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Married for 5 years but don't have a child

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open account in astrogyan match your kundli if both nadis are same in match making then do puja for Nadi dosha if they are different then no problem. If you have ketu dosha then do mantra jaap for that. I dont have mantra I have bit knowledge so said you.


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Thanks a lot for the mail. We also went to a nadi jyotish office, they predicted our child birth in 2005/06 but nothing of the sort happened in our case. We have been to lots of astrologers, everyone says that there is delay but not denial but no one tells when will it happen? I saw replies to some of the members' mails here where good astrologers have thoroughly studies their horoscopes, but in our case, no one replied back. But I am really thankful to you for your words of motivation. May God give your children all the hapinnes, good health, a long life (and same for you both to take care of them).

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Dear Atul Sharma

Recite "Santaan Gopal" Mantra for 3 Months God willing you hear the Good News, whether you believe it or not. You will find it on Net just Google it Alternatively You can also find it in the last chapter of HARI-VANSH-PURAAN, which you will get in a Geeta-Press Book Stall. If you don't get it any where I will send it to you, give me your address.

God Bless


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Hi Atul,


why don't you do this one:

my advice is both of you go to Varnasi Temple and for three days you have to worship Kasi Viswanath Bagavan and Kasi Visalatchi Amman. Have Ganga bath and take vilwa Mala and Ganga Water then go to the temple and with the vilwa mala and Gagna water abisekham on the Lord Viswantha Lingam. this is great remedy, read from a famous astrologer K. R. Rajaopal of Tamilnadu, a great human being and great astrologer. so i recommending the same. a lots of people from all over the world appreciating his work in the field of Astrology. he is a simple man never do astorlogy for money or fame. his advice has helped a lot of people. select some good day to start the prayer. i am sure you will have your child with the blessings of Bhagvan Siva Shankar.

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