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Khal Bhairav Mantra

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yea i got that....i read other posts....this has been helpful, my biggest fear was that i was doing wrong things because no one around here does this and there is no o ne to learn from...i have tried (went to a bengali kaali temple and they didn't know what i was talking about, i felt the shakti but it was hard to communicate, and it wasn't the same as the west indian mandir that i went to) went to a durga mandir and the pandit didn't do these things even though he heard of them....so i have just been doing my offerings, researching online...then i stumbled on to this site....

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nothing done in gods worship is done without their doing it was just part of the stumbling blocks thank him for finding this site what bengali temple, pandits dont like to acknowledge this type of worship but yet they of whilst doing durga pooja a lapsey and sooharie to Bhiro baba and tell you put it out side. by the way do you have roots in trinidad

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i find that out...they didn't seem to willing to help, at first i thought it was because my hindi is very bad (studying hindi) and i don't know bengali....but they didn't sseem to helpful....no roots in trinidad, i have a cousin there and some family, but my parents and grandparents and i were born in guyana....i was raised more muslim (mom's side) and dad's side was the hindu side but they never talked about it and mom and dad split so they don't talk to me

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sorry to hear but do like me Shiva is my father and Kali my mother and to hold onto ther feet is most divine but staying honest is the key to kali worship not the amount of knowledge and with honesty brings forth the love. love them whole heartedly and you will see everything opens i know this is easy to say but when you see something you like they like it too if you see a pretty flower on the side of the road pick it and carry it home for your mother she will appreciate it and give you love in return

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since monday i have been dreaming coconut....should i do something with that...i am a bit dumb when it comes to understanding dreams because most of the time i don't remember them....i agree lord shiva is the father and kaali ma is my mother....they saved me when i was young from death and since then i have always given my thanks (whether it be through muslim means) but i have always given my thanks to god

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confidence is something you lack so we will have to fix that. if you recieve dreams of coconut then via dreams and vision god is ready for you to take next step this is what i was saying about sadhanas . offering of coconuts represents the ego, pride, lust, anger, jealously and hatred in other words all the negative elements that we are created with. if you know how to shave the coconut then start a simple sadhana in your home by offering one every friday or the universal day sunday to kali,durga,mariamma and ask that all these qualities dissapear as you are ready to submitt to her and perform as how you know

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you offer the coconut by placing it on the alter then you take it up perform aarti with it and crack it either with a cutlass or by hitting on a flat stone on the ground it is a bit difficult to explain by words but if you dont understand when you go to the kali temple pay close attention as to how they offer the nut. not familiar with that word karthar

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