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going through a very bad period

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iam staying in uk from 10/2002, i have done my masters degree in engineering here in uk,but i have been struggling to find a job,iam still working in a odd job that doesnt suit my qualification with low income,and since 10/2005 i started going in to debts and still struggling to clear them, i got married in feb 2007,my wife is a pregnant and expecting a child this april,my main problem is the career,iam trying hard to find a proper job and settle in my life,and because of the debts i have lost my mental peace, and as iam going have another member in the family which is one of the happiest event in life,but in my case iam more worried than being happy, only positive thing about me is i beilieve in hard work and work for perfection, iam giving my birth details below, so can somebody please tell me what is going wrong with me,


name- ramesh


place of birth- madanapalle,chittoor district,ap,india.

time of birth -04.07am


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hello sir


Thanks for yout reply,iam giving my wife birth details



time- 00.04 am (midnight),

place-dharmavaram,ananthapur district, india



important events in my life-1) had serious illness(stomach)when approximatley 7yrs old, came to uk in 10/2002 to pursue masters in engineering.

2)finished masters degree in engineering in 2004

3) working in a low income job (call center)

4)father had a bypass surgery in 01/2005

5)one elder brother and elder sister.


i will be waiting for your reply.

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Dear Ramesh,


Can you give the birth details of your wife and also the date of important events in your life.




hello sir


Thanks for yout reply,iam giving my wife birth details



time- 00.04 am (midnight),

place-dharmavaram,ananthapur district, india



important events in my life-1) had serious illness(stomach)when approximatley 7yrs old, came to uk in 10/2002 to pursue masters in engineering.

2)finished masters degree in engineering in 2004

3) working in a low income job (call center)

4)father had a bypass surgery in 01/2005

5)one elder brother and elder sister.


i will be waiting for your reply.

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Dear Ramesh,


you are experiancing these difficulties as you are in the Sani Sade sath period .This ends by 10-9-2009.It has started on 23-7-2002. Propitiate Sani by puja or (Nuvvula oil)tailabhishekam in any temple having Navagrahas ,on ever Saturday, to get relief.Your lord of profession is Venus .It is weak, as it is close to debilitation and by association with Saturn the 6th and 7th lord in lagna . Pray regularly Goddess Lakshmi along with whatever prayers you do. Be fair with your parents , with your father in special.Their blessings will help you.

Good luck,



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Dear Ramesh


You have a good horoscope, but are going through a tough period because of Dasha and transit. You have a angry temprament, I advise you to control that. At times are you also curt? I feel that you will be blessed with a boy.


If you can offer water to Sun each morning or at least every Sunday, it will strengthen your Lagna. Also reciting the mantra 'om ketave namah' daily will help.

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