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reason for baldness, career troubles please help me with advise

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Dear All,


My birth date is 27/2/1983 born at Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu


Time: 7.25 to 7.29 AM (Kumba Lagna and Meena Lagna coincides and I am not able to fix my lagna)


star is Makham


Venus and Saturn exalted


Considering Meena lagna,


plantery position in Rasi chart is


Venus, Mars in Lagna, Saturn in 8th, Kethu in 10th, Sun in 12th, Mercury in 11th, Moon in 6th, Jupiter(Guru) in 9th and Rahu in 4th


I have very severe baldness and hence physical appearance is shattered.


Hence all marriage proposals are not fructifying.


Also there are sever career problems and job threats that surround me.


I want to remain in India but my company pushes now to go abroad.


I had been to US and Singapore before.


Significant events -- joined in good company on July 2004


First US trip -- Nov 2006

faced lot of troubles in US on first trip


severe career problems for a prolonged period of 2 yrs from June 2006 to current


Please help me on when my career problems will get sorted out and when I will get married


Also worried about my life span.



Currenty going throuh Janma Sani in Sadhe Sati.

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Dear Ram Krishna Hari,

Your lagna is Meena. You are born at 7.29 AM or afterwards close to this time.Your birth star is Magha pada 4. Chandra is in Simha rasi. So, you are in Sani Sadesath since 6-9-2004 upto 3-8-2012. Vargottama Guru in 9th house ,its 5th aspect on Lagna is very helpful in keeping you cool inspite of facing many difficulties. Moon is strong as you are lucky to be born on Purnima. Regarding bald head, the exalted Sukra in lagna which is supposed to make you highly handsome, is unable to give its result ,as Kuja is occupying the same house ie lagna. Lagna represents face and head .Both the planets oppose each other in giving their results. The result is ,you become more bold and dominant than beautiful. So do shanti to Sani upto the end of your Sani sadesath and Kuja regularly throughout your life. Your chart indicates good future ,except the above mentioned . Take nutritious food grain like soya beans/black eyed white beans which represent Sukra, for hair growth along with other medications if any.

Good luck,



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Dear Ram Krishna Hari,

Your lagna is Meena. You are born at 7.29 AM or afterwards close to this time.Your birth star is Magha pada 4. Chandra is in Simha rasi. So, you are in Sani Sadesath since 6-9-2004 upto 3-8-2012. Vargottama Guru in 9th house ,its 5th aspect on Lagna is very helpful in keeping you cool inspite of facing many difficulties. Moon is strong as you are lucky to be born on Purnima. Regarding bald head, the exalted Sukra in lagna which is supposed to make you highly handsome, is unable to give its result ,as Kuja is occupying the same house ie lagna. Lagna represents face and head .Both the planets oppose each other in giving their results. The result is ,you become more bold and dominant than beautiful. So do shanti to Sani upto the end of your Sani sadesath and Kuja regularly throughout your life. Your chart indicates good future ,except the above mentioned . Take nutritious food grain like soya beans/black eyed white beans which represent Sukra, for hair growth along with other medications if any.

Good luck,




Thankyou very much Sir for your predictions. I feel very much dejected day by day by all the issues surrounding me. Even I write this mail, I heard failure messages in marriage.


Nowadays, complete peace of mind is destroyed. Already I had minute levels of blood sugar and BP of 160 X 100 mm. Now due to all these stress, I am really worried what would have happened to my BP level.


I just could not bear all the problems from career, marraige, physical appearance and health throng over me like anything.


As I go out to shops and all, it looks so different and mismatch -- being very fair having a western look, but for the baldness, I would have been treated well and respected well by labour class. But now, they find a huge mismatch in nature's combination of being so fair like a foreign born having baldness at the same time. They stare at me like anything.


Career is fluctuating. I really worry if I will die young.N great nadi kagabhujandhar naadi predicted a good future for me like you did.


Anycase, on the hand I have only depression and extreme stress.


Thanks again sir,


ram ram ram ram

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Dear Shri.ramakrishnahari,


can you please ask your mother if there was any intervention

from the medical team at the time of your birth ?


this fact can help me in fixing your lagna.


you are running sun dasa and saturn antar.


no wonder you are under stress from all sides.


your ishta devata , irrespective of birth time change

is lordess Gauri. Please chant

om gauriyai namah 324 times after lighting a lamp


for carrer problems pl chant " om mahalakshmiyayai namah "


if you can give dates pertaining to events, it would be of help.



may mother bless all






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My dear ramakrishnahari,


Pl follow the advice and do the remedy.These are not my own ,but as told by ancient vedic astrologers. When time is bad everything looks gloomy.Here only God comes into picture. Believe in God, time solves everything. Everybody has to face up and downs in life. Don't think it is happening to you alone. Have courage and belief in God.


God bless you,



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Dear Shri.ramakrishnahari,


can you please ask your mother if there was any intervention

from the medical team at the time of your birth ?


this fact can help me in fixing your lagna.


you are running sun dasa and saturn antar.


no wonder you are under stress from all sides.


your ishta devata , irrespective of birth time change

is lordess Gauri. Please chant

om gauriyai namah 324 times after lighting a lamp


for carrer problems pl chant " om mahalakshmiyayai namah "


if you can give dates pertaining to events, it would be of help.



may mother bless all







Dear Sir,


Thanks for your help.


Here are my life events. Hope it helps


Birth day: 27, Feb, 1983

Place: Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.


Yes, as you told there were some problems during my delivery.


I am caesarean child only. Birth should have happened the previous night. But major threat to mother/child life came. Hence doctors fixed operation on 27th feb. Doctor good religious lady.


Doctors tell the time is 7:25 AM.

Per 7:25 AM Lagna is Kumbam only.Family astrologer fixed Kumbha lagna only.


But per Kagabhujandhar naadi my lagna is Meena(future events 85% happening). Per Vashishtar Naadi also lagna is Meena.


I had one elder sister born and died immediately


father retd govt servant and mother in high position in govt job currently.



Events in life:


Aug 2000: joined college, not so good educational results, worries and spending money for college


Nov 22, 2000: Went to hostel, home sick, depression


2002: Maternal grandma had serious health problems but recovered.


Sep 30,2003: Selected for a good job through campus interview at final year


Oct 1, 2003 -- April 2004: good life, no problems, successful completion of education, enemies flew away


July 19,2004: joined the company for which i was selected


Aug 31,2004: serious job threat


Sep 1, 2004: solved all job problems and got settled in job


2005: Mixed results, obstacles in going abroad, happiness, masculinity, pride,postion in job good


May 2006: Purchased flat on my own and obstacles in abroad trip


Sep 2006: serious pressures and indirect enemies in job, obstacles for abroad increased


Nov 5, 2006: started to US for first time


Nov 22, 2006: serious accommodation problem, threat, fear in US


Feb 1, 2007: came out of first short trip successfully, good wealth, pride, happiness, perfumes, chocolates, parents happy


April 22,2007: second trip to abroad this time to Singapore


Aug , 2007: father health affected, serious pressures in job


Oct 28,2007: returned from Singapore successfully, weath, pride, perfumes, confidence, happiness at home


Nov 22, 2007: found traces of sugar and BP, got upset


Dec 16,2007: started to US again


Jan, 2008: happy but marriage proposals not fructifying


March 2008: serious pressures in job, asked to come back to India due to job problems, marriage proposals went wrong and deep depression due to baldness


APril 2008: company trying to send abroad again not interested, marriage proposals went wrong, very depressed

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om gurubhyo namah




thanks for all the info.


i have taken the birth time to be 7:25:36 when i

wrote you the previous mail with the assumption

the birth could be cesarian. i wanted confirmation

before proceeding further. Now that you have confirmed

the medical intervention and hence i stick to this.


more than regular vimsottari. dwisaptatisama dasa

can be applied in your case since 7th lord is in lagna.

Dwi-saptati sama dasa (applicable if lagna lord is in 7th or 7th lord is in lagna):


Ven MD: 2003-04-11 - 2012-04-10


Antardasas in this MD:


Ven: 2003-04-11 - 2004-05-26

Sat: 2004-05-26 - 2005-07-13

Rah: 2005-07-13 - 2006-08-29

Sun: 2006-08-29 - 2007-10-14 .. BP COULD HAVE STARTED HERE

Moon: 2007-10-14 - 2008-11-27 .. YOU CAME TO know the problem in this period

Mars: 2008-11-27 - 2010-01-11 .. BP LIKELY TO INCREASE

Merc: 2010-01-11 - 2011-02-24 .. MERC IS Aatma karaka..

Jup: 2011-02-24 - 2012-04-10 .. possible time of marriage.

you are young to get married. pl concentrate on carreer prospects

and educating yourself more.


How long you have been bald ?..


did you not try any doctor for treatment.. ofcourse it will be a

costly affair and sucess is not assured.



what details you gave to khakapujander naadi for casting horoscope ?



may mother bless all






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om gurubhyo namah




thanks for all the info.


i have taken the birth time to be 7:25:36 when i

wrote you the previous mail with the assumption

the birth could be cesarian. i wanted confirmation

before proceeding further. Now that you have confirmed

the medical intervention and hence i stick to this.


more than regular vimsottari. dwisaptatisama dasa

can be applied in your case since 7th lord is in lagna.

Dwi-saptati sama dasa (applicable if lagna lord is in 7th or 7th lord is in lagna):


Ven MD: 2003-04-11 - 2012-04-10


Antardasas in this MD:


Ven: 2003-04-11 - 2004-05-26

Sat: 2004-05-26 - 2005-07-13

Rah: 2005-07-13 - 2006-08-29

Sun: 2006-08-29 - 2007-10-14 .. BP COULD HAVE STARTED HERE

Moon: 2007-10-14 - 2008-11-27 .. YOU CAME TO know the problem in this period

Mars: 2008-11-27 - 2010-01-11 .. BP LIKELY TO INCREASE

Merc: 2010-01-11 - 2011-02-24 .. MERC IS Aatma karaka..

Jup: 2011-02-24 - 2012-04-10 .. possible time of marriage.


you are young to get married. pl concentrate on carreer prospects

and educating yourself more.


How long you have been bald ?..


did you not try any doctor for treatment.. ofcourse it will be a

costly affair and sucess is not assured.



what details you gave to khakapujander naadi for casting horoscope ?



may mother bless all







Dear Sir,


My exp with Kagabhundar naadi is wonderful. I went there in 2004 and did not give any details other than my thumb impression.


After the normal yes or no questions, they found my leaf(rather claimed to for research oriented people). They revealed about the elder sister info correctly and also told about my parents name correctly.


The key predictions in that naadi are happening correctly. Their immediate predictions in career happened exactly with 100% accuracy.


They were able to name the countries which I will visit ( kamala muni desam for US,keezhai ellai( down east for Singapore) utthiram mel kamalam thottu (may be North America for current Canada plans of my company etc)


The nadi ascertained only Meena Lagna.I told that guy that my horoscope indicate Kumba langa but he claimed that this is what coming in my naadi.


Then only I tried giving near by timings in horos softwares only to find that the langa really changes to meena in another few minutes variation.


Per that naadi, my marriage should happen from feb 2008 to dec 2009 itself.


Also I went to Vashishtar naadi which is not as accurate as Kagabhujandhar but still they predicted Meena lagna only and marraige timings almost the same as Kagabhujandhar naadi.


I am already bald completely (happening for past 8 yrs) and hence in 28s or 29s or 30s I will look like a 40 yr old. Hence better earlier I thought.


Thanks for your interest in my case sir,


Your well wishing and prayer to Gawri Maa will surely make me cross all obstacles.

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thanks for the info/


ketu in navamsa lagna shows medical intervention.


since you feel strongly that meena lagna is correct, i will switch

over to meena lagna after applying birth time shift rules and

see if incidents match.


when exactly you went to kaakabhujandar naadi ?

keep in touch


may mother bless all






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thanks for the info/


ketu in navamsa lagna shows medical intervention.


since you feel strongly that meena lagna is correct, i will switch

over to meena lagna after applying birth time shift rules and

see if incidents match.


when exactly you went to kaakabhujandar naadi ?

keep in touch


may mother bless all







Dear Sir,


Thanks very much for your interest. I went to Kagabhujandhar nadi in June 2004 and after 2 yrs went to Vashishta Nadi in 2006,


I would request not to consider my bending towards Meena lagna as a factor. I think my birht has taken place in a confused state of lagna meet, as my life is confused now. I think we have to follow the Prasna marga and certain principles of Palmistry to fix my lagna. Any case, my humble question is what is the implication, if a person takes birth exactly on the transition time between one lagna and other?? Will that birth in transition indicates that the person will have greater flexibility to change fate? Are there any methods in astrology to fix a lagna given this confustion?


Anycase as a devotee of Gawri Maa, your blessings itself will correct all my problems. I am going to Chant Kanakadhaara Sthavam towards Mahalakshmi the most merciful mother asking her mercy for beautiful hair and handsome look. I hope she will pardon my past janma sins and bless me with beautiful wife, children and prosperity.

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Dear ramakrishnahari,

Don't be confused about lagna.As per the events in your life mentioned by you , your lagna is Meena. Once you are in Meena lagna ,all the planetary effects are to be seen from this only. Lagna Sandhi is not to be taken into consideration to count the predictions of Kumbh or Meena lagna. Praying Sri Jagadamba or Mahalakshmi on friday's for Venus is good along with other things.



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  • 4 weeks later...


Dear ramakrishnahari,

Don't be confused about lagna.As per the events in your life mentioned by you , your lagna is Meena. Once you are in Meena lagna ,all the planetary effects are to be seen from this only. Lagna Sandhi is not to be taken into consideration to count the predictions of Kumbh or Meena lagna. Praying Sri Jagadamba or Mahalakshmi on friday's for Venus is good along with other things.





Thanks Dear Sanjeevrao. As further update, I have come to Toronto on my 4th trip abroad starting from India on 26th April, 5.00 PM. (Sun maha dasa -- saturn bhukthi -- rahu pratyantar dasa from 25th april)



Inspite of burning problems in career and indirect trick plays which brought me out of America on March 20th, there is a bigger grace that has acted that is still withholding me and protecting I should say.


I am currently running sun dasa and saturn bhukthi till August 20 and staring Sun dasa and bhudha bhukthi from August 21 2008 until June 2009.


Actually budha (mercury) the lord of 4th and 7th house is in 11th house that is profit place. Being lord of marriage house, what are the marriage prospects in this bhukthi?Also will I get some relief profession wise from Aug 20th, 2008?


Also on health side, my diabetes, cholestrol, thyroid are all normal except the blood pressure which went high upto 180 mm and I am taking medication. What is my life span ji? I am concerned about that nowadays.


My eight lord venus is in lagna exalted and the ayutkaraka saturn is exalted in 8th position. The 8th house receives a beneficial aspect from Mars and the 7th house receives a malefic aspect from venus the lord of 3rd and 8th.




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Thanks Dear Sanjeevrao. As further update, I have come to Toronto on my 4th trip abroad starting from India on 26th April, 5.00 PM. (Sun maha dasa -- saturn bhukthi -- rahu pratyantar dasa from 25th april)



Inspite of burning problems in career and indirect trick plays which brought me out of America on March 20th, there is a bigger grace that has acted that is still withholding me and protecting I should say.


I am currently running sun dasa and saturn bhukthi till August 20 and staring Sun dasa and bhudha bhukthi from August 21 2008 until June 2009.


Actually budha (mercury) the lord of 4th and 7th house is in 11th house that is profit place. Being lord of marriage house, what are the marriage prospects in this bhukthi?Also will I get some relief profession wise from Aug 20th, 2008?


Also on health side, my diabetes, cholestrol, thyroid are all normal except the blood pressure which went high upto 180 mm and I am taking medication. What is my life span ji? I am concerned about that nowadays.


My eight lord venus is in lagna exalted and the ayutkaraka saturn is exalted in 8th position. The 8th house receives a beneficial aspect from Mars and the 7th house receives a malefic aspect from venus the lord of 3rd and 8th.





Dear USRji,


Can you throw some light on the current dasa -- bhukthi -- pratyanthar dasa?


Also kindly signify how a pratyantar--dasa effects are to be seen when the dasa -- bhukthi are not favorable?

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