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better daze

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I kinda knew, as she was His greatest patron. Sri Kartamasayee was the most wonderful Lord, greeting all those who stumbled into the old manoa valley temple on McKinley. Always there, ready to accept all mangoes picked between UH campus and that wonderful temple (and there were millions of mangoes in that neighborhood, eh?) Such a travelling Lord. Do you know the story of How He became the original Lord of SF? Better daze is a good thread if you know it.


That is brother Subal, isnt it? with the long hair shaking madly at the beginning?


Hare Krsana, hope all is well wit cha, yo brah, mahaksadasa


PS New school year?

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Sri Kartamasayee was the most wonderful Lord, greeting all those who stumbled into the old manoa valley temple on McKinley. Always there, ready to accept all mangoes picked between UH campus and that wonderful temple (and there were millions of mangoes in that neighborhood, eh?)

He was the Deity on the altar when I first went to the temple, very early in 1970. (Before that I had just been going to feasts at Queen's Surf Park and chanting with the sankirtan party in Waikiki.) When I saw Him, it never occurred to me that this was idol worship. I immediately recognized that this was Krishna, and it was no surprise that the devotees worship Him. He was so-o-o-o beautiful! (Still is!)



Such a travelling Lord. Do you know the story of How He became the original Lord of SF? Better daze is a good thread if you know it.


Govinda told me, but I don't remember any details. I can check with her next time I speak with her.



That is brother Subal, isnt it? with the long hair shaking madly at the beginning?

The skinny dude? Yep! (He ain't skinny no moa'!)



Hare Krsana, hope all is well wit cha, yo brah, mahaksadasa


PS New school year?

For Satyaki, yes, here in Alachua. For me--well, I got nothin' goin' on, brah. I'm helping her get her business organized, looking forward to a new stage in my life. Mo' laytahs.



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