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You must be tired, Maharaja:‘When someone asks if you are tired,it means he is tired'

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Lessons for Life from the Bhagavad gita - A Talk by Giriraj Swami


Lessons for Life from the Bhagavad gita given in Mumbai ISKCON - A Talk by Giriraj Swami

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Janardana dasa: You must be tired, Maharaja.


Giriraj Swami: Well, that reminds me of a story. In the history of the struggle for the Juhu land, some of Prabhupada’s leading disciples in charge at the time cancelled the purchase agreement with Mr. Nair. And when Srila Prabhupada heard, he said, ‘Then everything is finished.’ But some time thereafter, when Prabhupada was in Hyderabad, Mr. Nair agreed to come and meet him. Mr. Nair suspected that Prabhupada would use some mystic power to persuade him to do something against his will, so he brought a sadhu with him to counteract Prabhupada’s power. They were all sitting in Prabhupada’s room, engaged in light conversation, and at one stage the sadhu said to Prabhupada, ‘Swamiji, you look tired. You should take rest. We may talk later.’ Prabhupada replied, ‘Yes, I am very tired.’ So everyone left the room. But Prabhupada knew that the man was tired and that therefore he had asked the question. [laughter] A few minutes later Prabhupada called for Tamal Krishna Goswami. ‘When someone asks if you are tired,’ Prabhupada said, ‘it means he is tired.’ Then Prabhupada told Tamal Krishna Goswami, ‘Go and bring Nair. Let the sadhu sleep, and bring Nair.’ [laughter] So he brought Mr. Nair, and Prabhupada used his mystic powers [laughter], and Mr. Nair signed the new agreement. And here we are.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Gita Jayanti ki jaya! Hare Krsna.

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‘Then everything is finished.’


Everything has to be eked out, nothing comes easy.


It’s a War and We Must Prepare to Be Wounded.



posted <small>February 19, 2008</small>



“Even if it becomes difficult when we are out, we have to continue anyway. That must be our conviction when we want to do sankirtana for a long time. We must be ready to accept the difficulties for the sake of our spiritual master’s pleasure and Krsna’s pleasure. Problems and mental suffering will come, there’s no question. It’s a war, and at one point we will get wounded. So we have to be prepared. We can’t think, “We’ll go out, and everything will be calm and sweet, ” because at one point we’ll become tired. Or no books will go out, and the mind will flip out. Or lust, anger, and ignorance will influence us. We have to be prepared. That means we must already have the determination to continue for the pleasure of the spiritual master. We may make a short break to read or chant or listen to a lecture, but it’s simply to prepare ourselves to go out again as soon as possible.”

~Kalpavasini devi dasi, p.459

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