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Strange Kundli

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This is very complicated Kundli I had come across. There might be more complicated kundli than this.. but I find it very strange...


Birth Details,

Date:- 3rd April 1982

Birth Place:- Mumbai

Birth time:- 13:55



Here are the specif details of the kundli I have observed.

1. The person has born under Cancer lagna and Cancer sign, having moon in the Ascedant itself. There is no planet aspecting Moon nor Moon is aspecting any planet.

and as there is no planet in 2nd and 12th house, it is kind of an Kemdruma yoga. and makes Moon weak though it is placed in very good position..

2. In the 3rd house Mars conjucts saturn in the house of Mercury.

3. Rahu is placed in 12th, having aspects from Jupiter and Saturn both.

4. Jupiter is placed in 4th house from kendra and moon. which is kind of a gaj kesari yog.

5. venus in 8th house having aspect from Rahu.

6. Mercury conjucts Sun in 9th house. and also they are directly in opposition to the 3rd house having Mars and Saturn.



It is said that Mars is very much auspicious in Cancer lagna. But here it conjucts with Saturn and may not give good results.

Even Jupiter and Moon are forming gaj kesari yoga, but moon is next house of Rahu and may not be so auspicous.


The thing which I have observed is though there are beneficial planets like Mars, Moon and Jupiter. But Except Jupiter rest are having unauspicous aspects.

Only planet Jupiter seems to be very much powerful.


Also the thing which I have observed is the long chain of exchange of houses. Jupiter is in the house of Venus. Venus is in the house of Saturn. Saturn is in the house of Mercury. and Mercury is in the house of Jupiter and completes the chain.


There is no clear auspicous effects nor the unauspicious effects can be found in the kundli by me.


Can someone please guide me to find out following queries?

1. when is the marriage?

2. Any scope of love marriage? May be Conjuction of Mars and Saturn might help this..

3. how is the career ?

4. Overall Life predictions in general.

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  • 2 months later...

Not a strange kundali. well one has to take into account when looking at a Janam Kundali, the Lagnathipathi. which is very strong irrespective of aspects. in aspects only Saturn, Mars, Jupiter are counted and Rahu, Ketu, Venus, Mercury are not counted. reason Rahu and kety are saya grahas and venus and Mercury are fast moving grahas. even in that case SUN also not considered. when Gaja kesari yoga present the Kemadruma yoga does not work. Yes Mars is not placed very well along with Saturn. Lord of 12th and 3rd Mercury is debliated is a good thing in this horo. he can't give you bad effects being the lord for giving you bad effects.


Now the 4th and 11th lord Venus is in 8th and venus mahadasa just started. Not a favourable one.


his marriage may not be love marriage, if he is in love, he should take care. He will be in service but cannot expect a great faster growth.

Overall, since his ascendent and rasi lord is strong, his life will be stable despite any problem if arise.

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Thanks a lot for the replies.


Yes the person has travelled a lot abroad and since last one year he is abroad for work.


Well regardin Venus, I thought the dasa will be good as venus is in the house of friend Saturn, isnt it?


Also can u please tell, when is the marriage for this person?


and yeah he has soft corner for a girl but things didnt work out... but this boy is still attached.. and very much disturbed for the same reason...

any chances of hopes do u see once the Rahu moves to the 7th house in april 2008?




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it is like a matrix. if your dasa running is good then the kochara movements will have like if it is good then he will have a good period and if it is bad than he will have less effect. but a bad dasa runs the kochara movements good, then he will have less problems but if it is also bad, than the problems will be deeper


Venus is placed bad in the 8th that will come first when calculating the dasa. being in Saturns house some help will be there. but not great extent.


love marriage may not work, he has to do a lot of mediation. being Mars and Saturn in the same house being in the 3rd house will not do any harm will do some thing better only. Mind flucation may be there. he is last one in his family.

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yes he is the only son...

ok so dasa results will depend on the gochara movements, right?

I think the love may work due to the conjuction of mars and saturn (conjuction of saptamesh and panchmesh)..


regarding wealth I think he will earn a lot due to gaj keshari yog, but may not be able to save it due to 12th Rahu, wat is ur opinion?


Also I think his marriage life may not be good because of the Cancer Ascedent, generally it is observed that cancer ascendent ppl do not have good marriage life... But here his lagna lord is in his own house and aspecting 7th house so chances of good marriage life...


wat do u say?

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in the 3rd malefic grahas will help but it is not a good placement to give extraordinary results. so one cannot expect so much. my view point is saturn and mars both combusted, will make him think in two different ways for example, Mars will make him do the action fast while saturn will bring that desire to down to rethink. in both ways he will not be able to take a correct decision. both are enemies. but being in the 3rd they will not do anything bad to him, infact it is benefical for him, if he tries hard love will work out. but I am sure nothing bad in the placement of Mars and Saturn in the 3rd house.


if Gaja kesari yoga presents than other bad doshas wont work. i dont beleive that Cancer ascendent people wont have good marriage life. why because Saturn is the seventh lord. what if saturn is placed very well. even in that case for leo ascendeant Saturn is the seventh lord. one has to look at various other aspects also like jupiter and Venus for that case. but for him the Lagna and Rasi lord is powerful he will overcome any difficulites in his life. and you are correct that the powerful lagna lord looking at the seventh, his marriage life will be very good. even after marriage he will be leading the family rather than his wife. assured good marriage life according to me.

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yes I agree that the saturn and mars in third house will not make so much bad effects.. and yeah will make that person difficult to take any decisions..


Also I had read somewhere that the 3rd house is upachay house, and presence of malefics will give good results..


Also if u see the 3 planets, mars, saturn and jupiter are retrograde in this kundli? so I think the gaj keshari will not be that much powerful too.. is it right?


and having lagna lord so powerful, but i still worry that rahu is 12th from moon and lagna, which i think is not a good sign.. and might decrease the power of moon as well.. Also rahu is in its exalted sign Mithun so it might give more bad effects... wat do u say?


Also regarding marriage of this person, I think it might be in 2009 once Guru enters its 7th house or at earliest after april when rahu will enter its 12th house.. please give ur feedback

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i think when Jupiter moves to Makara the marriage will take place. Rahu in the Seventh will not produce marriage prospects.


Mars and Saturn in the 3rd will not give bad results, of course will give some good results, but cannot expect a extra ordinary results. that means there is a lot of difference between these words : extraordinay, ordinary, neutral, bad, worst. i am saying it is ordinary resutls.


there are still confusion where Rahu gets exalted, somebody says it is scorpio and others say it is taurus and Makara and Miuthana. if mituna is exalted place for Rahu, i think he will be frequent travellers all over the world, will spent a lot.


i think if gaja kesari yoga is present atleast 50% if not 100%, even with the retrograde jupiter it will produce some power for the moon, that is very much enough to save the moon from Rahu. so i feel the lagnathipathi is very well placed.

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Thank u very much sir,

it is indeed helping me to learn from u... and I appriciate ur reply for all my queries...

yes the person has travelled a lot in last 3-4 yrs, almost 3 times in europe plus he has been working abroad since last one year ...


have u checked his navmas chart? it is also good having venus and marcury in lagna and in house of venus...


so i presume, his wife will be very good and smart...


wat do u see for his wife?

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not really, it depends on which dasa is on for the girl. you can't predict without the girl's horoscope. you can't decide these things from navamsa alone. the boys main chart as well as the girls chart. the basis of preidction first based on the main chart than only the navamsa. of course one has to look at the navamsa. i have seen a number of janam kundalis which are very good, but after marriage the life has gone wrong for many people simply the horo's do not match. God has given us a guide through which one has to find the right the one, if for any reason, if one get married to wrong one, believe me, it will not produce the results.

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the significance of navamsa there, it has to be a tool that compliments the rashi chart. any prediction from the navamasa chart should not be undermining the rashi chart. BAse is Rashi chart while navamsa chart is a tool that compliments the rashi chart. there are certain rules which have to be look into like if a debiliated graha in the chart than you have look at the navamsa what is the position in the navamsa than you can predict the effects of such grahas.


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  • 2 weeks later...



Can other learnones please give their opinion abt this kundli?


The person is in deep love with a girl but he is not been accepted by that person.


This person is going through the very bad mental health these days..


Can someone please help me to guide him abt his future?




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