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I decided to bring it here because it is a problem i have and it seems like some other have it too:


Many times when i offer food or chanting gayatri, some offences are coming in my mind, like insult toward Sri Sri Radha Govinda, in the form of gross vocabulary.


I'd like to know if it happens to some of you also. When it happens i really feel disturbed because i feel like i'm making big offence. If i offer food and that happens, i feel like my offering is spoiled, for example.


Some devotee told me it happened to them also, and that bhutas linving inside of you are doing that.


Any light, sharing on this subject will be greatly appreciated



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I play Srila Prabhupadas famous 1966 recording of the Hare Krishna Mantra 24 hours a day - in the car, at home, eating prasad, in the background while I chant my rounds gayatri and now while on the computer. There is something very auspicious about that particular chanting from Srila Prabhupada, it will clear away your own mental demons.


Humbly Sarva


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Interesting that this should be a widely known problem considering the nature of it. I have experienced it it also in the late 70's. It feels like a version of Tourette's syndronm but aimed at only the most holy. it may not be coincidental that during the late 70's I fell into madness, drug addiction and was harassed by ghostly being's taking advantage of my weakened and confused mental state.


I applaud your openness in bringing this up for discussion suchandra. At the time I felt so helpless and alone while this was happening. It would have been nice to have had some understanding of the problem while I was under such an attack.

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Thank you for having the strength and courage to bring up this topic. It gives me great relief to know that i am not the only one that this has happened to and perhaps the ability to voice this will help.




I decided to bring it here because it is a problem i have and it seems like some other have it too:


Many times when i offer food or chanting gayatri, some offences are coming in my mind, like insult toward Sri Sri Radha Govinda, in the form of gross vocabulary.


I'd like to know if it happens to some of you also. When it happens i really feel disturbed because i feel like i'm making big offence. If i offer food and that happens, i feel like my offering is spoiled, for example.


Some devotee told me it happened to them also, and that bhutas linving inside of you are doing that.


Any light, sharing on this subject will be greatly appreciated



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Oh, thank you ! you're welcome !

I once wrote about it to mt Gurudeva, Srila Narayana Maharaja, and He told me that sometimes crazy thoughts would come, but after time of practice it will go away.


Yes, it is exactly like the Tourette's syndrom i think. I supposed it is also because we are forcing ourself to try to have devotion we don't have. Then, our bad side takes revenge and trow this gross things into our mind. The more you want it to diseappear, the more it comes. I gave up offering my food by mantra for a while since this and i just mix it with maha-prasadam because i can't do the offering procedure without have these things coming and i feel so bad.


Still, i think it is a very thin thread on which we have to find our place, by keepin it up and at the same time not going 'too far too quick' in our practice, otherwise we are experimenting frustration and may end up becoming worse than before we started the path of KC.


I really appreciated sharing these thoughts with you :)

with all my love

din hin


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