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Omniscient Dealings

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Omniscient Dealings


A few weeks back the question of devotee omniscience arose, in that case in regards to debate as to whether such was possible, or not, and whether Srila Prabhupada had such.


I recently came across a mention in the
Nityananda Caritamrta
of Vrndavana Dasa Thakura, as translated by one Isvara dasa. Within, it describes how, on their way from Puri to Bengal for preaching, by Mahaprabhu's instructions, Nityananda Prabhu empowered several close associates with omniscience, as well as the ability to bestow love of God, just as He himself can. The specific word used was omniscience. I am therefore assuming a correct translation.


When we consider the Lords pastimes, we will note that, although Godhead, He pretty much sticks to the immediate surroundings in terms of omniscient dealings, ie., we do not regularly hear of goings-on in other universes, for example, while the pastime is going on here. So, as is usual, Krsna primarily acts or reveals to our sensation and best knowledge within the context of the particular location and pastimes.


We know that the jiva is an article of the Absolute:
isavasyam idam sarvam
… etc By reasoning, therefore, we can conclude that a particle of the absolute is also absolute. However, it is typical that the surrendered jiva is under control of the Lords Urjva potency of engagement in pastimes, a power of yoga maya. It stands to reason, therefore, that omniscience for a pure soul is as according to that bestowed by the Lords will, just as according to the rasa of the pastimes. Thus, there will be varying degrees of omniscience. It is not that, for example, an omniscient awareness of molecules bumping in universe X has any relevance to bestowing love of God upon soul XYZ being blessed within Lord Nityananda's eternal pastimes currently going on in universe Y.


We can thus reasonably infer that omniscience is bestowed according to the pastime needs, and that the degree and extent is controlled and bestowed by the all powerful and all perfect Godhead JUST AS IS NEEDED, and that this is a limited degree of omniscience. There will be categories and degrees of this omniscience.


Many of Srila Prabhupada's disciples, etc. will have experience of Srila Prabhupada appearing in dreams to give instruction, or during his manifest presence of answering unasked questions quite specifically, while looking directly at one during classes, as if he had direct access via Supersoul to the disciple's heart and question. This is evidence in support of my thesis. Any comments? Thank you. Hare Krsna.



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