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death of the sissies

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"How many roads must a man walk down, before you can call him a cab."


The sixties were indeed a different beast. But now we are in the zeroes. The sissies are dead, call em a cab. get that freedom of thought outta here.


Final statement from one who remembers. Liberalism is conducive to krsna consciousness. The birth of KC in the west was on the sholders of the left. The liberal platform is that sure, hedonism is fully allowed, so there is allowance for any type of viewpoint without any type of restriction. Therefore, just as there is freedom to do porn, there is also freedom to do samkirtana.


The new republic conservatism is just the opposite, there is no porn, no abortion, no freedom to experiment with drugs, and no room at all for self realization, just eat the stuff on the plate they give you.


Its a faith based initiative. Have faith in who gets the contract, your faith is also given to you by those who refuse you access to the heart.


they aint worth the blood that runs thru their veins.


mad mahax

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The birth of KC in the west was on the sholders of the left.



Your opinion but in logical eyes the birth was in response to how devolved the west was. Had little to do with right or left, both are foul in their ways abortion and drug use are just as demonic as Christian thought police.




they aint worth the blood that runs thru their veins.


How compassionate.



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This is the point. I still know (and even cover) the song masters of war. It is as valid now as when written in 1963. The meat grinder eats conservatives at the same rate he eats liberals. This is the point.


Your conservative view, placing straight jacket on everyone and forcing your idea of religion on them, is yours. My liberal view of allowing the one wandering amongst the drug dealers, gangbangers, and hos to find the samkirtana party on the same street, enjoying the same liberty under the law, is mine.


Neither are valid. But they belong to us, that IS valid, that is what constitutes life this time around in this time and place.


haribol, mad mahax

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Your conservative view, placing straight jacket on everyone and forcing your idea of religion on them, is yours.



Nope that one is yours too.

Funny how anyone who lives a conservative lifestyle is viewed by librals in the same way. I don`t even wear my faith on my sleeves it is personal and between myself and those close to me.

On the other hand you have the " compassionate " liberals who want my children to be taught in school that Homosexuality is OK, that any and all other sexual activity is great. That a good form of birth control is abortion, and drugs are ok to try. And then to think that taking a live and let live attitude with drug dealers and Gang members is ok ? That is madness I guess that their liberty is as important as those they kill.

See all the liberals marching in outrage over the hundreds of troop deaths since the start of the war yet I dont see them out marching over the 16685 people killed by drinking and driving in one year alone, I guess that treads to close to that personal liberty thing huh :wacko:

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Nope that one is yours too.

Funny how anyone who lives a conservative lifestyle is viewed by librals in the same way. I don`t even wear my faith on my sleeves it is personal and between myself and those close to me.

On the other hand you have the " compassionate " liberals who want my children to be taught in school that Homosexuality is OK, that any and all other sexual activity is great. That a good form of birth control is abortion, and drugs are ok to try. And then to think that taking a live and let live attitude with drug dealers and Gang members is ok ? That is madness I guess that their liberty is as important as those they kill.

See all the liberals marching in outrage over the hundreds of troop deaths since the start of the war yet I dont see them out marching over the 16685 people killed by drinking and driving in one year alone, I guess that treads to close to that personal liberty thing huh :wacko:




Well said.

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"How many roads must a man walk down, before you can call him a cab."


The sixties were indeed a different beast. But now we are in the zeroes. The sissies are dead, call em a cab. get that freedom of thought outta here.


Final statement from one who remembers. Liberalism is conducive to krsna consciousness. The birth of KC in the west was on the sholders of the left. The liberal platform is that sure, hedonism is fully allowed, so there is allowance for any type of viewpoint without any type of restriction. Therefore, just as there is freedom to do porn, there is also freedom to do samkirtana.


The new republic conservatism is just the opposite, there is no porn, no abortion, no freedom to experiment with drugs, and no room at all for self realization, just eat the stuff on the plate they give you.


Its a faith based initiative. Have faith in who gets the contract, your faith is also given to you by those who refuse you access to the heart.


they aint worth the blood that runs thru their veins.


mad mahax


There may be some truth that liberal thought had something to do with the birth of KC of the west but I think it is also true that the degenerate behavior of the liberal hippies has something to do with Krishna Consciousness not being a credible force today. It is still kind of lumped in with the 60's. I often have trouble convincing people that it is a legitimate philosophy because they associate it with the 60's.

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Funny how anyone who lives a conservative lifestyle is viewed by librals in the same way.

Funny. I seem to view conservatives differently based on their views.



On the other hand you have the " compassionate " liberals who want my children to be taught in school that Homosexuality is OK,

No, we want to be taught in school that homosexuals are OK and that they aren't subhumans who should be put away for their preferences. It varies between people whether or not Homosexuality is OK.


You seem to be hypocritical here. You complain that liberals see conservatives the same, yet you seem to be generalizing all "liberals". Even calling being "liberals" is a generalization. Just because I believe in unorthodox views (the orthodox view seems to be Christian in America), I'm a "liberal". Go figure.



that any and all other sexual activity is great.

If by sexual activity you mean using condoms and the belief that both members should be able to get pleasure from sex, then sure. If you mean sexual activity such as rape and sex between family members, then what "liberal" believes that?



That a good form of birth control is abortion,

Abortion is something that varies between an individual. Just because you say that condoms are OK and that homosexuals aren't subhuman doesn't mean you'll automatically think that abortion is OK, nor does it mean that you'll automatically think any of the generalizations that you are using in your post.


Yet again I say that you are being hypocritical since you generalize all "liberals" and yet whine about people generalizing Conservatives.



and drugs are ok to try. And then to think that taking a live and let live attitude with drug dealers and Gang members is ok ?

Who believes this? Wasn't Bill Clinton a "liberal"? Didn't he sign anti-drug laws? Based on your generalizations, I'm a "liberal", too. Recreational Drugs are NOT OK, murder is NOT OK (unless it is in the case of the death penalty, which has been misused), and gangs are NOT OK.



That is madness I guess that their liberty is as important as those they kill.

Personal liberty is in the Constitution. Have you ever read the Bill of Rights? And yet again, who do "liberals" kill?



See all the liberals marching in outrage over the hundreds of troop deaths since the start of the war yet I dont see them out marching over the 16685 people killed by drinking and driving in one year alone, I guess that treads to close to that personal liberty thing huh :wacko:


I don't see Conservatives marching out, either, for people who die in gang violence, car accidents, etc. Does that mean that they don't care? As a matter of fact, people do march out against gang violence and car accidents and such. They seem to be "liberal", based on your views. As a matter of fact, I'm "liberal" (based on what you say) and I have the desire to fight for this country. If there was a draft, I'd be proud to serve and I wouldn't run to Canada. Scratch that. I would've signed up for the military before a draft even started.


So just remember that just because someone doesn't have Conservative ideas doesn't mean that all they're ideas are "wrong" and should be silenced. As a matter of fact, that breaks the Bill of Rights (free speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion; 1st Ammedment). To try to base the US Law on Christianity is also breaking the Constitution (the government can't establish a state religion; 1st Ammendment).


And also remember that just because I believe that homosexuals and bisexuals are human and still deserve equal rights along with heterosexuals doesn't mean that I support murder, recreational drug use, abortion, etc. That is generalizing all people with a different belief than your's into one; the same exact thing that you were whining about at the beginning of your post.


Let me quote Deval Patrick (governor of Massachusetts) here:


"If it you'd come down off that high horse of your's and see how it actually works..., I'd be happy to show you around"

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Might actually read what I was replying to, could have saved yourself some typing ;)



The liberal platform is that sure, hedonism is fully allowed, so there is allowance for any type of viewpoint without any type of restriction. Therefore, just as there is freedom to do porn, there is also freedom to do samkirtana.


The new republic conservatism is just the opposite, there is no porn, no abortion, no freedom to experiment with drugs, and no room at all for self realization,


My liberal view of allowing the one wandering amongst the drug dealers, gangbangers, and hos to find the samkirtana party on the same street, enjoying the same liberty under the law

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No, we want to be taught in school that homosexuals are OK and that they aren't subhumans who should be put away for their preferences. It varies between people whether or not Homosexuality is OK.



The choice of how and what my children are taught is my choice not anyone elses.




If by sexual activity you mean using condoms and the belief that both members should be able to get pleasure from sex, then sure.



Once again teaching my children is my duty and following the principles Illect sex is not acceptable. Sex is for procreation, any base reading in any of the holy books will teach you that and if in doubt His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada made these instructions quite clear as well.



Abortion is something that varies between an individual.



Only sick individuals, at the most medical emergencies should be the only reason.


I will address your other " points " later as I have to go to work.

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"just eat the stuff on the plate they give you."


Fair enough but I have ran into liberals that are not exactly tolerant of freedom of thought as well. Most gay liberals get real mad at me when I tell them that I do respect their right to love each other and all that but no matter how open minded I become I still can't help but feel there is something inherently ridiculous about homosexuality at least from an anatomical perspective.

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Yet again I say that you are being hypocritical since you generalize all "liberals" and yet whine about people generalizing Conservatives.




And I will kindly point out again that reading the post I was adressing might help clarify my comments. ;)



Recreational Drugs are NOT OK, murder is NOT OK (unless it is in the case of the death penalty, which has been misused), and gangs are NOT OK.



And I will kindly point out again that reading the post I was adressing might help clarify my comments. ;)



Personal liberty is in the Constitution. Have you ever read the Bill of Rights? And yet again, who do "liberals" kill?



Try reading the whole comment "And then to think that taking a live and let live attitude with drug dealers and Gang members is ok ? That is madness I guess that their liberty is as important as those they kill."

And no, personal liberty in most sane peoples eyes does not extend to having a right to be a violent gang member nor a drug dealer.




I don't see Conservatives marching out, either, for people who die in gang violence, car accidents, etc. Does that mean that they don't care? As a matter of fact, people do march out against gang violence and car accidents and such.



Taken off topic a simple scan of the news shows where most peoples focus is and has been and a look at polls, for what they are worth, shows this split in party lines. Can more be done with truely important issues , of course and there are people out there doing it at a grassroots level with church groups and local outreach programs and groups like MADD that work on legislative solutions.

Marches are totally self serving.

My point was simply take 5 minutes and talk to someone on the street who would describe themselves as libral, heck even go to a libral website and all you see is Bush this Bush that Iraq this Iraq that. Bring up drunk driving and I give it 5 minutes that the discussion is deleted or somehow it is turned into how evil the cops are. Madness plain and simple.

On the other hand talk to or visit a Conservative web site and see real issues like violence and substance abuse and perversion being discussed and solutions to these issues being bounced around.


I am fully aware that these are generalizations that don`t account for middle of the road folks but the original post drew the line not me.




So just remember that just because someone doesn't have Conservative ideas doesn't mean that all they're ideas are "wrong" and should be silenced. As a matter of fact, that breaks the Bill of Rights (free speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion; 1st Ammedment).



Once again this silence thing LOL they can say whaever they want just as I can tell them that they are wrong.


Let me quote His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada :


"It is not my opinion--it is the verdict of the sastra[scripture]. Opinion--what is the value of opinion when the people are like dogs and asses? What is the use of taking the opinion of an ass? This vox populi--taking the opinion of the public--is degrading modern society. If the public is composed of drunkards, smokers, meat eaters, gamblers, and woman hunters, then what is the value of their opinion? Why take the opinion of fourth-class men? What Krishna says--that is the standard. Krishna is the supreme, and His version is final. No other opinion is allowed.

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The point is that I have a view, you have a view, and both have no status in reality. Neither do these views have much to do with politics, especially in ameriKKKa. Its a fifty-fifty split. All this speak of united we stand is bogus because we are so split down the middle that there is no justice, no peace. The liberals cannot stomach this blood bath, and the conservative cannot stand being without their killing with the permission of equally bogus manifest destiny garbage.


What I propose is that the sissies are over, hopeless to those who had the idea of everything being okay, because things are not okay for neither the liberal or the conservative. Both are overdrawn, paying minimums on their credit cards, unwilling to walk or stay at home. Both are subject to extreme brainwashing by those who are controlling, those who take a liberal or conservative platform out of whimsy, just to get that one percentage point that gives them the baton of power.


So, Im radical leftie because I have read and understood "Congo my Congo" by Patrice Lumumba. I thought the sandinisthas were great, and their only problem was the sponsored insurgency by the US (which mirrors the arab sponsored insurgency in Iraq, good for the goose, chicken home to roost, etc.) My neighbor is a regressive, old fart who believes in the post WWII dream where the blacks have their own towns, and we have our suburbs.


I cant convince my neighbor of the forces that made that war, the implication of american industrialists working in conjunction with the german (and Japanese, for that matter) war machine. And he cannot convince me that the hippies were a creation of moscow under the auspices of the Cult of Dyonesius, that John Lennon, george orwell and timpothy leary were paid employeees of the illuminati red menace.


So what, fer christs sake. This has about as much to do with the reality that the fact that the seattle mariners are on the move, a team to consider for all the baseball powers.


ya know, I hate bush. Not because hes a war monger, but because he speaks down home hick hillbilly jargon when hes a new england male debutante who never bought a quart of milk from a store in his life. But I hate hillary clinton because she screeches when she talks, a top-heavy client of the worst element of the left while pandering to the interest of muslim genocide in w worse way (IMHO) that the worst of the bushwhackers.


But I do like dem mariners.


mad mahax

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The point is that I have a view, you have a view, and both have no status in reality. Neither do these views have much to do with politics, especially in ameriKKKa. Its a fifty-fifty split. All this speak of united we stand is bogus because we are so split down the middle that there is no justice, no peace. The liberals cannot stomach this blood bath, and the conservative cannot stand being without their killing with the permission of equally bogus manifest destiny garbage.


What I propose is that the sissies are over, hopeless to those who had the idea of everything being okay, because things are not okay for neither the liberal or the conservative. Both are overdrawn, paying minimums on their credit cards, unwilling to walk or stay at home. Both are subject to extreme brainwashing by those who are controlling, those who take a liberal or conservative platform out of whimsy, just to get that one percentage point that gives them the baton of power.


So, Im radical leftie because I have read and understood "Congo my Congo" by Patrice Lumumba. I thought the sandinisthas were great, and their only problem was the sponsored insurgency by the US (which mirrors the arab sponsored insurgency in Iraq, good for the goose, chicken home to roost, etc.) My neighbor is a regressive, old fart who believes in the post WWII dream where the blacks have their own towns, and we have our suburbs.


I cant convince my neighbor of the forces that made that war, the implication of american industrialists working in conjunction with the german (and Japanese, for that matter) war machine. And he cannot convince me that the hippies were a creation of moscow under the auspices of the Cult of Dyonesius, that John Lennon, george orwell and timpothy leary were paid employeees of the illuminati red menace.


So what, fer christs sake. This has about as much to do with the reality that the fact that the seattle mariners are on the move, a team to consider for all the baseball powers.


ya know, I hate bush. Not because hes a war monger, but because he speaks down home hick hillbilly jargon when hes a new england male debutante who never bought a quart of milk from a store in his life. But I hate hillary clinton because she screeches when she talks, a top-heavy client of the worst element of the left while pandering to the interest of muslim genocide in w worse way (IMHO) that the worst of the bushwhackers.


But I do like dem mariners.


mad mahax



I am getting to where I don't pay attention to either liberals or conservatives that much anymore except for purely entertainment purposes. Should be fun on Fox News this election seaon the debates between Ann Coulter and Eleanor Clift or Lanny Davis. That is entertainment at its best.

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but is it comedy or tragedy.


I find the progressives extremely funny, especially stephanie miller (and she is a comedianne by trade). The neocons are also very funny, but they are trying to be serious.


One thing is for certain, the powers that be would not tolerate any real statesmen. Why is it that we cannot find an avid environmentalist that supports the rights of the unborn. And why cannot we find extremist anti-abortionists with any compassion for young mothers whose husbands have abandoned them. Where, oh where, is balanced platforms of godly idealism, where the disenfranchised are welcomed, where the needy are given comfort, where the unrighteous pay the price for their ill-treatment of others, where civil liberties mean something other than special interests of really weird animals disguised as humankind. Where are the folks who know that immigration reform means nothing more in the present context that we dont like mexicans. And where is there the one who stands up for the idea that terrorism actually means to strike fear into the heart of the enemy by willful slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innicent non-combatants, a practice of not only folks with web sites, off-shore billions and a cave dwelling, but also heads of so-called democratic states that actually terrorize countless more than the fanatics who are placed in front of us as convenient Hitlers.


Im running for prez. Ill cut the heart out of the abortion industry (and take their parent pharmaceuticals with em) while showing compassion, shelter, and funding for the child having a child. Ill legalize marajuana and have the death penalty for anyone involved in the meth and white powder trades. Ill give Original Gangsters amnesty for prior crimes, a military post and train them up in ksatriya dharma. Wine and beer will be legal, but not cigarettes. Hard liquor is out, unless one can prove Irish ancestry. All surf beaches will be declared national protected zones, and thousands will be hired to keep the beaches clean. All public schools will teach religion while recognizing freedom FROM religion is also a very real god-given (if not ordered) right. And all small children will have grades one thru five music, puzzles, creative writing, and absolutely no homework assigned in any bogus academic persuit.


We leave Iraq with apology and hand all conspirators to the Hague for war crimes prosecution, including close scrutiny for all the enabling democrats who marched blackbooted with the 911 freaks. We freeze all assets of the multinationals doing business with the House of Saud, the islamists, the wahabi. We force the taliban to rebuild the ancient shrines they destroyed. We make honest attempt to revive saddam husseins quest to find the true cultural importance of the ancient Akkadians and support all archaeology quest for accurate account of human history. (Cabinet level post, headed by Michael Cremo).


Hey, this aint easy, fifteen minutes into my campaign and I probably only have one or two votes from those who read this announcement.

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but is it comedy or tragedy.


I find the progressives extremely funny, especially stephanie miller (and she is a comedianne by trade). The neocons are also very funny, but they are trying to be serious.


One thing is for certain, the powers that be would not tolerate any real statesmen. Why is it that we cannot find an avid environmentalist that supports the rights of the unborn. And why cannot we find extremist anti-abortionists with any compassion for young mothers whose husbands have abandoned them. Where, oh where, is balanced platforms of godly idealism, where the disenfranchised are welcomed, where the needy are given comfort, where the unrighteous pay the price for their ill-treatment of others, where civil liberties mean something other than special interests of really weird animals disguised as humankind. Where are the folks who know that immigration reform means nothing more in the present context that we dont like mexicans. And where is there the one who stands up for the idea that terrorism actually means to strike fear into the heart of the enemy by willful slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innicent non-combatants, a practice of not only folks with web sites, off-shore billions and a cave dwelling, but also heads of so-called democratic states that actually terrorize countless more than the fanatics who are placed in front of us as convenient Hitlers.


Im running for prez. Ill cut the heart out of the abortion industry (and take their parent pharmaceuticals with em) while showing compassion, shelter, and funding for the child having a child. Ill legalize marajuana and have the death penalty for anyone involved in the meth and white powder trades. Ill give Original Gangsters amnesty for prior crimes, a military post and train them up in ksatriya dharma. Wine and beer will be legal, but not cigarettes. Hard liquor is out, unless one can prove Irish ancestry. All surf beaches will be declared national protected zones, and thousands will be hired to keep the beaches clean. All public schools will teach religion while recognizing freedom FROM religion is also a very real god-given (if not ordered) right. And all small children will have grades one thru five music, puzzles, creative writing, and absolutely no homework assigned in any bogus academic persuit.


We leave Iraq with apology and hand all conspirators to the Hague for war crimes prosecution, including close scrutiny for all the enabling democrats who marched blackbooted with the 911 freaks. We freeze all assets of the multinationals doing business with the House of Saud, the islamists, the wahabi. We force the taliban to rebuild the ancient shrines they destroyed. We make honest attempt to revive saddam husseins quest to find the true cultural importance of the ancient Akkadians and support all archaeology quest for accurate account of human history. (Cabinet level post, headed by Michael Cremo).


Hey, this aint easy, fifteen minutes into my campaign and I probably only have one or two votes from those who read this announcement.



I guess all the world is a stage enacting out some sort of strange tragicomedy.


I could live with your agenda. Especially like the idea of not forcing all that useless bullshit from academia on the kids. Keep them in touch with their creativity instead of turning them into a bunch of lawyers.

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"And all small children will have grades one thru five music, puzzles, creative writing, and absolutely no homework assigned in any bogus academic persuit."



Speaking of revolutionary educational approaches I have to give some credit to Bill Clinton because he and Tiger Woods developed those inner city educational centers where the students get to determine the curriculum. I really like these kinds of ideas and think they have the potential of overthrowing some of the effects of the Kali-yuga.

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