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why death, mahak

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Hey, haribol, folks. Maybe I seemed a little morbid when I describe God as Death, using one comment from bhagavad gita over others. I could have said God is the taste of mountain stream water or he is the sun, the moon, and the stars.


But I was thinking at the time of atheism after disrespecting the Dalai Lama on another forum. Death is the appearance of God to the atheist for the following reason. He is keeping his promise to reveal himself to all, according to their acquired vision.


An atheist is basically one who believes in a supreme being. That supreme being is his own existance, he accepts no other as authority. Its one thing to be a hedonist and not care one way or another (there is hope for such jagai and madhais of the world), but quite another to boldly declare ones atheism.


So the atheist accepts no power above him, yet Krsna must reveal himself to such a person as promised, according to his vision. The vision of the avowed atheist is beyond repair, as self-authority makes it impossible to accept anything greater. So Krsna comes as Lord Yamaraja, and when the atheist faces this awesome Lord, with green matted hair on red skin, riding a red buffalo holding a noose made of pure diamonds, the atheist recognizes, finally and a day late and a dollar short, he has met his match. But immediately succumbs to the fact that Lord Yama is not a match, even the ghoul with him can easily defeat the atheist. And due to the ajamila incident, there has been no mistake, because the yamadhutas have been given quality control instructions by the Supreme Authority of all knowledge and dharma. (This is actually why I sometimes say I wanna be a yamadhuta when I grow up, such great association they must have.)


Anyway, short on time today, gotta work on my avatar, gonna try this one




we'll call it, "no parking", but here I am, parked. Such a lefty


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Speaking of atheism, I came across this essay on Newsvine. There had already been a lively discussion, but I couldn't keep myself from adding my own two cents.




Here are the first two paragraphs...


What Atheism Offers: Life's Mysteries


News Type: Event — Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:35 AM PDT

Aaron Ross Powell


One of the profound and fundamental misunderstandings theists have of atheists is the belief that the latter lead a cold and narrow existence, unconcerned with the mysteries of the universe. Anything that can't be immediately, rationally known must be rejected. Wonder is sapped from life. What's happening when this view is articulated, however, is an unfortunate assumption about the very idea of mystery. The theist defines mystery as "the unknown filled by unfounded imagination." The atheist sees it differently.


Analogies often best illustrate distinctions, so imagine a mystery novel constructed from the theist's perspective. A body is found in an alley, shot through the heart. The detective called in clears away the uniformed officers, squats next to the deceased, and inspects the wound. He gathers details -- short range, low caliber -- and announces, "This is clearly the work of a goblin, armed with a wand, and angry with the victim because he failed to perform the proper appeasement ritual." With that, the detective stands up, gets in his car, and heads home to perform the ritual himself, so as not to suffer the same fate.

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