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why so much fear in life..USR ji help

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My exhusband is a member of this forum and i thought since he was asking and getting great solutions i thought let me too try as i have had a pretty sad life till date..

My name and date of birth is already with many..but i will furnish it again as i need personal help


My name:-Shabina Noormahomed Laljee

DOB:-15th March,1971

Time:03.45 am mumbai India



i am in a fear psychosis since the age of 15..the fear of loss my mom was diagnosed with cancer, she was saved..thanks to allah, i had to take care of a 6 month old sister whom i raised as my child...

I have seen my father go through a lot of financial crisis and i am a kind of person who takes all this to heart vey very deeply...

have seen some very bad days....

this improve and now 6 years ago..this stared getting from bad to worse

my lil sister, was diagnosed with low immunity which the doctors could not even diagnose for 4 months..there was talks of it being luekemia too..those 4 months took a toll on my state of mind..i turned to meditation and prayers

this were ok..

and in 5 months my father suffered a very severe heart attack....that was worse..i sort of became very depressed...and

then we had income tax people troubleing us,

our landlord was troubling us we were in court for 1 year,we had to immediately buy a new house with loans,

my father's eye was operated upon but the doctor spoiled the case and he cannot have clear vision with one eye

My aunt who is like my second mom, suffered from ectopics of the heart with leakages and slip disc...

my mom was diagnosed with cancer the 2nd time 2 years back....she is fine


my brother lost his 4 day old baby(date of birth of baby 23rd may 2007 around 9 in the morning)


my marriage lasted 7 months only..i was always afraid of something happening to him....(i need analysis for this big time too)


what the hell is in store for me now


why is god not giving me peace


i am tired of life


please can someone tell me whether i will ever be happy

will i have a family of my own with children as i am now 37 years old

which will not be broken and shaken


i am so unhappy..please if some can help

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Shabinna, i replied to your husband request. things are looking bad, you contact him he will be in a position to take you there, as he will be running a comfortable good dasa, your security and safety will be better. do not waste time talk to him and stay with him for the next 20 years. this is based on the analysis, not just that i want to tell you. you are undergoing a bad dasa, saturday upavass with one time meal, and no non veg on Saturday and Tuesday. it is only advice for someone like you needs help. seek god he will definitly help you.

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but we have divorced or rather he divorced me and now we have no contact..will i be able to get out of this mess...that god and may be we too have created in our lifes...sir can u just read my chart and tell me what is my life going to be like....please sir..i beg u

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being the lagna lord Saturn (Debiliated) should not create anything worst for you, but it is neither good for you. may be neutral or bad this dasa for you. my advice is to worship Anjaneya Swami and Sani bhagwan. do not think that you are a muslim so that you can't do that, I am not asking you to follow the Hindu religion, but for your betterness because I want nobody in this world should suffer. this is the remedy i know. every day morning put something for crow and cow.


Get in touch with your exhusband. he is also does not have a good period ahead but ofcourse not a bad one. so he would be listening to you.


i will pray for you. believe i God, with the difficulties ahead you will overcome it.

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my friend pooja prepared a free kundli (birth chart) something of mine at a website online i forget the name according to her,it is written there that my kundli shows either death of spouse,divorce from husband and death of the partner, divorce or complete absence of pleasure from the husband. In some cases, childlessness is also noticed


can u tell me which one of this is true..i know divorce is true coz it has already happened...was my kundli dangerous for my husband...could something had happened to him...if so then, how can i contact him...


i am so scared..even to phone him coz he though has said that he is worried about me on varoius occasions here,he has completely avoided being in touch with me so much so he has even changed his phone numbers...


is is doing ok...is there anyway i can find out....i cannot sleep thinking that i am somehow responsible for the whole mess....

please guide

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  • 1 year later...

Mrs Shabina Noormahomed Laljee,

Sometimes everything happens to be sorrowful and there is no end for it.Reason has to be interpreted as past life deeds and present life misdeeds of self and parents.But everybody wants a peaceful and satisfactory life.Here one of the guiding tool is Astrology ,prayers ,living a pious life,spending time in the presence of good preachers etc.

Perhaps, I didn't answer you, feeling that my advice is based on Vedic astrology,which you may not be able to follow/do.

You are in Saturn Mahadasa since 3/2008 till 3/2027 and by transit is in 8th house from your lagna since 2 years.Saturn is your lagna lord and 2nd lord in 4th house in debilitated condition.By it's aspect it doesn't give advantage to you but keeps you facing the challenges somehow or other.

So,by 9/2009 Saturn goes to the 9th house giving considerable relief.

But to overcome this fear psychosis,you have to propitiate Saturn in your own religious way,may be by helping/serving the poor at religious places or old age homes or orphanages etc ..on Saturdays.Saturn is with poor people.Be pious.

Pray your God with devotion.

Wishing you happiness,


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