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Nityananda Test

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Haribol Everyone.

I compiled this test. Hope you like it.





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http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://nityananda.gaurangapada.com/nityananda-pics/nityananda-color-closeup.jpg&imgrefurl=http://nityananda.gaurangapada.com/nityananda-charitamrta.htm&h=478&w=383&sz=76&tbnid=cdKu2Ctz3UEqGM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=100&hl=en&start=3&prev=/images%3Fq%3DNityananda%2BCharitamrita%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DG" alt="" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:href=" nityananda-color-closeup.jpg" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.jpg"></v:imagedata></v:shape>Nityananda Test


1. What district did Nityananda appear in?

a. Ekachakrapur

b. Birbhum

c. Burdawan

d. Purvashali

2. Taking the role of Laxmana, Nityananda rebuked Sugriva by telling him that his Lord (Ram) was in distress because of not finding Sita. Lord Ram, he continued, was lamenting on the Mts.

a. Rishyamukhya

b. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Himalayas</st1:place>

c. Malyavana

d. Govardhana

3. Hadai Pandit compared his dilemma to .

a. King Dasarath

b. Nanda Maharaja

c. Saci and Jagganath

d. King Santanu

4. Where is the first place Nityananda prabhu went to on his travels?

a. Vakresvara

b. Sri Rangam

c. <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Mathura</st1:place></st1:City>

d. Visram Ghat

5. Which river did Nityananda Prabhu bathe in after he went to the ashram of Poulastya Muni?

a. Gomati

b. Gandaki

c. Sona

d. All of the above

6. When Nityananda arrived in Ayodhya, which kingdom made him cry profusely?

a. Dasarath’s

b. Candal Guhaka’s

c. Poulastya Muni

d. Surya

7. In what hills did Nityananda prabhu meet Agastya Muni?

a. Rsabha

b. Mahendra

c. <st1:place w:st="on">Malaya</st1:place>

d. Rishyamukhya

8. Who is the guru of Adwaita acharya?

a. Madhavendra Puri

b. Iswar Puri

c. Kesava Bharati

d. He couldn’t decide so he didn’t have a guru

9. Nityananda Prabhu gave love of Godhead to everyone right away.

a. True

b. False

10. Who is the father of Nandanacharya?

a. Chaturbhuj Pandit

b. Vrakeswar Pandit

c. Pundarika Vidyanidhi

d. Budhimant Khan

11. Lord Chaitanya knew Nityananda had come because .

a. He’s God, why are you asking me?

b. He had a dream

c. Nityananda had a secret telepathy with his brother

d. How am I supposed to know? He just knew because he’s a magical kind of guy!

12. Who first saw Nityananda prabhu’s broken danda and waterpot?

a. Srivas Pandit

b. Gadadhara Pandit

c. Ramai Pandit

d. Adwaita Acharya

13. What color did the Lord appear in Satya Yuga?

a. yellow

b. green

c. blue

d. white

14. killed the two original demons Madhu and Kaitabha.

a. Hayagriva

b. Nila Madhava

c. Kesava

d. Madhusudana

15. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tested Srivas Pandit to see his:

a. stability in serving Nityananda prabhu

b. faith in his wife

c. love for himself

d. skills in arati of his deities

16. Gaurasundar gave the following benediction to Srivas after he tested him:

a. live lavishly and don’t care for others

b. even if Laxmi begs on the streets there will be no poverty in your house

c. even though wine is not permitted you may drink wine

d. everyone will come to love your lotus feet

17. Gangadas’s brother was:

a. Murari Gupta

b. Suryadas Pandit

c. Nandanacharya

d. Haridas Thakur

18. Mother Saci saw a dream where:

a. Nityananda and Chaitanya were embracing Jagai and Madhai

b. The Sudarsan chakra bowed at Nityananda’s feet

c. Nityananda quarreled with Balaram to see whether <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> or Gaur was superior

d. Gaurasundar beat his deities in affection and they started to bleed so he buried them

19. Chaitanya used to call his servant:

a. Badai

b. Badol

c. Isan

d. Gauranga

20. Why was Malini Devi crying?

a. Srivas had passed away

b. Her brother in law, Ramai Pandit had taken sanyass

c. A crow had taken <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>’s ghee bowl

d. Nityananda had promised her that he would never show his form to her again

21. Whose offense was greater Jagai’s or Madhai’s according to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu?

a. Jagai

b. Madhai

c. One didn’t commit more offenses than the other

d. They were Brahmins, they didn’t commit offenses

22. Nityananda had his grand bathing at the house of:

a. Raghava Pandit

b. Srivas Pandit

c. Sridhara Kholaveca

d. Saci Devi

23. Due to Udharan Datta, became delivered

a. the sudras

b. the farmers

c. the merchants

d. the milkmaids

24. The thieves tried to attack Nityananda prabhu when he was at the house of:

a. Srivas

b. Hiranya Pandit

c. Udharan Datta

d. A pious Brahmin

25. Lord Chaitanya claimed this of Nityananda:

a. Even if Nityananda marries a meat eater or enters a wine shop he is still worshipable by Lord Brahma.

b. Nityananda is not a good devotee, because he is mad

c. Nityananda is not to be taken as the Lord because he likes wine

d. He didn’t know so much about Nityananda to say anything about him


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  • 6 months later...







good attempt, nice test but one unsolicited advise...pls. take care of the addreses to the Supreme, i.e. as you've mentioned in q19. Chaitanya used to call his servant

Vaishnavas would write ShreeChaitnaya used to call HIS servants


similarly in q22 Nityananda had his grand bathing at the house of

Vaishnavas would write LordShreeNityänanda has HIS grand bathing at the house of...


or not hanumanaje, but Hanumanjee Mahäräja


these are not just formalities...


pls. do take care, but a good attempt, anyway.



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good attempt, nice test but one unsolicited advise...pls. take care of the addreses to the Supreme, i.e. as you've mentioned in q19. Chaitanya used to call his servant

Vaishnavas would write ShreeChaitnaya used to call HIS servants


similarly in q22 Nityananda had his grand bathing at the house of

Vaishnavas would write LordShreeNityänanda has HIS grand bathing at the house of...


or not hanumanaje, but Hanumanjee Mahäräja


these are not just formalities...


pls. do take care, but a good attempt, anyway.




Please take note that I wrote this test when I was 12 years old. I have learned since then the proper way of addressing the Supreme Lord. But it is true that I (even though extremely unqualified) have always had a very informal relationship with Lord Nityananda. Sometimes He would do naughty things on my altar, such as throw His crown away- or hide it. Sometimes I would scold Him and He would give me a very innocent look. Actually, Lord Nityananda is so merciful that He agrees to have a loving relationship with such a fallen person as myself, just to encourage me in my Krishna Consciousness.

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good attempt, nice test but one unsolicited advise...pls. take care of the addreses to the Supreme, i.e. as you've mentioned in q19. Chaitanya used to call his servant

Vaishnavas would write ShreeChaitnaya used to call HIS servants


similarly in q22 Nityananda had his grand bathing at the house of

Vaishnavas would write LordShreeNityänanda has HIS grand bathing at the house of...


or not hanumanaje, but Hanumanjee Mahäräja


these are not just formalities...


pls. do take care, but a good attempt, anyway.



There are many acceptable ways of treating the Lord. You can treat Him as a friend or even a lover if you wish. You don't usually address your close friend or lover as a Maharaja or anything else... you address them by their names. I think Indulekha's test is fine the way it is. It reflects her special relationship with Lord Krishna-Chaitanya and Sri Nityananda Prabhu :)

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There are many acceptable ways of treating the Lord. You can treat Him as a friend or even a lover if you wish. You don't usually address your close friend or lover as a Maharaja or anything else... you address them by their names. I think Indulekha's test is fine the way it is. It reflects her special relationship with Lord Krishna-Chaitanya and Sri Nityananda Prabhu :)


Well...GODSEED prabhuji has a point. But sometimes I feel uncomfortable calling the love of my heart, Nityananda prabhu- Sri Nityananda Rama Svarupa Avadhuta Prabhu. It seems there is too much aishwarya bhava if I do that. Don't get me wrong I know very well who Lord Nityananda actually is. I don't dare to try and minimize His position. It is just that if I called Him that it may interfere with our loving relationship.

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Well...GODSEED prabhuji has a point. But sometimes I feel uncomfortable calling the love of my heart, Nityananda prabhu- Sri Nityananda Rama Svarupa Avadhuta Prabhu. It seems there is too much aishwarya bhava if I do that. Don't get me wrong I know very well who Lord Nityananda actually is. I don't dare to try and minimize His position. It is just that if I called Him that it may interfere with our loving relationship.

I totally agree. Lord Nityananda cares more about our love for him... I'm sure that he could care less about the formalities when compared to the love you have for him! :D Especially since you have such a close relationship with him!

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I totally agree. Lord Nityananda cares more about our love for him... I'm sure that he could care less about the formalities when compared to the love you have for him! :D Especially since you have such a close relationship with him!


Yes, since I am a neophyte it is not as close as I want to be. You can get a glimps of what I really feel about Him if you go to this website:



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Thank you, Radhe Radhe!

Quite long, and chock full of mistakes, however. You see, as soon as I came back from the airport this past December, I just plopped onto the computer and wrote that whole thing in five minutes. It just flowed because all the memories of Ekachakra were clear in my mind. Now unfortunately sometimes it is fading away. I don't like that so I ask my father to put on the video he took while we were in Ekachakra. It calms me down somewhat, but still sometimes when I am feeling separation I blurt out to my mother, "Let's go back to Ekachakra". When will the day come when I can live there permanently???

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Thank you, Radhe Radhe!

Quite long, and chock full of mistakes, however. You see, as soon as I came back from the airport this past December, I just plopped onto the computer and wrote that whole thing in five minutes. It just flowed because all the memories of Ekachakra were clear in my mind. Now unfortunately sometimes it is fading away. I don't like that so I ask my father to put on the video he took while we were in Ekachakra. It calms me down somewhat, but still sometimes when I am feeling separation I blurt out to my mother, "Let's go back to Ekachakra". When will the day come when I can live there permanently???

I'm glad you were able to have such a wonderful pilgrimage!

I hope you get to go back to Ekachakra soon! I'm sorry you feel so much seperation from the Lord :( But, remember that the easiest way to get close to the Lord is through seperation from him ;)

Jai Nitai!

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I'm glad you were able to have such a wonderful pilgrimage!

I hope you get to go back to Ekachakra soon! I'm sorry you feel so much seperation from the Lord :( But, remember that the easiest way to get close to the Lord is through seperation from him ;)

Jai Nitai!


Thank you very much for your blessings and encouragement. :)

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10. Who is the father of Nandanacharya?



It is a brilliant idea to make us conscious that there're so many things that can be learned in Vaishnavism.

Never heard for example so much about Krishna's grandparents, now I found this at Govindarupini's blog, http://blog.360./blog-VrfvFr42dLCRSi1h70.xwYxrhd4U?p=905:


<dl class="body"><dt class="post-head">Entry for April 09, 2008 - Sri Vraja-Vilasa-Stava (part 3)</dt><dd class="post-body last"> 837a.jpg?mgAAb_HBJ1ISV3dtsrch12_1.gif

53.gif13. Aho! I offer pranama unto Sri Krsna's paternal grandfather, Sri Parjanya-gopa, who proclaims his pride in having Krsna as his grandson in a voice that mocks the roaring of millions of thunderclouds, and who always delights his grandson by speaking many joking words in His ear.

53.gif14. I offer pranama to Variyasi-devi, Krsna's paternal grandmother. With merry joking words she worships Sri Krsna, calling Him the moon of grandsons. Happy and proud of her grandson, her feet no longer touch the ground when she walks.

53.gif15. His face handsome with a great white beard, and his complexion dark, the pious Upananda is the respected prime minister in the council of the king of Vraja. He is prepared to give up his life millions of times over to please his nephew Sri Krsna. I pray that Upananda, who lives in the village of Sahara, may always protect the land of Vraja.

53.gif16. May we always be protected by Nanda Maharaja's younger brother Sannanda, whose complexion is golden and whose beard is black; who is tender, generous and affectionate; who is deeply devoted to his older brother's feet; who is the father of Sunanda-gopi; who is the master of a great herd of buffalo; and who worships his nephew Madhava with every breath and pleases Him by giving Him palatable dishes made with buffalo yogurt.

53.gif17. Upananda's son Subhadra is dark complexioned, youthful, handsome, intelligent, and mild natured. He is the best of astrologers and more learned than even Brhaspati. Always at the left side of the King of Vraja, he gives good advice for protecting Krsna, who is millions of times more dear to him than his own. life. With great love I offer pranama unto Subhadra.

53.gif18. Frightened that the delicate Krsna may be hurt by the demons, Ambika performed severe austerities for many days to please Goddess Parvati. Satisfied, Devi granted her a heroic son who was able to kill many demons. May Sri Krsna's wet nurse Ambika, whose mind is always absorbed in maternal affection of Him, protect us.

53.gif19. Saying "Where are the demons? With ease I shall shorten their lives," Vijaya, the son of Krsna's wet nurse, calls so loudly that his roaring voice causes milions of spiritual universes to crack, what to speak of the demons, who are the most insignificant of living beings! Out of maternal affection for Krsna, Ambika instructed her son Vijaya to always stay near little Krsna to protect Him. I worship Vijaya, the son of Krsna's wet nurse.


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Pranams all.


I'm certainly no Gaudiya Vaishnava, however I've always had a liking for Nityananda Prabhu. The story of how he approached Madhai and Jagai, asking them to give up their violent life styles and become Vaishnavas is of especially great significance to me.


It doesn't matter what religious group you belong to. The fact that you love and respect Nityananda prabhu is a big thing. Lord Nityananda will reciprocate with you, I promise.

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  • 2 weeks later...


It doesn't matter what religious group you belong to. The fact that you love and respect Nityananda prabhu is a big thing. Lord Nityananda will reciprocate with you, I promise.

Nice website about:

Visiting birthplace of Nityananda Prabhu




Quite near Mayapur in terms of India (5 hours of drivng by bus) is a birthplace of Lord Nityananda Prabhu - Ekacakra which is beautiful, peaceful village. People here are much more simple and they don't boder you at all; ok except children :) The whole drive was almost 10 hours in one day but it was definitely worth it. Immediately after caming there Nityananda started to play with us. After coming from the bus we just followed devotees in front of us. When we came to the first place they started speaking in Russian and we realized that we are in Russian group and that we are missing our guide. Anupama mataji commented that we have to 'follow devotees with inteligence not blindly as we did :) We went back and on the way we met our guide on a motorcycle. Behind him is Srila Prabhupada's disciple from France who also joined our group. On the bus he was sitting next to be so I got some Prabhupada nectar. gudie.JPGSomehow we make an agreement about how to continue wheather take villige guide or just follow our 'little space ou guide' and we went around Ekacakra. First we took darshan of Nityananda Prabhu in the main temple. Since it is forbiden to take photos I don't have any. Then we walked around this auspicious place while hearing different pastimes.



slike-indija-petra+501.JPG Holy kund slike-indija-petra+500.JPGRadha Kund at Ekacakraslike-indija-petra+527.JPGShyama Kunda at Ekacakra

slike-indija-petra+528.JPGPlaying games on the streetslike-indija-petra+526.JPG With village children


Funny scene - Westerner helping little child to tie his dhoti



Rice field

slike-indija-petra+502.JPG Place where Krishna killed Bakasura demon

slike-indija-petra+503.JPGChildren really like to pose...

slike-indija-petra+538.JPGslike-indija-petra+511.JPGand they know very well that it is possible to see the photo on the camera



Village scenes


Digging out the potato

slike-indija-petra+505.JPGMaking cow dung paddies which they use for making their huds - it is well know antiseptic and it .... away all kind of incects.


Matajis are thought from young age method of Carrying different things on their heads.

slike-indija-petra+535.JPGWorshiper of Lord Shiva


Selling Nityananda & Jagannatha deities



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