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christmas song

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Fooled you. I was going to yuo-tube a classic reggae song, but ill do a more serious one, about the plight of the world, and the appearance of Krsna amidst the turmoil, to retrieve His Own.


Hare Krsna, and merry Marymas. (What good is a birth without a mother, eh?)


(Note, think dance hall regae, a la yellowmon.


Fury of Puri c-1993, mahaksadasa



The world has to trust in the warmth and the strength of Their healing Love


Purosattama, Baladeva, Subhadra


Because the world has cracked, fallen off the tracks

Bodies being stacked, kids depend on coke and smack

Common sense we lack, we just run with the pack

We cannot turn our backs, we have to face the facts.

For thousands of years, we have cries endless tears

We are full of massive fear at the point of the spear

Another war breaking there, soon to move over here

A soldier or a prison guard for our only career.




Do we think we'll see a world that is truely free

Is there victory for the proles like you or me

Will missile factories produce peace and harmony

Does the future hold the key to a different destiny.

We must wear the disguise and show no surprise

A world run with lies will meet certain demise

We can see it in our eyes, we can hear it in our cries

We have to realize that no Phoenix gonna rise.




Purosattama dances in every circumstance

Only by His glances will we get the chance

We are the seed He plants, we can slip into the trance

When we turn away from the fool who raves and rants.

Sometimes He conceals the Form He has revealed

Without removing this shield we can never be healed

We have to cling to His feet because our lives are incomplete

One day we are sure to meet, we'll be dancing in the street.



PS He does dance in every circumstance. hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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and no more than just two. Remember, if its hard to play, its hard to listen to. (sorry, my jabb on jazz) I like D and A, one chord per line. Then, save the complex riffs for the lead within the structure of di ryddum.


Singing style? Watch the sunrise services of Yellowman I posted on you tube faves. All words come very fast, but when we chant "Purrosatam, Baladeva, Subhadra," very slow, very electric, lotsa floydian feedback.


But this song can go anyway. Maybe even "alanis Morrisette" stylee. Just not jazz.:eek4::eek4::eek4:


Have fun, maybe Ill send a recording, but since this song is so old, Ill have to dig deeper in my secret stash.



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Thanks for tips. I might give it a try. My musical quest in the past few years has been a quest for simplicity.





and no more than just two. Remember, if its hard to play, its hard to listen to. (sorry, my jabb on jazz) I like D and A, one chord per line. Then, save the complex riffs for the lead within the structure of di ryddum.


Singing style? Watch the sunrise services of Yellowman I posted on you tube faves. All words come very fast, but when we chant "Purrosatam, Baladeva, Subhadra," very slow, very electric, lotsa floydian feedback.


But this song can go anyway. Maybe even "alanis Morrisette" stylee. Just not jazz.:eek4::eek4::eek4:


Have fun, maybe Ill send a recording, but since this song is so old, Ill have to dig deeper in my secret stash.



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  • 5 weeks later...

My cover of "Fury of Puri" by Mahaksa Dasa (finished (for the time-being) just now):


<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style=" background-color: #FFFFFF ;border-color: #cccccc; color:#000 ; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:11px; padding:0px; border-width:1px; border-style:solid"><tr><td align="center"><embed quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="372" height="169" src="http://res0.esnips.com/escentral/images/widgets/flash/player_dj.swf" flashvars="autoPlay=no&theFile=http://www.esnips.com//nsdoc/2092ee3d-f9e4-4046-b511-50dc514b6dbe&theName=Maitreya (covering Mahaksa Dasa) - Fury of Puri&thePlayerURL=http://res0.esnips.com/escentral/images/widgets/flash/mp3WidgetPlayer.swf"></embed></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size:11px" valign="bottom" align="center"><a style="color: #000" href="http://www.esnips.com/doc/2092ee3d-f9e4-4046-b511-50dc514b6dbe/Maitreya-(covering-Mahaksa-Dasa)---Fury-of-Puri/?widget=flash_player_dj_comm">Maitreya (covering...</a></td></tr></table>

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I hope I didn't murder the song too badly, Mahaksa-ji.


I added a couple of chords to the chorus (a major and a 9th (I think, maybe it's an 11th))--hopefully, that doesn't make it too "jazzy".


When I get some time, I might go back and clean it up a little (especially the lead guitar) and mix it a bit more carefully.


Let me know what you think. Was it anything like what you had in mind? Did you record an original version on the 4-track?

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hey murali, awesome song, great job. captured the vibe completely. Kinda reminds me of your local reggae band from berekeley, the twinkile brothers.


I knew the song is in good hands. I havent been avoiding the forums, my computer guy has been closed for awhile.


Again, good work. feel free with all my lyrics if ya like.


yo bro, mahaksadasa

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hey murali, awesome song, great job. captured the vibe completely. Kinda reminds me of your local reggae band from berekeley, the twinkile brothers.


I knew the song is in good hands. I havent been avoiding the forums, my computer guy has been closed for awhile.


Again, good work. feel free with all my lyrics if ya like.


yo bro, mahaksadasa

I'm glad you approve, Prabhu. It was a lot of fun to do. The words, and your sincerity, inspired me.


I'll have to check out the twinkile brothers.


However, I might keep working on Fury of Puri. The flute player is coming over tonight to work on our band's demo, so I might ask her to lay down some flute on Fury of Puri. Also, I'd like to try playing some live drums to it. I don't want to overdo it, but...

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