional psychology a try. If it doesn't work then you can just move on. I'm really concerned about your state of mind right now.

it not that simple...i cant explain myself...cause its just crazy whats going on in my head..nobody will understand
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...the only person that knows whats going on in my head is god...


that may be the case, but let ma assure you, your problems are nothing new or unique. millions of people go through very similar tribulations in life. why dont you talk to somebody you know in real life? we are not that different afterall. Good luck to you and I pray the Lord will help you soon. Pranams.

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